A/N: I hope that you all like this story; I decided to give myself a shot at a humor/romance story. Please review and tell me if you peoples like it. Thanks. =)

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except for the plot.

Summary: Hermione stupidly agrees to a marriage proposal from Draco not realizing that due to a really old wizarding law, once you agree to a proposal from a pureblood you cannot take it back. A Hermione and Draco story.

Repeat To Me What You Said Again?!

Hi! My name is Hermione Granger. I have chestnut brown hair which goes down to about an inch or two below my shoulders in little waves. My eyes are chocolate brown, and my height I think is not something I like to particularly brag about, in truth I'm only 5'2", pitiful, yes I know. I go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where I will be a seventh year. My two best friends are Harry Potter (yes, THE Harry Potter, the Boy- Who-Lived and just recently in my sixth year the Boy-Who-Defeated- Voldermort) and Ronald Weasley. We're just normal witches and wizards in some ways, I mean we have our own share of enemies (mainly Draco Malfoy who is by far the most stuck up snob and arrogant git I have ever met) and also our own share of school, and dating problems. But then again, we are not exactly that normal either. I mean, not every kid my age or even grown witches and wizards helped to defeat Lord Voldermort.

Well anyways, this is going to be my last year at Hogwarts and I'm hoping to make the best of it. We're going to be taking our N.E.W.T.s this year, I've already got our study schedules all planned out for Harry, Ron, and I. I'm going to be making sure that we study a lot so that all three of us will pass!

The good thing is that I'm going to be Head Girl at Hogwarts this year, I wonder who Head Boy is though, Dumbledore didn't tell me in the letter and I haven't been in contact with Harry and Ron over the summer. The two of them were at Quidditch Camp this year, I decided not to bug them, after all, this is the first year that Harry has been able to have fun over the summer without having to worry about Voldermort. I'm really hoping that it is going to be either one of them. I mean, Harry definitely sounds like the most likely person that the Professor would choose to be Head Boy. I can only hope for now though. But watch it end up being Malfoy. "AHHHH!!! KNOCK ON WOOD!!! Why'd I say that?! Now it really IS going to end up being Malfoy! AHHH!!"

"Honey!" I heard my Mum scream from downstairs. "Are you ready yet? We have to get going, you don't want to be late or end up missing the train!"

"Oh shoot! The time! I forgot! Coming Mum, just give me a few minutes."

"Ok Honey, but hurry!"

"I will!" I screamed back at her.

I grabbed a random pair of pants and shirt and threw them on quickly. Grabbing a rubber band while running out of my room, I tied my hair up into a loose ponytail.

"Ok, ready Mum," I panted to her when I got into the car, and she immediately started the engine. During the ride, my Mum started talking but I slowly tuned her out. My mind was still preoccupied on who was going to be Head boy. It better not be Malfoy though, I swear, if it-

"Honey, we're here. Hurry, get out of the car and onto the platform before the train leaves you."

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Ok, bye Mum, love you, see you either during Christmas or next summer!" I screamed to her as I ran out of the car.

"Love you too!" I heard her scream back to me.

Taking a glance at my watch, I realized I still had about ten minutes before the Hogwarts Express would be leaving so I slowed my running down into walking. Ok, back to what I was thinking about before. If Malfoy is going to be-

"Oh, will you look at that, it's the Mudblood."

I groaned, speak of the devil. "Sod off Malfoy," I said to him in between clenched teeth. "Leave me alone Malfoy, if you don't mind me, I'll like to get onto the train." I turned around to face him with a glare set on my face.

His reaction was not at all what I was expecting. The stupid git began laughing at me. Honestly laughing, I never even knew that he could laugh, he was laughing so hard that he began clutching at his sides as if he was laughing so hard that it was hurting him.

"Excuse me, Malfoy, but WHAT is so funny?" I asked him, my eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I-it's your shirt!" he said in between gasps of breath.

I looked down at my shirt to see what was so funny. Oh shoot! In my haste I had managed to grab I shirt that I had had when I was very little, and what Malfoy was laughing at, was the big picture of Big Bird that was plastered onto the very center of the shirt. No wonder he was laughing, I groaned loudly as I felt my cheeks burn up in embarrassment of ever being caught in a shirt like this.

"What is that thing anyways?" Malfoy said to me while struggling very hard to keep a straight face on but failing horribly as he was soon clutching his sides again.

"Oh shut it Malfoy." I snarled back at him as I turned around and went through the platform, stomping my way onto the train-where even more people looked at me and burst out laughing-and into the compartment where I found Harry and Ron. They looked up at me when I arrived; both took a look at my shirt and burst out into fits of laughter.

"Oh shut up! Come on, it's not that funny! It was an honest accident, I woke up late this morning and I just grabbed any random shirt from my closet ok?"

"Yeah Hermione, but Big Bird?" Harry said to me while laughing.

