"I'm the strongest person in town!" Laura cheered as she clutched her new friend's arm as they walked to the town theater.

"You don't say..." Numbuh Two was checking the time on his custom-built watch, wondering if they were going to make it before the crowds got there.

"Yup!" The girl broke away from him and pantomimed some boxing motions. "I'm rough 'n' tough and full o' stuff!"

Laura heaved loudly, and with a masculine grunt, brought her fists down on the sidewalk, cracking the concrete and sending the surrounding movie-goers flying back at least three feet. The crowd eased away from the duo as Numbuh Two waved at them apologetically for the wanton destruction. Laura admired her handiwork, then whirling around to face the boy. "And nobody can scare me!" she stated, putting her hands on her hips with a smile.

Numbuh Two said nothing, but looked over to the movie posters on the face of the theater. Among them were the latest Marvel comic movies, some tepid romantic comedies, and the umpteenth re-release of Star Wars: Episode IV. Catching his eye, however, was the ad for Back to the Future: Part II, a personal favorite of the theater manager. As Numbuh Two stared at the poster, a twisting, Grinch-like grin spun forth on his lips...

"I supposed it's poetic justice!" the onscreen villain taunted the hero, steadying the barrel of his revolver. "Two McFlys...with the same GUN!"

"...S-Scary!" Laura clung to Numbuh Two in the adjoining seat, who was smiling as he popped a few Milk Duds into his mouth.

Notes: Even a Jekyll 'n' Hyde monster girl can't compare to the fury that is Alternate 1985 Biff. :D