Disclaimer: I will never own DBZ in my life. But if it's up for E-Bay then I'm betting the highest bid! ONE DOLLAR! That would at least get me part of Gohan's finger or maybe a part of Freiza's tail! WHOOO-HOOOOOOO! Part of Gohan's finger, alright!!!!
Though the night was frigid and the air was breezy, one person managed to be out this late and in this cold. The only thing he had was a hood over his face and a shadow hiding his features. His feet were not seen on the ground and it looked as if he had none. His feet were there if you saw this person at a different angle but getting the right angle was next to impossible.
He stopped "hovering" next to a house in the mountain area. The house had no neighbors and the nearest town was a least a half a mile away. That didn't faze the person, oh no. This is the place where he wanted to be. This is the place where he needed to be. It didn't take him long, however, to get into the house.
As if there were no walls, he appeared in a room closest to the window. It was a small room with a small child sleeping in the bed. The person, so we will call, watched as the young child slept. His chest was going up and down and his breathing was staying the steady in the pattern. He stirred for a moment but managed to go back to a peaceful sleep. His hands clutched the pillow and his legs were bare on the bed. Apparently the child kicked the sheets off the bed on this cold winter night.
The person that was watching the child managed to place himself on the ground and kneel. His hand brushed across the child's innocent face and in the shadows you could see a slight smile.
The lights went off in the hallway and the person watching this child quickly disappeared deep in the cold night. He got away without a trace and no one has seen him watching the child; watching their child.
Goku peeked inside the room and watched as Gohan slept. He seemed peaceful sleeping on the bed with the covers on the floor. Goku couldn't help but smile as he grabbed the wrinkled covers off the floor and on Gohan. Gohan shivered for a moment but then was relaxed with the warmth of the blanket. Goku smiled once again and lightly touched his son's face. For some reason, it was cold as ice.
Goku blinked in confusion and shivered. It was probably the winter season that kept his son's face cold. He pulled the covers over Gohan's chin and kissed him on the forehead. Goku went back to the reason why he was awake, his midnight snack!
Goku snapped up and was now awake by the harsh yelling of his name. He blinked once, twice, and fell back on his pillow. The smell of breakfast was not in the air so that only meant on thing, he forgot to clean up the mess he left in the kitchen. He was rather tired after a nice snack and figured he would be up early enough to clean it up. He was going to train but the sleep managed to get the best of him.
Goku just returned to Earth yesterday. He learned that he would have a heart disease soon, he has the cure, and two androids were coming to Earth. He thought he would never get to sleep but when his head hit the pillow, he was knocked. He wanted to train early and get back before Chi-Chi knew of his absence. Of course, though, she always knew.
Goku forced himself up and yawned. He stepped out of bed and stood there for a few moments. His body began to sway and fell back on the bed. He could hear Chi-Chi running up the stairs but his body could not move. Maybe if breakfast was ready. . .
"Goku get up," Chi-Chi yelled standing in front of Goku.
"Five more minutes," Goku mumbled tossing the covers over his face. "Or at least when breakfast was ready."
"Gohan's missing!"
That snapped Goku out of bed and made him wide-awake. He then saw Chi-Chi's worried face and he quickly ran downstairs to Gohan's room. The window was closed and the bed was made. Goku sighed and turned to his wife who quickly followed him.
"He's probably out training," Goku said with a smile. "He could also be with Piccolo."
"He never leaves without a note," Chi-Chi yelled. "The door was still locked and he wouldn't be able to get back in if he came home. I checked his window, it's also locked."
"Maybe he didn't want anyone sneaking in while we slept."
"Who do we live near?!"
"Give him time Chi," Goku said putting his hand on her shoulder. "While we're waiting, why don't you start breakfast? Gohan will come running with the smell of food."
"I'll cook breakfast," Chi-Chi said. "But I'll start cooking once you find Gohan."
"It won't take that long. I got a new technique I can use. I'll get dressed and get him."
Goku gave her another smile and walked back up to his room. He quickly got changed into his orange gi and placed his two fingers on his forehead. He searched near and far but could not spot Gohan's ki. He could feel Piccolo's, Krillin's, Yamcha, Tien, Vegeta, but not his son.
"I'll have to concentrate harder," Goku mumbled to himself. "He might be hiding it. Why I don't know." Goku tried harder but all he got was a minor headache. "I'll go to Piccolo and see if he had seen Gohan."
