**** I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh ****

****A/N: I decided that no writing Yu-Gi-oh yaoi fangirl's portfolio on Fanfiction.net is complete without a SetoXJoey story. So here it is, the tribute to my all-time favourite Yugi yaoi couple!

This is my most major project for FF.net. It's an idea I've been playing with for quite awhile, and now have decided to take into action. I truly hope you enjoy. Oh, and it's written entirely in Joey's POV. ****


It was not unordinary. I met him on the evening of May the 15th. It was an ordinary day, unexciting, boring, dull, and when I started walking home from the school, after an agonizing two hours of detention, little did I know that this would be the day that would change my life forever.

I was not one of those people who always looked around hoping something better would fall down upon me and my life would be perfect. I lived alone now that I was 17 but I had suffered in the past a pretty harsh family life. I'm not completely inclined to say exactly what happened, all I can say is that I'm happy it's over. How I escaped it, I still can't remember. Even as I was able to pass through the harshness of my growing up with an alcoholic for a dad and never seeing my mother or my little sister ever again, as I grew to become accustomed to living on my own, I knew that this was not much better.

Life was not a fairy tale, and when I was younger I would refuse to believe it. Sometimes I would think that I would meet a talking dragon that would fly me away to a magnificent castle in the sky far from the human eye to see. That was when I was young and stupid. Now fairy tales are no more to me than pictures in a storybook made to push people to believing in lies. It was what happened to me. I started to believe in lies.

I guess at some point in your life you just have to accept the fact that nothing is ever going to happen to you. It's the same for every teenager my age; they wake up, go to school, come home, study, and in the morning they get up and go to school again. Every now and then the weekend would come, and that was a refreshing change, but then the weekdays would begin again, as would the disappointment that was life.

I did the best I could not to complain about it. I knew it wouldn't help. And it would be pretty selfish of me nevertheless. I was lucky to have even been born in a reasonable part of the world where war and famine was scarce, at least now it was. I had no right to complain at all about my life not turning out the way I wanted it to.

However, on May the 15th my life took an unexpected turn that I did not expect. And soon after I would finally realize that it was possibly the most wonderful and the worst thing that could have happened to me.

I was given a new life, a life full of magic and power. It was truly one I could never imagine, not if I tried and dwelled on dreams for the ages to pass. When I was walking home from school that evening, I had a slight idea of what a life like that would mean. But I never did realize the true caliber of it until I became, and saw with my own eyes, the wonders this life held.

Perhaps I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I should probably start at the beginning, where most common stories begin.

My name is Joey Wheeler, and his name was Seto Kaiba. And when this began, all we were to each other was perfect strangers. But as time went by we became so much more together. What he had failed to realize was that I was just a mere teenage boy with hopes and dreams for the future. And what I had failed to realize about him, was that as soon as I would let him touch my soul, we both would be in uttermost danger.

This is my story. Let me share it with you.


*** Let it commence. ***