
Bloody Azkaban.

This man had been in bloody Azkaban for nine bloody years.

Voldemort? Voldemort was still running amok on the outside.

It was not only Voldemort that caused this man to be so miserably imprisoned. It had been the man's own godfather who captured him, and had him thrown in prison. There had been a trial, the godfather had made sure of that, but all it did was prove that the man's innocence was nothing more than a false hope of the wizarding world.

He was guilty of everything.

He was guilty of everything, and had said so under the influence of Veritaserum.

He had murdered all those muggles, he had tortured countless muggle-borns and non-supporters of his master, and he had single-handedly almost destroyed the Ministry of Magic. He had also almost completely dismantled the Order of the Phoenix.

Everyone thought he was guilty. He even thought he was guilty, only in a different manner than the rest. He thought of himself as… innocent, yet guilty. Everyone thought he was guilty.


Everyone except-

As soon as the thought of the few witches and wizards who kept their faith in him came to mind, more than five Dementors gathered at the front of his cell, feeding hungrily off of his positive emotion that came so sparingly.

The presence of the Dementors erupted another wave of screaming and tears from the man. The man welcomed these emotions; the faster he became as melancholy as possible, the faster the Dementors would calm down. It took nearly a half an hour before they gave up on the man, and returned to their positions, finally leaving Harry Potter in peace.

Harry was a top-security prisoner, being, (the wizarding world thought,) the most powerful Death Eater alive and Voldemort's right-hand man.

He gave another subdued sob and made no move to wipe his eyes. Lucius Malfoy, in the cell next to his, laughed coldly.

Even Voldemort's supporters had believed Harry had come over to the dark side. Malfoy had just gone mad. Everyone had gone mad. That's what Azkaban does- makes people go mad.

Harry sat up, the only move he had enough strength to make. He was thinner than ever, and his hair had grown down past his shoulders, almost elbow-length. He no longer required the use of glasses, but his eyes had lost the familiar shine. They were now angry and cold, matching his sunken appearance perfectly. He had become incredibly pale, although his skin was nowhere near the waxiness Sirius' had looked when he escaped.

Sirius. The thought brought tears to Harry's eyes. Sirius had been the first to insist his innocence, but the things Voldemort had forced him to do... he had made nearly everyone change their minds- even Ron and Hermione, who had married right after they had left school.

The thought of his old best friends caused him to let out another dry sob, leaning his back against the cell wall. He was far too used to this to notice. Every time he thought of his old best friends, he thought of everyone else, which caused him to always sob uncontrollably until he would tire out and sleep. That was the way everyone in Azkaban was.

He remembered the horrible things Voldemort had made him do, as the Dementor outside his cell returned to his position.

He had made him cast the Cruciatus curse upon his own beloved Cho. He had forced him to do things he didn't even want to think about, but it was hard not to with the last of the loyal Dementors patrolling his cell. He remembered as one of them passed, the only three times Cho had been in the hands of Voldemort. Each had it's own specific horror that stood out vividly in Harry's mind.

Mentally and physically traumatizing horrors from ancient curses Voldemort had brought to light for his followers and the Fira Le Bronzora hex were part of the three traumatizing horrors she had gone through. One of them had even been before they had left school, when Voldemort was testing- the potion.

Harry pushed the thought from his mind, only for it to be replaced by more memories of her going through the Cruciatus- More than once.

That had been what had changed most everyone's mind. Everyone knew that Harry loved his Cho far too much to do something like that- but he had. Nearly all believed it after that night.

Why else would he do it? He remembered what it had been like and what happened that night, as another Dementor swept passed.

Cho was propped up against the gray stone wall, her arms and ankles shackled, her robes tattered and torn in places. Her long black hair, usually silky and smooth, was tangled and unkept. This was to be expected if you were held prisoner in a dungeon for two days straight.

She raised her tear-stained face as he entered the room, expecting him to be flanked by Death Eaters and carrying some sort of an antique muggle torture device. Instead, he approached alone, with nothing by his wand.

He stopped, his gaze following her up and down, as if appraising her. She wondered momentarily whether he had come to free her. But then he smiled. An evil, wicked smile, that caused her to shiver.

He kept that smile on his face and stood directly in front of her. She closed her eyes and looked away.

