DMK: Hello again! New fanfic that I've got the gameplan all written out for, it's just my work ethic that'll dictate how long it takes to finish. This time, I'm letting my evil fangirl side shine through, AND I'm introducing a new human character. But don't worry. She's looney, crazy, impulsive, and oh, did I mention she's my original human char's cousin? Yep, that's right, introducing Kay, Caitlin's slightly eccentric cousin!

Kay: HIIIIIIII! ^_____^ *waves*

DMK: Tee-hee, now you must all hate me, right? Oh well! Time to get this fanfic on the road!


Chapter One

            Caitlin walked out of Lincoln High school slowly, her backpack slung over one shoulder half-heartedly. It was Friday, so she was going to head down to the Autobot base to hang out with her friends.

            That was, until she was nearly knocked to the ground and strangled.


            "CAITLIN!!! HOW YA DOIN'?!" Came a loud but happy voice.

            The now high-school junior blinked, and looked at who was strangling her. The 25 year old woman was a bit taller than her, with brown hair messily tied into a ponytail. Her eyes were a rich hazel, and they glinted with wild happiness.

            "K-Kay? Is that you?!"

            "Dur! I thought I'd drop in on my way back from spring break!" She let her out of her strong grip finally.

            "We don't get break until tomorrow. Blah," Cait muttered, starting to walk along with her cousin.

            "Ah well, college is better, I promise! So how ya doin' cuz?"

            "Me? I'm getting by."

            "Well for a 17 year old that's livin' on her own, you MUST be doin' well, right?"

            "Yeah, yeah, though business is kinda slow…"

            "Oh, no gigs?"

            "Not really. But hey, some time off is fine by me."

            "It'll get better, honestly. Now, you just got outta school?"

            "Yeah, I was planning on visiting some friends of mine…"

            "Oh! Can I come?"

            "I dunno……." Caitlin looked a little apprehensive.

            "Aw PLEASE!"

            She seemed perplexed at this, and shifted her weight onto one foot. "I'm gonna just go swing by right now, and I'll ask them if you can tag along to one of our little outings, alright?"

            Kay, being as looney as possible, knew to take charge and seize this opportunity. Then again, she couldn't get caught, or she'd never be able to meet these friends of hers. "Alright….I guess if you say so…" She started, faking disappointment.

            "Great! I'll catch you….here? Around noon?"

            "Sure thing, cuz! See ya then!"

            With that, Caitlin walked off, heading to the outskirts of town. As the suburbs gave way to the rocky canyons at the foot of the mountain, Caitlin looked back. There was nobody around. Turning back around, she parted a bush, and stepped onto a concealed trail.

            Unfortunately, Kay was about twenty feet behind her.


            Kay looked around the hallways. They were huge! 'What sort of things need halls THIS big?' she asked herself in her mind as she wandered aimlessly. 'Sure as hell not humans…'

            Stepping forward, she didn't seem to notice the laser tripwire at her feet, and by the time she realized it, an alarm was blaring throughout the entire base. Cringing, she ran for cover, but found nothing. "Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" Bolting down another corridor, she tried to escape, moving away from the sound of the alarm.

            Then she tripped another wire.

            "What the frag is so important that they need tripwires?!" She shouted to herself, still running, trying to find a spot for her to hide. Her movements became more erratic as she tried desperately to get away from the alarms, but at every turn there was yet another invisible tripwire that blared in her ears.

            Meanwhile, at the control room, Optimus and the rest of the Autobots had all gathered, and were trying to pinpoint who, or what, was inside the base with them.

            "I say we go on a little hunting trip!" Jetfire said, stepping forward and taking out his plasma blaster.

            "No," Optimus contradicted. "We don't know what's out there. It might just be a false alarm."

            "A false alarm that's sweeping from grid sector to grid sector?" Scavenger asked slightly sarcastically. "Let one of us go to at least check out the situation."

            "Yeah!" Caitlin agreed from her perch on Sideswipe's shoulder. "It can't be that bad!"

            Prime looked thoughtful for only a moment. It wasn't the Decepticons, as there was no sign of an open warp gate, nor any sign of a forced entry. "Scavenger, you go and check it out. The security system will back you up if necessary."

            Scavenger nodded. "Yes sir!"



DMK: So? How was that? :D Hope it was moderately enjoyable, the next chapter'll be cool too. At least, in MY opinion it will be. Til then, leave a review and I'll see ya all later. ^___^