Chapter Five

Disclaimer: I don't own this series. ) Thanks .

A/N: Well, I'm sorry I haven't been as faithful to this story as I should. I hope that this could probably make up for the large absence, of updating this story at all.

High school is such a bother. Well, enjoy & and don't forget to review.

This girl, Kagura, she was a determined sort. One, I've been struggling to figure out, and as

pushy, and indignant as she was. It seemed to pull towards me of as an attractive sort. She has a spool of tangled threads, some knots easier to pick than others, and quite frankly, I was somewhat willing to untangle them all. – Sesshomaru .


She couldn't agree on a more mortifying situation, being with Sesshomaru with his clothes on, or being with him without them. As far as she was concerned, this was as awkward as it could get, from now until the honeymoon. And that day was an ordeal all on its own. A rosy haze crept up her cheeks, and spreading throughout her pale complexion, oh god.

Sesshomaru didn't know how to respond to her gaping expression, was it out of disgust? delight? He wasn't sure, but the red that stained her cheeks was an attractive shade.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." And with an abrupt slam, Kagura disappeared, her feet noisily shuffling in the bedroom outside.

He came to the conclusion that his mildly amused father had forgotten to mention, her bedroom arrangements. But still, what was there to be disgusted about? A towel was wrapped around his midsection, and most of his previous partners had seemed to take a certain fondness in his body, why was she any different?

Well, he had guessed that her adolescence has some to do with it. The greatest and most luxurious wines had come with age he supposed. And Kagura, was a freshly made bottle, waiting to be stored in racks.


Kagura was at a loss of words, pretty much still at shock with what she saw. Sesshomaru, was indeed,

attractive. Well, to be honest, attractive didn't cover it. He was perfect, basically everything Yura had gushed about in those magazines of hers. She chewed her lip nervously, she couldn't be .. attracted towards him, the thought made her stomach stir uncomfortably. She shook her head, no, she couldn't think that, she didn't want this arrangement, and surely that her iron will hold on her mentality understood that as well.

Unsure of when Sesshomaru was going to emerge, she preferred that she was asleep before he slipped any unwanted conversation or implications, and knowing him, it was going to be an unpleasant situation. So hurriedly, she changed into her night clothes, sinking into the bed, and throwing the covers over her face. Still yet, she could feel the burn creeping up on her face, as another image of Sesshomaru subsided in her head.

She wasn't going to give in.

She had to.


Tashio could tell by the scream, Kagura had found herself in a predicament. He chucked lightly, Izayoi sending him a condescending look, veiled thickly with amusement. And he was sure, that his elder son's mind was reeling at the thoughts.

"Kami, Dad, I thought you told her." Kagome had to resist the urge to cover her smile. Inuyasha had always picked up his mischievous side from Tashio. And the mischief, from what she could infer, was only beginning.

"Jeeze, Sesshomaru must be a pretty ugly bastard eh?"

Inuyasha's comment sent the group in spasms of laughter.

A/N: Short and sweet. (: Review!