He found his wand and pointed it against her chest, humming some old song he had heard somewhere before. It seemed faintly familiar, though he couldn't quite place it. "Halloween Dream," He remembered it was called. He couldn't remember from where, though.

"You- you bastard." she said in a strangled voice. "You said- you promised- you said you loved me and you promised me- promised me that you'd-"

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice void of care or compassion, as she stopped speaking, her voice choked with tears. "I still love you,"

He put both his arms around her waist in mock affection. She tried, though unsuccessful, to shake him off. "What's wrong?" he asked in a cold voice. "Not used to the new me yet?"

"Get away!"

He started to laugh- until there was an explosion from somewhere else in the dungeon. He quickly apparated away.

He couldn't cry. It was strange- he felt like crying, but his grief was obviously beyond tears. Lucius brought him out of his thoughts abruptly with his mad screaming.

"Draco, damn you! All I wanted was for you to follow the traditions I tried to set- you filthy little bastard…"

Harry couldn't help but laugh madly. Draco had not joined the Death Eaters with his father, but had worked for the Order with his godfather- Severus Snape. Draco had been one of the few spies there were for the Order. He was still a sorry, snobbish git, but he wasn't a Voldemort supporter.

Unlike most would think, Lucius Malfoy did love his son. He disliked him in every way thinkable, but he still thought of him as a son. Draco shared none of the same feelings for his father, however; he wished for nothing less than the man's death.

A sound came to Harry's ears. A new sound. A sound that was wonderful and horrible at the same time, for it meant freedom, but it also meant imprisonment; the Dark Lords voice, commencing attack on Azkaban prison. Harry heard the cell wall on Lucius' left side explode.

"RUN! GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN, OUR MASTER HAS COME FOR US!" Lucius screamed, his raspy voice somehow reaching a high volume.

The effect was immediate. Every wall, every door, every stone block way in Azkaban was destroyed in a fiery explosion.

Prisoners ran madly, looking for a way off the island. Harry immediately ran for the shore, knowing full and well what he was going to do, and he intended to do it before Voldemort found him.

As soon as he reached the shore, he transfigured into a great, golden griffin.

Harry thanked god every day he never told anyone about his transformation ability- not even Voldemort knew. Harry had found a book on Animagus transformations while he stayed at the Dark Lords residence, and had learned very quickly how to change himself.

He flew valiantly into the sky, although this could not be seen from below, as it was complete havoc down there.

Harry flew, and flew and flew even though his body was screaming for rest, he continued, flying as hard as he could. He flew as long as he could bare it, until he was so exhausted he could not think. He landed on a rock for rest.

He didn't believe it. It had happened so fast.

Harry James Potter was now the second person in history to escape from Azkaban.

"Now all I need is my wand…"

A griffin flew throughout the air valiantly, roaring in a victorious way. It seemed to stop, as another figure appeared in front of it.

Black scales, red eyes, and long, dripping fangs. The snake in front of the griffin pulled it's head back, preparing to spring. The gryffin opened its mouth-


Sirius awoke with a start. A book thicker than his torso had been slammed on the table in front of him.

"Sorry," Said a voice from behind the book. "Didn't know you were there." The person sat down across from him and pushed the book to the side. The man had a handsome face, sun-kissed a mild tan color, with short, flaming red hair. Though you couldn't see it through the robes, the man had a very strong build; to be expected if you were a professional Quidditch player.

"Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Ron." Sirius said. "I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"When was the last time you got enough sleep?" Ron inquired, looking at him, worry in his expression.

"Not in about nine years." Sirius said truthfully.

Ron said nothing more. The thought sent him into silence as he gazed down at the table.

"How did your last game go? I never saw the results, I had to miss it." Sirius asked, trying to change the subject. He didn't like his depression effecting others in such a way.

"We won by seventy points. Cannons are better than ever." He still looked depressed.

"How's Hermione?"

"Fine. I think being head of Gryffindor house keeps her spirits up. She loves to act like McGonagall, but I'm not sure if McGonagall ever gave so much Transfiguration homework…"

They both laughed half-heartedly. "How is McGonagall?" Ron asked.

"She's fine." Sirius said. "She enjoys tutoring your kids as much as I do. Connor and Adam are doing better, she told me the other day."

"What about Sophie?"

"She was already good."

"True!" Ron laughed, finally smiling. Sirius smiled as well, though his heart wasn't in it.