Goku disappeared and was soon to the Lookout. He looked around for someone, Gohan mostly, but only managed to see Kami standing in front of him. It caught him a bit off guard but he managed to quickly get back on his feet, after he fell on the ground.
"Goku," Kami said with a pleasant smile. It soon turned upside. "Gohan's not here."
"Then you know I'm looking for him," Goku said dusting off his pants. "Did he just leave here? Chi-Chi want's him back so we can have breakfast!"
"Now's not the time to be thinking about food," Kami said as Piccolo approached. Piccolo grunted to Kami and turned to Goku.
"I couldn't help but over hear," Piccolo said standing in front of Kami. "I haven't felt Gohan's power level all day. This is not a good sign Goku."
"Gohan's not on this planet," Kami said. Goku and Piccolo stared at the elder Namck. "Last night I felt a strange, but low, power level. It disappeared for a moment but came back. Two seconds later, it was gone and so was Gohan's ki. The power level was near Gohan but I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was his dinosaur friend he always hung around with. I guess I was wrong."
"So if Gohan's not on this planet," Goku mumbled to himself.
"Where can he be," Piccolo said finishing up Goku's sentence. "Goku, can you search beyond this planet and see if you can find Gohan's ki?"
"I'll try." Goku placed his two fingers on his forehead and shut his eyes. He kept searching and searching but found nothing but stray ki from other planets, none, which were Gohan. "Chi-Chi is not going to be happy about this, and I won't get breakfast!"
"Is there any other challenger beside the pathetic saiyan I'm fighting," Cell said with a wicked smile. He looked over at Vegeta and smirked. "Vegeta, the saiyan prince. I can see it in your eyes. You want to kill me, don't you?"
"Cell," Vegeta said between his teeth. "I don't want to kill you, I have to kill you! Kakkorot is weak anyway. I'll be the real challenge!"
"Vegeta, he's too powerful," Goku cried. "You won't be able to defeat him. He's way to strong!"
"Shut up Kakkorot! You had your chance, now it's mine!" Vegeta smirked and powered up to super saiyan. He made a quick glance to his future son, Trunks. He noticed that he wasn't paying any attention to him. "Trunks! Watch me fight a real battle! I'll show you where your power came from!"
Apparently, Trunks wasn't paying any attention to his father. Vegeta got frustrated and walked over to his dense son. He was about to yell at him but his jaw dropped before he opened his mouth. Goku looked over and so did Cell.
"Who are those clowns," Cell said folding his arms.
There were five hooded strangers standing not too far away from the battle that was taking a minor intermission. There were four tall ones standing in the back and the smallest one standing in front of them. Their faces were hidden with the shadow of the hood and their robes were a dark purple. They had a golden lace around the hood, collar, and straight down the center. Even the ends of the sleeves were marked with the golden lace. What made them stand out most of all was that their feet were not touching the ground and you can see the smallest one's nose and mouth.
They stood there as the wind blew. The others could not see their faces, expect for the small one barely, but there. The small one floated to Cell and floated ten feet away from the wicked monster. Cell began to laugh.
"This pint size creep," Cell said still laughing. "It's past Halloween kid."
'I don't believe it,' Piccolo thought to himself as he looked over at the four other hooded strangers. 'One of their ki's feels familiar. I never felt it before but for some strange reason it feels like I have. Maybe Nail, or even Kami, felt this power level before.'
Goku started at the smallest of the hooded strangers. This person was going to fight Cell? Goku couldn't read his power level so that only meant he had a weak power level. Maybe he was hiding it. If he was then he was hiding it very well.
"So, who are you," Cell asked putting his hands on his hips. "Are you with the good guys or are you here to help me?" The small stranger spoke nothing. "I guess you're with the goods guys I guess. I'll have to kill you then."
Cell powered up and charged at the small stranger.
Cell soon found himself punch nothing but air. He turned around and saw the small stranger standing behind him. Cell quickly glanced over at the other strangers and back at the small one.
"So you're name is Child," Cell said. "Figures. With speed like that and that small body of yours, you were able to dodge my easy punch. I won't be easy to you anymore."
Goku and the others were shocked at the fact that the small child easily dodged that punch. None of them saw it and Piccolo was staring at the strangers trying to remember where he knew that ki. Vegeta stood back and watched with the others.
