The End of a Dream


Crimson Blade

Full summery: A year after the game, Tifa is haunted by nightmares of the past, almost to the point of going insane. Vincent is off wandering around Ancient Forest in self pity when he's attacked by . . . Sephiroth? How can this be possible?! Even Sephiroth doesn't know . . . Maybe the answers we seek in the future are somehow linked to our pasts . . . and maybe sometimes you have to make peace with your enemy and help each other out along the way! (Sephiroth x Vincent)

'It hurts . . .'

"Huh? Who said that?"

'Is this my blood? Or the blood of all whom I killed?'

She looked around nervously. "Hello? Who are you?"

'I'm lost . . . drowning in this sea of blood. . .'

Her trembling feet took a few steps back until she backed into something. "Hn?" Shivers went down her spine as she slowly turned around to she who it was. She gasped, coming face to face with a pair of glowing mako eyes. "YOU!"

A large hand violently grabbed her by the throat. "Well, well, well . . . If it isn't Miss Lockhart?"

Her eyes widened and filled with fear. "Se-Sephiroth!" Tifa whimpered and started struggling. "No! Get away!" Those deadly eyes of his stared deeply into hers; almost as if she wasn't even a human but a mere rag doll. "Stop you bastard! Let me go!"

He smirked at her. She was so weak that he could've killed her in one simple squeeze. "Now listen carefully . . . You just tell Strife that I'm coming. Tell him that I'm coming to get him and there's nothing that will stop me from killing him! Got that?" He tightened his grip on her delicate neck.

She shook her head violently. "No! NO! You won't lay a finger on him! You hear me?!"

"Uh . . . Tifa?"


"TIFA! WAKE UP!!!" She opened her eyes. Cloud stood over her bed shaking her. "It was just a dream, Tifa. I heard you screaming all the way across the hall!"

She grabbed his shoulders. "Oh Cloud! You have to run! He's coming for you!"

"What? Who is?"

"You know . . . 'he' is . . ."

"You mean Sephiroth?" It pained him to say that name.

"Yes . . ."

He patted her on the head. "I told you it was just a dream. That bastard has been dead for a whole year now! As a matter of fact this is the same day he died."

"But Cloud-" She tried to complain but he cut her off.

"Just go back to bed . . . I really don't want to think about 'him' anymore . . . It brings back too much memories . . ." The blonde haired mercenary stood up and started slowly walking to his room.

Tifa pulled the covers over herself. "Yes . . . It was just a dream . . . He can't hurt us anymore . . ." She rested her head on her soft pillow and sighed. "Poor Cloud . . . I shouldn't make him remember all those memories . . ."


A pair of blood red eyes made their way through the darkness of the woods. He stopped at a small clearing in the trees where the moon shone through. He sighed deeply. "There is no place for monsters like me in this world . . . The only place for me is in these woods . . . I can never go back. . . Cloud, Tifa, Cid, Barret, Cait Sith, Yuffie, Red . . . I'm sorry I cannot live a happier life like you'd want me to, but I can't live with myself . . ." The raven haired man stared at his metal arm. "After Hojo died and I got my revenge there was just no meaning in my existence anymore . . ."

Vincent stood there for a long time just staring. Then he smirked. "I know someone's there. No use in hiding yourself; I can see in the dark . . ." His hand clutched his gun.

There was a slight rustle in the trees and a figure dropped down from one of them. "I always knew that you were a freak Valentine."

"Who . . . are you?"

"I thought you said that you could see in the dark, Valentine . . ."

His ruby red eyes widened in fear. "YOU?! No . . . It can't be . . . That's impossible!" He reached for his gun. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Do I look dead to you Valentine? I guess I'll have to show you how alive I am!" The figure unsheathed a very long sword from it holder charged at Vincent.

The raven-haired man quickly drew his weapon and opened fire. He didn't know if he hit his target or not, but he kept firing until he used up all his ammo. He stopped firing and put the gun down. "Huh?! Where'd he go!?" He looked around frantically. The figure was gone!

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain at his chest. Vincent looked down; there, sticking out of his chest was a very familiar sword. It was the masamune; the same sword that was used to slay Aeris . . . Blood started to drip down out of his mouth. He slowly looked over his shoulder. "Sephiroth!" He choked.