"How's Charlotte?" he inquired.

"Doing great. She's been scaring Callum and Emily out of their wits with stories about the Sorting."

"Fred and George didn't tell their own children about the Sorting!" Sirius asked.

"Fred never told Emily; so, George never told Callum. Angelina and Katie just went along; they've been pretty busy, what with Auror tests coming up soon."

"Are they any good?"

"They have a pretty good chance, but don't have much time left over for their husbands or their children. It's driving Fred nuts, not having Angelina around."

This brought another half-hearted laugh from both men.

"Charlotte… Charlotte's the only one who's been at Hogwarts yet- tell me, how does the school react to her- unusual charm?"

Ron smiled. "Hermione tells me being one-fourth Veela doesn't bother her in the least- infact, she's rather enjoying it…"

Sirius gave a small smile. "Bit young, isn't she?"

"Fleur was probably like that… she inherited her mothers talents, I'll tell you, but her fathers Quidditch talent. 'Best Chaser in the school', Hermione told me. Pity she isn't in Gryffindor, first Weasley who wasn't, I think."

"Ravenclaw isn't too bad. She certainly has the brains."

"She certainly didn't get them from Bill…"

"Bill doing all right? He's what- in charge of all the Gringotts curse-breakers?"

Ron nodded. "Bill's fine- making enough money so Fleur can stay home with her children. That's what she enjoys, he told me. Funny, Angelina and Katie love their children, but said they'd rather be attacked by a Blast-ended Skrewt than stay home with them all day."

They shared another half-hearted laugh. "Has Molly been watching them? Callum and Emily can be a bit of a handful, can't they? What with growing up in the shop and all."

"-And I think their getting worse. In my opinion, they're worse than their fathers ever were… They stay at the shop while Fred and George are working and study everything in the inventory. They'll probably start making their own stuff soon."

"Then they'll put their own fathers out of business when they get older." Sirius said, shaking his head.

"I take it they're looking forward to their first year at Hogwarts then… what about Luke and Benjamin?"

"They're both excited. But, we spotted a problem- they both want to be Prefects, and Head Boy, and I can guess how that'll turn out…" Ron looked horrified at the thought.

"Bit early for them to be thinking about that, isn't it?" Ron laughed.

"They're already thinking about their careers…"

Sirius sighed. "Those two will be just like their father… was Penelope like that when she was at school?"

Ron shrugged. "She married Percy, so I can only guess… I always thought Penelope would be like Percy, completely wrapped up in a career, but she just likes to stay at home with Bart…"

"Bart? Does he appreciate that, or does he insist his son be referred to as 'Bartemius'?" Ron laughed and shrugged.

"He's only a five year old, and it's easier for him to write 'Bart' rather than the full thing… besides, Percy's nowhere near as strict and stiff as he used to be… personally, I think he's whipped."

This brought a whole-hearted laugh from both men. Sirius remembered all the times he and Remus had taunted James about the exact same thing.

"Four kids… first Benjamin and Luke, then Bart and Percival…" Sirius fell into thought.

"Percy's pretty close to achieving his dream." Ron said, sensing Sirius' change in mood. "Being the youngest ever Minister of Magic- right now he's Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and he's gotten on the good side of nearly everyone above him… but were not sure when Fudge is going to finally leave office." Both made a face. "He's somehow managed to cling onto his position, but if he finally gets booted out, Percy will be at the top of the list. He'll get a lot of support from the Daily Prophet-"

"What with his sister being head reporter. Won't anyone notice?" Ron shook his head.

"Ginny's been unofficially named most honest reporter of all time… I have to admit, I was surprised when she didn't fire old Skeeter…"

"What ever happened to her?" Sirius asked, looking curious. Ron frowned.

"She runs a gossip column for some witches magazine… she hasn't printed anything she knows we wouldn't want, Hermione still has that blackmail. It's beyond me how she managed to figure the whole thing out in the first place."

"Hmm… so, why didn't Ginny fire her?"

"She has too many loyal fans." Ron sighed and shook his head.

They were interrupted when someone else apparated into the room with a CRACK.

"You coming soon, Ron? Everyone's waiting." Came a female voice.

Before them stood a woman, short and slim, with stylishly cut hair that went down just past her collar bone, wearing red robes and holding a brown purse. She wore a pair of rectangular glasses with no frame, and she had a pen tucked behind her ear she had supposedly forgotten about.