"Who is this kid," Krillin asked.
"I don't care," Vegeta grumbled. "He won't be able to kill Cell with just speed alone."
Cell quickly charged at "Child" and had a kick ready for him. Child easily blocked it and blocked the punch Cell tried to sneak attack. That's how it was. Cell was throwing punches and kicks all over and Child blocked them easily. Goku watched in amazement and powered out of super saiyan. Could this child easily defeat Cell?
"You are getting on my last nerve," Cell yelled. "I'll use one of my favorite techniques on you Child! Ka-Me-Ha-Me. . ."
Child took no time and punch Cell in the stomach. Cell gasped out for air and quickly fell out of the Kamehameha stance. Child then kicked him across his face and knocked him to the ground. Cell slowly got up and gagged. He soon spit out Android 18 and his power level decreased. All he had left in him now was one power of one android and not two.
Child picked up the unconscious android and hovered over to Krillin. He handed her over to Krillin and quickly floated back to the gagging Cell. Everyone watched in amazement at Child's powers. Goku had a hard time beating Cell and yet this pintsize hero wanna-be was hitting him with no problem.
"Destructo Disk," Cell yelled as a last hope. Child was caught off guard and did a quick back flip. It was a mere centimeter from his face but it did manage to take off a few hairs.
The hairs floated over to Goku and he grasped them in his hand. He could feel the power within them. Goku looked at them and noticed the golden texture it had. It was like super saiyan hair but it was gold, not blonde.
"He almost had him," Vegeta said with pure shock all over his face. 'Could this child possible beat him?'
Child got into a stance similar to the Kamehameha. His legs were further apart and his hands were in front of him. That's what caught everyone off guard, his legs.
"Maybe Child really is a child," Goku said to himself. "Only kids have small feet like that."
Before anyone could react, a gigantic ki blast came out of Child's hands aiming right towards Cell. Cell could not dodge and it came quick. No one saw it coming except the four strangers standing a further distance from the battle. All you could hear was the fading cry of Cell and the dust brushing over the battlefield.
When all the dust finally settled, the battlefield was bare. Cell was no longer standing and Child disappeared.
Everyone turned to the four strangers and they saw Child standing in front of them. Goku jumped up to the cliff to where everyone else was and watched the five strangers. Piccolo heard no talking amongst themselves but he did hear one thing everyone else heard.
One of the taller strangers hit Child right across the face. Child stumbled and quickly floated over the ground. His head was down, so the Z-Fighters figured, but made a glance at the other fighters.
Dust soon arose and it covered the strangers. No one could see them and when the dust cleared, they were gone. The air was silent when the strangers left.
"A mere child defeated Cell," Vegeta said blinking in disbelief. "I'm heading back to Capsule Corps."
Vegeta took off without another word.
"I guess he's mad at the fact that he didn't defeat Cell," Trunks said folding his arms. "Who were they?"
"And why did they slap Child," Goku questioned. "He just saved the world from being destroyed and he gets punished for it? What kind of creeps are they?"
'I still don't know why one of their ki's felt familiar,' Piccolo thought to himself. 'It was one of those strangers standing away from the fight. The one that slapped Child felt so familiar and yet so distant at the same time. I couldn't feel Child's power level during that whole fight. Something here isn't adding up!'
"Piccolo," Goku shouted as he started to take off to flight. Piccolo snapped out of his daze and looked up at Goku.
"We're heading up to the Lookout to summon the dragon. Wanna come?"
"I'm coming."
The fighters flew away and a strange afro man appeared from the rocks. He quickly jumped out and made a peace sign.
"Hahahahaha," Hercule laughed out loud. "I defeated Cell while that freak blinded him with the pyro I set up before Cell arrived! I beat him quickly with a few punches and my Megaton Hammer attack! I am the savior of Earth, I AM HERCULE!"
'I wonder where that Android head went,' Hercule thought to himself. 'He was right behind that Cell creature when that dude did that fake attack. It probably died along with Cell. I guess it wasn't that important anyway.'
Low Man Lyrics has once again, been kicked off. I know ho did it too but there's nothing I can really do. Someone is just mad because I've, so to say, "Insulted the 'Gohan loves porn and shouldn't be that way'" or what not. Let's see you write a fanfic and how it should be. You know who you are *points finger*
So yeah, I have a new email address, [email protected], check my profile and what not. Review and tell me what you think!!
