Sorry about not updating. As a reward for your patience as I dealt with writer's block, this chapter now includes a part I wasn't going to put in until the next chapter, the scene at the inn from the extended version. Well, This was more reviews than I was expecting, my other fic didn't get nearly this many, I'll probably get rid of the other one and keep this one as my only one until its done. Well, for all you reviewers that didn't read chapter 2 YOUNG LINK is Frodo. Regular Link is going to be someone else, you'll have to wait to see who that is (Don't worry, this character doesn't suck or die. It's someone that I think is cool, and this choice is related to an idea my sister had for Zelda's part (Yes I am a Link/Zelda fan)).

Disclaimer: I still own nothing.

Chapter 3:The Account of Dr. Mario

(While everyone in the party is panicing, the camera goes along to the path to Young Link's house. The door to the house soon opens and Link's Uncle takes off the Necklace. He laughs as the door closes behind him, then walks over

into a different room and hears someone)

Mewtwo: I suppose you think that was very clever of you.

Link's Uncle: Come on, Mewtwo. It was only a bit of fun. Did you see the looks on their faces?

Mewtwo: There are many necklaces of power in this world, and none of them should be used lightly.

Link's Uncle: You're probably right, as usual. You will keep an eye on Young Link, won't you?

Mewtwo: Two eyes, as often as I can.

Link's Uncle: I will be leaving everything to him.

Mewtwo: Including your Necklace.

Link's Uncle: Yes, Yes it's in an envelope over on the mantelpiece.

(Mewtwo is about to check when Link's Uncle begins saying something)

Link's Uncle: No, wait. It's here in my pocket.

(Link's Uncle takes the necklace out of his pocket)

Link's Uncle: As a matter of fact, why shouldn't I keep it. It's mine. My own. My precious.

Mewtwo: Precious. It's been called that before but not by you.

Link's Uncle: Why do you care what I do with my own things!

Mewtwo: I think you've had that necklace for long enough.

Link's Uncle: You want it for yourself!

(Suddenly a psychic purple aura appears around Mewtwo as he levitates a foot or two off the ground)

Mewtwo: Link's Uncle! Do not take me for an average psychic Pokemon! I'm not trying to rob you!

(The aura fades and Mewtwo lands on the ground)

Mewtwo: I'm trying to help you.

Link's Uncle: . Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: Since the 2nd chapter of this fic was typed we've been friends. Trust me now as you once did.

Link's Uncle: You're right. The necklace must go to Young Link

(Link's Uncle begins getting a few things to carry with him)

Link's Uncle: Well it's late, The road is long.

Mewtwo: Link's Uncle.

(Link's Uncle stops right in front of the door)

Mewtwo: . the necklace is still in your pocket.

(Link's Uncle takes out the necklace and slowly drops it onto the floor and then begins walking out of the door)

Link's Uncle: Goodbye, Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: Farewell, Link's Uncle.

Link's Uncle (while leaving): I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause.

(Link's Uncle had already climbed down the ladder, so he walks away, still singing the Pokemon theme song. He goes around a curve and the theme song gets quieter and quieter until it can't be heard anymore)

Mewtwo: . Until our next meeting.

(Mewtwo goes back into the house and looks at the Necklace. He slowly reaches down to touch it. When he suddenly sees a flash of the Master Hand trophy. Later he is by a fire)

Link's Uncle (V.O): It's mine. My own.

Ness (V.O): My precious.

Mewtwo (quietly): Riddles in the dark.

Young Link: Uncle!

Mewtwo (quietly): my precious.

Young Link: Uncle!

(Young Link opens the door, picks up the necklace, and walks over to where Mewtwo is)

Young Link: He left, Didn't he. He talked so long about leaving, I didn't think he would really.

(Young Link walks over to the side of Mewtwo and shows him the Necklace)

Young Link: Mewtwo.

(Mewtwo looks up)

Mewtwo: Your uncle's Necklace.

(Mewtwo stands up)

Mewtwo: He's gone to stay with the toads. He's left you your house, along with all of his possessions. The Necklace is yours now.

(Mewtwo begins to float away)

Mewtwo: Now put it somewhere out of sight.

Young Link: Where are you going?

Mewtwo: There are some things that I must see too. Questions that need answering.

Young Link: But you only just got here. I don't get it.

(Mewtwo stops in front of the door)

Mewtwo: Neither do I. Keep it secret, Keep it safe.

(Mewtwo walks out of the door. Meanwhile on the tower of Final Destination, Ness is screaming)

Ness: Lost Woods! Young Link!

( At Ganon's Castle, the door opens and the 9 villains, all on horses that look like Ganondorf's from Ocarina of Time and in black cloaks, ride out. At the same time near Mute City, Mushroom Kingdom, Mewtwo looks over and sees trouble at Master Hand Land, He continues toward Mute City. Once he gets there, he floats over the Racetrack and into a library. The Librarian leads him into one of the rooms with a bunch of old papers and then leaves. Mewtwo finds the thing he's looking for and reads out loud.)

Mewtwo (reading): Here follows the Account of Dr. Mario, king of Mushroom Kingdom, and the finding of the Necklace of Power. It has come to me. The one necklace will be an heirloom of my kingdom. All who follow in my bloodline will be bound to its fate for I risk no hurt to the necklace. The markings on it are fading and what was once as clear as red flame has now faded. A secret that only fire can tell.

(Meanwhile in the Lost Woods, Skull Kid is playing his flute on the stump from Ocarina of Time. He looks up to see the cloaked figure of Ganondorf on his horse. Ganondorf looks over to him.)

Ganondorf: Lost Woods. Young Link.

Skull Kid: Young Link doesn't live here, he's in Kokiri Forest.

(Ganondorf doesn't leave)

Skull Kid (pointing the direction of Kokiri Forest): that way.

(Skull Kid jumps behind the stump and vanishes as Ganondorf and some more villains ride toward Kokiri Forest. Meanwhile inside of an inn inside of Kokiri Forest, Pikachu and Pichu are humming the background music of the Pokemon Stadium stage, while some Kokiris are talking over at a table. Kirby is also sitting there.)

Kokiri #1: There's been weird people here, Cornerians and others that aren't as nice. War is brewing. The hills are filled with Sandbags.

Kokiri #2: You're beginning to sound like Link's Uncle. He was crazy.

Kokiri #3 (As Young Link walks over there): And Young Link here's getting there.

Young Link: And I'm proud of it. Cheers.

(The Kokiris, Kirby, and Young Link drink some fresh Lon Lon Milk that just came in)

Kokiri #2: What goes on out of this forest is not our problem. Keep out of trouble and trouble won't come to you.

(After being done in the inn, Young Link and Kirby are walking away. They walked past Jigglypuff)

igglypuff: Good night.

(The Kokiri behind them stops to talk to Jigglypuff)

Kokiri: Good night sweet Pokemon of the delicious milk.

Kirby (mumbling): mind who you're sweet talking.

Young Link: Don't worry. Jigglypuff knows an idiot when she sees one.

(Kirby stops for a second)

Kirby: Does she?


I'll try to get Chapter 4 in sooner, it's going to be the first time anybody dies (the Kokiri that will go outside and say "who goes there?"), since a reviewer was asking about wanting to see action, that will be the most action until the battle where Young Link will get stabbed with Ganondorf's sword.