"Hey Gin. We were just talking about you."

"Most everyone will be there soon, you should get back and help Hermione with the dinner."

"Of course. Coming Sirius?"

Sirius shook his head. "I've got too much paperwork to do…"

"You can do it later. You've been working almost non-stop for far too long, and I say if you don't come and enjoy yourself I'll hex you!"

Sirius surrendered. He had lied; he had no paperwork to do at all. He just hated whenever his mood rubbed off on others, though his young Godchildren would be at the dinner party. They were one of the few things that still brought a smile to Sirius' face.

"Connor, Adam, Sophie- could you help me set the table?"

A woman stood at the counter of a rather large and expensive looking kitchen. She had bushy brown hair, (pulled back into a ponytail, the only thing that kept it out of her face) and wore a white apron over her expensive black robes. She was pulling wine glasses out of a high cabinet with her wand, while at the same time watching her three children closely to make sure they didn't break anything.

Two young boys, both with bright red hair that grew out, framing their faces handsomely, were running up and down a long table, placing plates as quickly as they could as if it were a race. The third child, a girl with bright blue eyes and flaming red hair, (also pulled back into a ponytail; not bushy, but with large, bouncy curls,) was smiling reluctantly at them while she sat forks and knives beside each plate.

"Connor!" The young girl cried as the first young boy rushed past her, almost knocking her off her feet. "Watch it!" The boy only laughed and doubled back, making sure to elbow the girl in the side.

"Ow! Mum!"

"All of you, stop it! We have work to do!" Hermione yelled, turning around.

"Let Winky do it!" The second boy, Adam, said, frowning.

"Winky is busy! She's washing all our clothes; you know I don't have her fix dinner for us, we always do that!"

"Mum, I don't wanna fix dinner!"

"I don't either!"

"If Connor doesn't have to, I don't want to!"

The sound of apparation cracks was heard in the adjacent room, the living room.

"DAD'S HOME!" All three children screamed at the same time, throwing the remainder of the dishes on the table and rushing to him.

"Auntie! Sirius!" One of them cried. Hermione swiftly sat down the glasses she had been levitating and rushed into the living room.

Sure enough, she saw her children's Godfather, with a rare smile on his face and his strong arms wrapped around all three of his godchildren at once. He rarely left his home, though he was now a free man, and spent most his time working. His career was not the source of his depression, however; for he enjoyed working as an Auror. The source of his depression was something far worse, than ran deep into his heart.

Hermione hurriedly shook the thought, and instead greeted Ginny, who had arrived with them, then greeted her husband with a quick kiss.

"You're having dinner with us?" Hermione asked hopefully. "Or are you just here on business?"

"He's eating. I threatened him if he didn't." Ron said proudly.

"Hm. Dinners almost ready- where is-"

There was a sound; much like the sound of a fire roaring, just for a moment.

Sirius apparated into the Weasley's living room at the same time as Ginny and Ron.

A loud cry of, "DAD'S HOME!" was heard from the kitchen, followed by a clashing of dishes and three children rushing in, Connor, Adam, and Sophie.

A well- welcomed feeling of happiness and love came into Sirius' heart; now an uncommon feeling for him. His three Godchildren, (of the Weasley clan, at least.) were one of the few things that brought him unconditional happiness.

"Auntie!" Adam cried, seeing Ginny, then, spotting Sirius, cried his name out as well.

He smiled as they rushed toward him and embraced them all; savoring the feeling.

Hermione came rushing in, smiling at the sight and greeting Ginny and her husband.

"You're having dinner with us?" Hermione asked hopefully. "Or are you just here on business?"

"He's eating. I threatened him if he didn't." Ron said proudly.

"Hm. Dinners almost ready- where is-"

There was a flaring sound and a green light from the study, where someone had apparently just flooed in.

They walked to the study, Sophie grabbing hold of Sirius' hand as she began relating how she had been for the last twenty-four hours, (That's how most nine year olds are.) while Connor and Adam walked on the other side, relating their day.

"Then I beat Connor at chess-" Sophie stated, before he interrupted her.

"Did not!"

"Uh-huh! I won, you lost!"

"I won!"

"I won!"

"I won- ask Adam!"

"Connor won!"