Disclaimer: I will never own DBZ in my life. But if it's up for E-Bay then I'm betting the highest bid! ONE DOLLAR! That would at least get me part of Gohan's finger or maybe a part of Freiza's tail! WHOOO-HOOOOOOO! Part of Gohan's finger, alright!!!!
Though the night was frigid and the air was breezy, one person managed to be out this late and in this cold. The only thing he had was a hood over his face and a shadow hiding his features. His feet were not seen on the ground and it looked as if he had none. His feet were there if you saw this person at a different angle but getting the right angle was next to impossible.
He stopped "hovering" next to a house in the mountain area. The house had no neighbors and the nearest town was a least a half a mile away. That didn't faze the person, oh no. This is the place where he wanted to be. This is the place where he needed to be. It didn't take him long, however, to get into the house.
As if there were no walls, he appeared in a room closest to the window. It was a small room with a small child sleeping in the bed. The person, so we will call, watched as the young child slept. His chest was going up and down and his breathing was staying the steady in the pattern. He stirred for a moment but managed to go back to a peaceful sleep. His hands clutched the pillow and his legs were bare on the bed. Apparently the child kicked the sheets off the bed on this cold winter night.
The person that was watching the child managed to place himself on the ground and kneel. His hand brushed across the child's innocent face and in the shadows you could see a slight smile.
The lights went off in the hallway and the person watching this child quickly disappeared deep in the cold night. He got away without a trace and no one has seen him watching the child; watching their child.
Goku peeked inside the room and watched as Gohan slept. He seemed peaceful sleeping on the bed with the covers on the floor. Goku couldn't help but smile as he grabbed the wrinkled covers off the floor and on Gohan. Gohan shivered for a moment but then was relaxed with the warmth of the blanket. Goku smiled once again and lightly touched his son's face. For some reason, it was cold as ice.
Goku blinked in confusion and shivered. It was probably the winter season that kept his son's face cold. He pulled the covers over Gohan's chin and kissed him on the forehead. Goku went back to the reason why he was awake, his midnight snack!
Goku snapped up and was now awake by the harsh yelling of his name. He blinked once, twice, and fell back on his pillow. The smell of breakfast was not in the air so that only meant on thing, he forgot to clean up the mess he left in the kitchen. He was rather tired after a nice snack and figured he would be up early enough to clean it up. He was going to train but the sleep managed to get the best of him.
Goku just returned to Earth yesterday. He learned that he would have a heart disease soon, he has the cure, and two androids were coming to Earth. He thought he would never get to sleep but when his head hit the pillow, he was knocked. He wanted to train early and get back before Chi-Chi knew of his absence. Of course, though, she always knew.
Goku forced himself up and yawned. He stepped out of bed and stood there for a few moments. His body began to sway and fell back on the bed. He could hear Chi-Chi running up the stairs but his body could not move. Maybe if breakfast was ready. . .
"Goku get up," Chi-Chi yelled standing in front of Goku.
"Five more minutes," Goku mumbled tossing the covers over his face. "Or at least when breakfast was ready."
"Gohan's missing!"
That snapped Goku out of bed and made him wide-awake. He then saw Chi-Chi's worried face and he quickly ran downstairs to Gohan's room. The window was closed and the bed was made. Goku sighed and turned to his wife who quickly followed him.
"He's probably out training," Goku said with a smile. "He could also be with Piccolo."
"He never leaves without a note," Chi-Chi yelled. "The door was still locked and he wouldn't be able to get back in if he came home. I checked his window, it's also locked."
"Maybe he didn't want anyone sneaking in while we slept."
"Who do we live near?!"
"Give him time Chi," Goku said putting his hand on her shoulder. "While we're waiting, why don't you start breakfast? Gohan will come running with the smell of food."
"I'll cook breakfast," Chi-Chi said. "But I'll start cooking once you find Gohan."
"It won't take that long. I got a new technique I can use. I'll get dressed and get him."
Goku gave her another smile and walked back up to his room. He quickly got changed into his orange gi and placed his two fingers on his forehead. He searched near and far but could not spot Gohan's ki. He could feel Piccolo's, Krillin's, Yamcha, Tien, Vegeta, but not his son.
"I'll have to concentrate harder," Goku mumbled to himself. "He might be hiding it. Why I don't know." Goku tried harder but all he got was a minor headache. "I'll go to Piccolo and see if he had seen Gohan."