Two mako-colored eyes were staring straight into his. The ex-general was behind him smirking. "Miss me?"

"Like I'd miss a swore tooth you creep!"

"Pity . . ." Sephiroth grinned evilly, pulling his sword out of Vincent's body. He cried out in pain and fell to his knees. He tried to stand up again, but the silver-haired warrior's cold blade pressed against his neck. "Still fighting, hm? I'll fix that . . ."

Vincent growled in frustration. "Damn you . . ."

"Why thank you." He gripped the masamune and was about to take a swing at Vincent's head. His glowing red eyes shut tight. He was going to die! He was REALLY going to die! All this time he wanted to be dead, but now he was afraid to die! Sephiroth suddenly stopped short. ". . ."

One of Vincent's eyes opened halfway. "Hn?" Why did he stop?

The silver-haired man put the masamune away and took a step back. Sephiroth slowly started walking away. "See you later, Valentine . . ."

"Wait you bastard! Come back here!" Vincent struggled to stand. The wound in his chest was bleeding very badly and it stung every time he moved. "Coward! Come back here!" He snarled as he fell over on his side, holding his bloody gash. "Fuck . . . This is serious and I'm in the middle of nowhere!"

He winced at the pain. Sephiroth's sword had fortunately missed any organs, but it went all the way threw Vincent's body! "What should I do? Calm down and think for a moment . . ." He told himself. Then he got an idea. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his old PH. "This had better work or I'm screwed . . ." He dialed a number and waited. "Hello? Cloud? I'm sorry for waking you . . ."

"Vincent? Is that you?!" Cloud's voice said through the phone.

"Yes, Cloud, It's me . . ."

"Wow! What's up!? Don't worry about waking me up or anything 'cause Tifa woke me up earlier screaming about Sephiroth coming to get me." His blonde- haired companion laughed.

Vincent held back a moan of pain. "Cloud . . . I need you help . . . I was attacked."

"Really? By who?!

" . . ."

"You can tell me . . ."

" . . . Sephiroth . . ."

Cloud laughed. "Are you drunk or is this a jo-"

The gunman cut him off. His voice was desperate and filled with pain. "I'm serious Cloud! No joke! I need you here right away!"

"Where are you?"

"Somewhere in Ancient Forest . . . Please hurry . . . This wound is serious and I may bleed to death if you don't get over here in time." He tried to sound as calm as possible, but he was shaking in fear.

"I'll be right there! Just don't die on me Vinny!"

"I'll try . . ." He gave a short laugh then hung up. "You just hurry . . . I don't want to be dead the next time someone sees me . . . Just try not to fall asleep and you'll be fine . . ." He whispered to himself then rolled onto his back, gazing at the stars. "If I do die, those are the lasts things I want to see . . ." He smiled.

To Be Continued . . .



Yokai: Hey everyone! Aren't I crazy?! I'm making another story while I still am in the middle of two others!

Sephiroth: Yes, very crazy . . .

Yokai: Shut your mouth! I'm talking! Well, I decided to take a shot at writing a yaoi! Whoo-hoo!

Sephiroth: So instead of you giving me Tifa or Aeris or give me Vincent?

Yokai: Yup!!! ^_^

Sephiroth: Yeah . . .

Yokai: To tell you guys the truth, I never really liked yaoi until . . . September this year I think . . .

Sephiroth: I never been gay before until today . . .

Vincent: Are you kidding? Just look at all the yaoi fanfics people put you in!

Sephiroth: That's because I'm so popular! :D

Vincent: Ah sure whatever . . .

Yokai: Oh yeah . . . We should do something fun for the authors notes again, but what?

Sephiroth: Why don't people send in questions to me or anybody from the Final Fantasy series?

Vincent: OK! And or requests for the A/N's!

Yokai: Sure! It's settled! OK people sitting at their computers reading this, all you have to do is click the review button and send in a question or request and me and my muses here will act it out for ya! Got it?

Sephiroth: And fellow Cloud haters . . . that also includes Cloud-killing stuff! *wink* *wink*

Yokai: Oh and I don't own Final Fantasy!

--Yokai Hansha