"You're just siding with him! I can beat you both at anything!"

"CANNOT!" The boys chorused.

"CAN TOO!" she screamed.

"Calm down! Don't you want to greet your cousin Emily?" Hermione said, pointing at Sirius' other Godchild, who was standing at the fireplace.

They all ran quickly to greet the tall, black haired girl with dark skin that was grinning at them. Her father was behind her, looking around for someone.

"Hey Fred. Where's-"

The fireplace in the dark study lit up once again and Sirius' other Godson stepped out, tall as well, with a light complexion and a handsome face, framed by his long red hair.

"Callum!" They chorused, rushing and embracing their other cousin, just as George stepped out, brushing the soot off of his robes.

"Hey George. Where're the wives?" Sirius asked, embracing Emily and Callum, who were just as excited to see him.

"Still working." Fred said in a very annoyed voice. A few present chuckled.

"Percy and Bill are coming by foot." George said, before greeting everyone. No sooner had he spoken than there was a knock at the front of the door.

A house elf appeared, wearing a blue dress that fit with a white apron over it.

"Winky will get it, Miss!" she said in a high voice, rushing off. She returned a few moments later with a brunette holding a very young baby, and her husband Percy, followed by two boys, Luke and Benjamin, both with short red hair and both rather short in height, as well.

"Penelope, Percy!" Someone said happily. As soon as they came through, they were followed by three others, Bill, Fleur, and their daughter, Charlotte.

Charlotte had her mothers' complexion and looks; she was a very attractive girl with pearly white teeth and a graceful stride, but unlike her mothers long, fine blonde hair, she had a long collection of thick red hair, the same red hair that resides as the Weasley trademark.

They greeted each other warmly and happily; before the adults moved into the kitchen, leaving the kids in the living room to talk.

"So, what'd you wanna play?" Sophie asked excitedly.

The sound of silverware clinking against dishes was only drowned out by the laughter and talk of the persons present. At one end sat the adults; with the exception of two. Percy had left a few moments earlier after receiving an 'urgent' owl from his assistant, and Sirius sat with the children, grinning at their useless fight and chatter.

"Did too." Sophie said stubbornly.

"You did not." Adam said, just as stubborn as his sister.

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Liar. Did too." Sophie said, smirking as though this made her victorious.

"Tell her, Sirius! She did not!"

"Well- what are you arguing over?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at them. They both looked dumbfounded.

"I forgot!"

Everyone within earshot laughed. Then there was then a mixture of sounds that rendered them silent; a crack, followed by a angry yet fretful cry, and the sound of breaking china or glass.

Before anyone moved to see the source of the noise, a cry, ("Damn vase!") and a sweaty and panicked figure, Percy, rushed into the room.

"Penelope- I want you to take the boys and go home. Lock the doors, lock the windows. Everyone do the same!"

"What are you on about, man?" Bill asked, eyes going wide.

"No- never mind that, you'll never get there in time… everyone has to stay here! Lock everything! But listen- everyone needs to get to Dark Island! There's a prison riot- some of the Azkaban prisoners have already escaped!"

It took about a minute for this information to sink in. In that time, both Bart and Charlotte started to cry. Charlotte had an absolutely mortified look on her face.

So did Sirius.

Chaos. That was the only word Cho Chang could think of to describe it. Utter Chaos.

After she had managed, along with many other Aurors, to bound and gag all the prisoners they could find, they rounded them up to do a check. After the officer who was doing the check finished, he threw down his clipboard swearing vehemently.

"What's wrong? How many are gone?" Cho asked in a toneless voice. She sounded rather bored; though she was nowhere near boredom.

"Only one!" he roared, his fists shaking.

"Who?" Ginny Weasley cried, stomping her foot. What was she doing here? Cho never saw her outside of her home or the office.

One of the prisoners, Malfoy, began to laugh madly. The officer signaled for Cho to remove his gag.

"Successful!" he cried madly, throwing himself onto the ground. "The Dark Lord wasn't here at all! A trick! It worked! He's free again! Now the Dark Lord can save us for sure!" The other prisoners joined in on his laughing and cackling.

"The entire breakout was meant for one prisoner?" Cho cried in an intimidating voice, stepping forward. "WHO ESCAPED?"