Goku disappeared and was soon to the Lookout. He looked around for someone, Gohan mostly, but only managed to see Kami standing in front of him. It caught him a bit off guard but he managed to quickly get back on his feet, after he fell on the ground.
"Goku," Kami said with a pleasant smile. It soon turned upside. "Gohan's not here."
"Then you know I'm looking for him," Goku said dusting off his pants. "Did he just leave here? Chi-Chi want's him back so we can have breakfast!"
"Now's not the time to be thinking about food," Kami said as Piccolo approached. Piccolo grunted to Kami and turned to Goku.
"I couldn't help but over hear," Piccolo said standing in front of Kami. "I haven't felt Gohan's power level all day. This is not a good sign Goku."
"Gohan's not on this planet," Kami said. Goku and Piccolo stared at the elder Namck. "Last night I felt a strange, but low, power level. It disappeared for a moment but came back. Two seconds later, it was gone and so was Gohan's ki. The power level was near Gohan but I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was his dinosaur friend he always hung around with. I guess I was wrong."
"So if Gohan's not on this planet," Goku mumbled to himself.
"Where can he be," Piccolo said finishing up Goku's sentence. "Goku, can you search beyond this planet and see if you can find Gohan's ki?"
"I'll try." Goku placed his two fingers on his forehead and shut his eyes. He kept searching and searching but found nothing but stray ki from other planets, none, which were Gohan. "Chi-Chi is not going to be happy about this, and I won't get breakfast!"
"Is there any other challenger beside the pathetic saiyan I'm fighting," Cell said with a wicked smile. He looked over at Vegeta and smirked. "Vegeta, the saiyan prince. I can see it in your eyes. You want to kill me, don't you?"
"Cell," Vegeta said between his teeth. "I don't want to kill you, I have to kill you! Kakkorot is weak anyway. I'll be the real challenge!"
"Vegeta, he's too powerful," Goku cried. "You won't be able to defeat him. He's way to strong!"
"Shut up Kakkorot! You had your chance, now it's mine!" Vegeta smirked and powered up to super saiyan. He made a quick glance to his future son, Trunks. He noticed that he wasn't paying any attention to him. "Trunks! Watch me fight a real battle! I'll show you where your power came from!"
Apparently, Trunks wasn't paying any attention to his father. Vegeta got frustrated and walked over to his dense son. He was about to yell at him but his jaw dropped before he opened his mouth. Goku looked over and so did Cell.
"Who are those clowns," Cell said folding his arms.
There were five hooded strangers standing not too far away from the battle that was taking a minor intermission. There were four tall ones standing in the back and the smallest one standing in front of them. Their faces were hidden with the shadow of the hood and their robes were a dark purple. They had a golden lace around the hood, collar, and straight down the center. Even the ends of the sleeves were marked with the golden lace. What made them stand out most of all was that their feet were not touching the ground and you can see the smallest one's nose and mouth.
They stood there as the wind blew. The others could not see their faces, expect for the small one barely, but there. The small one floated to Cell and floated ten feet away from the wicked monster. Cell began to laugh.
"This pint size creep," Cell said still laughing. "It's past Halloween kid."
'I don't believe it,' Piccolo thought to himself as he looked over at the four other hooded strangers. 'One of their ki's feels familiar. I never felt it before but for some strange reason it feels like I have. Maybe Nail, or even Kami, felt this power level before.'
Goku started at the smallest of the hooded strangers. This person was going to fight Cell? Goku couldn't read his power level so that only meant he had a weak power level. Maybe he was hiding it. If he was then he was hiding it very well.
"So, who are you," Cell asked putting his hands on his hips. "Are you with the good guys or are you here to help me?" The small stranger spoke nothing. "I guess you're with the goods guys I guess. I'll have to kill you then."
Cell powered up and charged at the small stranger.
Cell soon found himself punch nothing but air. He turned around and saw the small stranger standing behind him. Cell quickly glanced over at the other strangers and back at the small one.
"So you're name is Child," Cell said. "Figures. With speed like that and that small body of yours, you were able to dodge my easy punch. I won't be easy to you anymore."
Goku and the others were shocked at the fact that the small child easily dodged that punch. None of them saw it and Piccolo was staring at the strangers trying to remember where he knew that ki. Vegeta stood back and watched with the others.
