DISCLAIMER: I do not won GW or SM

Serena skipped along happily. "La la la la la!" She also sang happily. That was when she saw Darien off to the side talking to her friend Rei. "Darien doesn't love me anymore." She cried.

"Oh look! A portal to another dimention that will transport me to another world where I might find true love at last! Yeay!" Serena was happy.

Although, to the untrained eyes of everyone but Serena, all they saw was a swirly vortex of doom. Serena walked toward it.

"Don't worry Serena! I'll save you!" Darien pushed her out of the way before going into the portal. Only to be pulled into it himself.

"Darien! That was supposed to be MY portal to another dimention!" Serena yelled at him as the portal closed.

Alas, Darien did not hear her. He was to busy screaming like a girl as he was sucked into a swirly vortex of doom. "EEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKK!" Reluctantly, he now knew what it felt like to be a turd getting flushed down the toilet.


Darien woke up to the sight of five guys about his age standing over him where he was now crumpled in hurt on the floor. He felt like he fell from a building. (They always fall from the sky in the fics. Don't ask me why)

"I thought this was a sailor moon crossover?" Quatre asked.

"It is." Heero said.

"Then where are the girls?" Duo asked.

". . . . ." Trowa shrugged.

"We must be gay in this fic, then." Duo said.

"Injustice." WuFei growled.

"So who want to fall for the guy?" Trowa spoke up.

"One of you. I'm tired of all the attention." Heero glared.

Darien sat up. "I'm not gay!" he shouted.

"He really isn't my type." Duo scratched his head.

"Hey! I said I am not gay!" Darien yelled again.

"You have no choice." Heero glared at him.

"Yes. 99.9 percent of all Gundam Wing Sailor Moon crossovers, at least one of the gundam pilots fall for a sailor moon characters. It's the rule." Quatre sighed.

"And what about that 0.01 percent of a chance that its not?" Darien asked.

"Why fight the odds?" Trowa shrugged.

"Damn." Darien cursed.

"So who gets it?" Heero asked.

"Rock paper scissors?" Duo asked. The other shrugged.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS" They all yelled in unison.

"DAMN!" WuFei yelled.

"Hah! WuFei lost!" Duo laughed.

"Injustice!" He pulled Darien to his feet. "Come on you weak onna!"

"I'm not an onna!" Darien yelled at him.

"Sorry. Force of habit. Come on you weak yatsu! I will now wisp you off your feet and make love to you so I can get this stupid fic over with!" WuFei dragged Darien away.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Darien yelled as he was dragged away.

After many hardships and trials and romances later, as with all fics, the couple is walking down a beach at sunset holding hands. Where they would live happily ever after. For the sake of the fic. Personally, was another matter.

"You are a horrible husband!" Darien yelled.

"And you are a weak wife! How are you supposed to bear my children and bring honor to the family if you cant even bear my children?" WuFei yelled.

"Its not my fault I was born with the wrong gender!" Darien yelled back.