They broke into a chant. It was a creepy, triumphant chant that would forever echo in her ears. They were laughing madly, acting as if they were drunk, chanting and giggling.

They chanted his name. Over and over, again and again. Everyone was panicking.

They searched, sending out Aurors all over the world- people were screaming in panic, rushing home to try and protect themselves or something of the sort. Many, like the Weasley family, were pale with fright or shaking with anger. Cho felt as though someone was repeatedly beating her in the stomach.

"- Potter, Potter, Potter, -"

"Stop!" Cho cried, throwing silencing charms among them. "Stop it now!"

This caused more laughter and an increase in volume. Cho screamed in failure, finally apparating out of there as quick as possible to the first place she could think of… the home of her best friend, Ginny Weasley.


"Callum! Emily! This isn't the time for games!" Mrs. Weasley cried angrily, which was luckily enough to stop the duo from tossing another Dungbomb. They both groaned, annoyed, sitting down on the ground to rest. The room was still filled with noise, however. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley were left to watch the children while everyone else apparated off to help with the Azkaban business.

"We need to calm down! Now, quiet-" Mr. Weasley insisted.

He was unable to finish, because at that moment, two apparation cracks were heard. Sirius and Lupin ran in, Sirius looking like he was about to scream, and Lupin seemed to be keeping him calm, though they both looked very panicky.

They could tell by the look on their faces they had urgent news.

"Molly!" Remus cried upon seeing her. "You've got to get out!"

"What!" she cried. "Whatever in heavens for?"

"Harry!" Sirius snarled, finally gaining his voice.

The color in everyone's faces vanished. "Harry?" Mr. Weasly asked in a small voice. "He hasn't- escaped has he?"

Lupin nodded silently. Sirius finally lost his nerve, sitting down on a couch and putting his head in his hands. He neither said nor did anything.

"But why do we have to leave!" Emily said, standing up. They rest of them did the same.

"Because." Lupin said, looking even more panicked. "Dumbledore put Hermione in charge of keeping Harry's wand hidden. That's the first thing he'll be after, I'm sure of it. That puts you all in danger, if Harry ever knew where his wand was-"

A loud thump from above them caused them all to freeze. Then, footsteps.

Someone was upstairs.

"Shh!" Mr. Weasly said quickly, standing up. "It might be- him." They all stood still, afraid. Even Sirius and Lupin knew that they couldn't take on Harry single-handed. Suddenly, Sophie let out a frightened cry. Adam and Connor quickly covered her mouth, looking up at the ceiling.

The footsteps stopped. There was a silence. It was a moment before they started again.

"We need to get out of here!" Lupin hissed, walking to the fireplace.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley whispered back, still looking up at the ceiling. "We can't allow Harry his wand! You know what'll happen if he gets it!"

Suddenly, Cho Chang apparated into the living room with a loud, echoing, CRACK.

The footsteps stopped, and they heard an angry cry from upstairs.

"RUN!" was the first thing she heard when she arrived. The cry had come from Lupin, who was throwing powder into the fireplace.

"What's wrong? What's going on!" Cho cried, her face tear-stained. Unusual, because truthfully, she never really showed her emotions, and especially not cried. "Why are we running?"

"Go dear, it's Harry!" Mrs. Weasley cried, grabbing Sophie and Adam by their wrists. "He's upstairs-"

"AHA!" Came a triumphant cry. "Found it!"

"FORGET ABOUT THE FIREPLACE!" Sirius roared, pushing the children their way through. "We've got to stop Harry, now!"

They all nodded in agreement, taking off upstairs. They ran to the master bedroom and peered inside.

The place had been ransacked. How he had managed to do it so silently was a mystery to them. The pillows had been ripped open, Hermione's bed had been turned over, and most of her possessions had been destroyed. What was the most surprising was that Harry was gone. They had expected him to stay and try and kill them all. But he had just left. Just like that.

"What is he planning to do?" Cho asked softly.

Dead leaves crackled softly under his footsteps. 'Strange,' he thought. 'How the trees this deep into the forest never grow leaves, yet here they are, same as always…'

He stopped beside a large, thick tree and leaned against it, thinking to himself. He didn't have any time to busy himself with petty emotions… he had done plenty of that already. Much of the time since he had gotten out of that hellhole Azkaban he had been sobbing himself nearly to sleep, thinking of everything that had happened and everything that probably will happen. He had to make a plan. Now. There wasn't much time left… surely someone would think that he could be hiding in the dark forest. None of them were that thick.