"Who is this kid," Krillin asked.
"I don't care," Vegeta grumbled. "He won't be able to kill Cell with just speed alone."
Cell quickly charged at "Child" and had a kick ready for him. Child easily blocked it and blocked the punch Cell tried to sneak attack. That's how it was. Cell was throwing punches and kicks all over and Child blocked them easily. Goku watched in amazement and powered out of super saiyan. Could this child easily defeat Cell?
"You are getting on my last nerve," Cell yelled. "I'll use one of my favorite techniques on you Child! Ka-Me-Ha-Me. . ."
Child took no time and punch Cell in the stomach. Cell gasped out for air and quickly fell out of the Kamehameha stance. Child then kicked him across his face and knocked him to the ground. Cell slowly got up and gagged. He soon spit out Android 18 and his power level decreased. All he had left in him now was one power of one android and not two.
Child picked up the unconscious android and hovered over to Krillin. He handed her over to Krillin and quickly floated back to the gagging Cell. Everyone watched in amazement at Child's powers. Goku had a hard time beating Cell and yet this pintsize hero wanna-be was hitting him with no problem.
"Destructo Disk," Cell yelled as a last hope. Child was caught off guard and did a quick back flip. It was a mere centimeter from his face but it did manage to take off a few hairs.
The hairs floated over to Goku and he grasped them in his hand. He could feel the power within them. Goku looked at them and noticed the golden texture it had. It was like super saiyan hair but it was gold, not blonde.
"He almost had him," Vegeta said with pure shock all over his face. 'Could this child possible beat him?'
Child got into a stance similar to the Kamehameha. His legs were further apart and his hands were in front of him. That's what caught everyone off guard, his legs.
"Maybe Child really is a child," Goku said to himself. "Only kids have small feet like that."
Before anyone could react, a gigantic ki blast came out of Child's hands aiming right towards Cell. Cell could not dodge and it came quick. No one saw it coming except the four strangers standing a further distance from the battle. All you could hear was the fading cry of Cell and the dust brushing over the battlefield.
When all the dust finally settled, the battlefield was bare. Cell was no longer standing and Child disappeared.
Everyone turned to the four strangers and they saw Child standing in front of them. Goku jumped up to the cliff to where everyone else was and watched the five strangers. Piccolo heard no talking amongst themselves but he did hear one thing everyone else heard.
One of the taller strangers hit Child right across the face. Child stumbled and quickly floated over the ground. His head was down, so the Z-Fighters figured, but made a glance at the other fighters.
Dust soon arose and it covered the strangers. No one could see them and when the dust cleared, they were gone. The air was silent when the strangers left.
"A mere child defeated Cell," Vegeta said blinking in disbelief. "I'm heading back to Capsule Corps."
Vegeta took off without another word.
"I guess he's mad at the fact that he didn't defeat Cell," Trunks said folding his arms. "Who were they?"
"And why did they slap Child," Goku questioned. "He just saved the world from being destroyed and he gets punished for it? What kind of creeps are they?"
'I still don't know why one of their ki's felt familiar,' Piccolo thought to himself. 'It was one of those strangers standing away from the fight. The one that slapped Child felt so familiar and yet so distant at the same time. I couldn't feel Child's power level during that whole fight. Something here isn't adding up!'
"Piccolo," Goku shouted as he started to take off to flight. Piccolo snapped out of his daze and looked up at Goku.
"We're heading up to the Lookout to summon the dragon. Wanna come?"
"I'm coming."
The fighters flew away and a strange afro man appeared from the rocks. He quickly jumped out and made a peace sign.
"Hahahahaha," Hercule laughed out loud. "I defeated Cell while that freak blinded him with the pyro I set up before Cell arrived! I beat him quickly with a few punches and my Megaton Hammer attack! I am the savior of Earth, I AM HERCULE!"
'I wonder where that Android head went,' Hercule thought to himself. 'He was right behind that Cell creature when that dude did that fake attack. It probably died along with Cell. I guess it wasn't that important anyway.'
Low Man Lyrics has once again, been kicked off. I know ho did it too but there's nothing I can really do. Someone is just mad because I've, so to say, "Insulted the 'Gohan loves porn and shouldn't be that way'" or what not. Let's see you write a fanfic and how it should be. You know who you are *points finger*
So yeah, I have a new email address, [email protected], check my profile and what not. Review and tell me what you think!!