Then again, it was really physically impossible for him to be anywhere to them. How had he gotten off the island? Dumbledore had made sure it was now impossible to swim off, apparate, use a Portkey, or anything of the sort. Of course, no one knew about his Animagus form. Strange. To them, it must seem too cliché to be possible. "Sirius' Animagus form? Maybe Harry did the same thing!" No, they would think that the Dark mastermind would come up with something more creative than that. And surely something more creative than hiding in the Forbidden Forest.

They were obviously very into finding him. He knew for a fact they had Aurors in every country in the world, some of the remaining Dementors patrolling Hogsmeade and searching London. Harry also had to avoid some of the remaining Death Eaters; they were working just as hard to find him.

He had to think of something. And he had to move. If he stayed in one place for too long, something would find him, a werewolf or something of the sort.

Just as he was about to move, he heard two pairs of approaching footsteps. Human footsteps.

Fifth Year, St. Mungo's

"Course he's worried," growled Moody. "The boy's seeing things from inside You-Know-Who's snake… Obviously, Potter doesn't realize what that means, but if You-Know-Who's possessing him-"

Harry pulled the Extendable Ear out of his own, his heart hammering very fast and heat rushing up to his face. He looked around at the others. They were all staring at him, the strings still trailing around from their ears, suddenly looking fearful.

"-You didn't leave your bed, mate!" said Ron insistently. "You were thrashing around in your sleep about a minute before we could wake you up…"

Harry started pacing up and down the room again, thinking… what they were saying made sense, but something tugged at his mind, something told him they were wrong… what if he was the weapon? Voldemort wouldn't stop after one failed attempt.

What did they know? Just because Ginny was so naïve as to have her mind taken over by Tom Riddle didn't mean she knew what it felt like to be possessed by Voldemort. Just because Hermione read her stupid, "Hogwarts; A history," didn't mean she knew everything about Hogwarts. Voldemort was the worlds most powerful Dark Wizard, surely he could find a way into Hogwarts. He had once before, with Tom Riddle.

Harry dreaded the eve after he finally returned to Hogwarts; He felt extremely troubled and infected; as though he could, at any moment, attack anyone that got to close. Besides that, everyone was constantly approaching him between classes, asking hopefully if there would be a meeting that night for the D.A.

"I'll let you know when the next one is," Harry said over and over again, "But I can't do it tonight, I've got- er- things to do,"

He continued a bit down the hall with Ron and Hermione, until he heard a voice; "Hi Harry,"

He turned and found Cho standing there. "Oh," he said as his stomach leapt uncomfortably. "Hi,"

"We'll be in the library, Harry," said Hermione firmly, and she seized Ron above the elbow and dragged him off toward the marble staircase.

"Had a good Christmas?" asked Cho.

"Yeah, not bad." Harry lied. "Yours?"

"Mine was pretty quiet." she said. She suddenly looked rather embarrassed. "Erm… there's another Hogsmeade trip next month, did you see the notice?"

"Oh no, I haven't checked the notice board since I got back…"

"Yes, it's on Valentine's Day…" Her blush intensified.

"Right," Harry said, a bit confused. "I suppose you want to-?"

"Only if you do," she said eagerly.

He had been about to say, "I suppose you want to know when the next D.A. meeting is?" but her response did not seem to fit. He immediately felt very awkward.

"I- Er-"

"Oh," she said, looking mortified and embarrassed. "It's okay if you don't. Don't worry. I-I'll see you around."

She turned and walked away, hunching her shoulders slightly so he couldn't see her face.

Harry, as soon as he realized what had just happened, felt very stupid.

"Cho! Cho, wait!"

He ran after her, catching her halfway up the marble staircase.

"Er- d'you want to come into Hogsmeade with me on Valentine's Day?"

"Oooh, yes!" she said, turning quickly and beaming at him.

"Right… well, that's settled then," he said, giving her a small grin. His heart lifted considerably. "Erm- when- when should we meet?"

She thought for a moment before someone down the hall called out to her. She bit her lip.

"Look- I can't talk now, but… we can meet later today, how about in a few hours? By the portrait of the crazy knight?"

"Sure." he said with a smile. "I've- I've got to go. See you."