Ron was struck with even more laughter when he heard the name. "That big yellow thing even has its own name?! Oh my god, what am I missing out there in the muggle world?!"

I glared at the two of them who would NOT stop laughing. "Hahaha, VERY funny guys. Come on you two, stop laughing! How was Quidditch Camp?" I asked them in an attempt to change the subject but the laughter still did not stop. "Silenciano!" (A/n: yeah, I know very lame, I could not think of anything else though. -_-) Instantly Harry and Ron stopped laughing; ok, more like they were still laughing and then they realized that no noise was coming out. I grinned in satisfaction. But then Harry and Ron glared at me evilly and their look told me that they would do something horrible to me if I did not take the spell off, so reluctantly I muttered the counter curse.

"What was that for Hermione?" Ron said to me while glaring.

"Well, you to would not shut up, so I had to silence you some way right?"

Harry and Ron grinned at each other. "Did you see your shirt Hermione, it's really um." Harry slowly trailed off when he saw the look that was placed on my face.

"Ok, anyways guys, I was wondering which one of you were made Head Boy." I began to them, staring at the blank look on their faces, I continued meekly, "I mean, one of you were made Head Boy weren't you?" My voice was beginning to crack when I saw them shake their heads "if it wasn't once of you, then who could it be then?!" I screamed extremely loudly, getting frantic by then.

"Funny you should ask Granger," a voice drawled out, I looked in the direction in which the voice came from and say Malfoy's face with an extremely big smirk on it, "because it seems to me that you're talking to him right now."

My mouth fell open in shock and my eyes went wide, "nuh uh Malfoy, stop lying to me. There's no way that YOU could be Head Boy."

"Nope, not lying to you Granger," the smirk was evident on his stupid face.

My worst fears were confirmed, Malfoy had been named Head Boy, "God! I KNEW I should have knocked on wood when I said that Malfoy would be Head Boy, but NO me being the smart person that I am only said 'knock on wood' this morning, I never even really knocked on wood though!" I screamed to no one in particular.

I saw Ron give Harry a questioning glance, "knock on wood? What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"It's this muggle thing that you're supposed to say when you say something bad that might happen, so muggles sort of say it as an attempt to unjinx themselves." The questioning look was still on Ron's face so Harry went on with his explanation. "Ok Ron, I'll give you an example. We'll use Hermione's current situation." I threw a glare at him, but Harry went on anyways. "This morning, Hermione probably said something that went along the lines of Malfoy being Head Boy or something like that. So in an attempt to unjinx herself, she should have said knock on wood, and actually have knocked on wood instead of only saying it like our Hermione over there has done."

"Ooo, I get it now!" Ron nodded his head, "but how is that supposed to help in any way?"

I smacked my palm up against my forehead. "Gosh Ron, it's only a stupid SAYING ok? Will you stop thinking so deeply into it for Christ's sake Ron?!" I screamed at him.

"And will you not take my stupid mistake so seriously Hermione?" Hey yelled right back at me. "Just cause you're angry over Malfoy being Head Boy right now, don't take it out on me."

"Uh huh, and tell me please, exactly how you would act if you were going to have to share dormitories with Malfoy? Head Boy and Head Girl are required to share one you know." I snapped back at him.

Ron's face scrunched up in disgust at the prospect of having to room with Malfoy, "good point there Hermione, I wouldn't want to be you. Go on, I'm sorry, you have all the right to yell. Hell, I would have jumped out a window already if I were you."

"Hello? Weasel? Mudblood? I'm right here you know?"

Malfoy, the stupid arrogant prick, I had forgotten he was there, slowly I turned to him. "For your information Ferret Boy, nobody invited you in here in the first place. So you could damn well leave, I'm sure that NONE of us would have a problem with that." He looked shocked at first but then he quickly reconstructed his face with that "infamous" smirk of his. Oh how I wanted to wipe it off that "pretty" face that I was sure he took pride in. And I did. I punched him. I don't really consider myself strong but I think it was due to all of the anger. I saw him look at me in surprise and I took that opportunity to push him out of our compartment and mutter a locking charm that could not be opened by "alohomora." But by then I had already caught sight of his eye which was turning a little bit purple from where I had socked him.

I heard Harry and Ron clapping and whistling behind me.

"Well done Hermione!" Harry said to me while laughing merrily.

"I know! The look on Malfoy's face, it was priceless, even better than when you had slapped him back in our third year!" Ron was laughing hysterically.

At first I was still a little pissed at Malfoy and everything, but couldn't help but grin sheepishly when I heard their reactions. Soon I was laughing along with them. "It was pretty funny I guess."

And instantly the previous little disagreement Ron and I had earlier were forgotten along with Malfoy being Head Boy as we discussed his reaction. The rest of the ride flew by and before we knew it we were almost at Hogwarts, and the three of us changed hastily into our school robes.

"This is going to be our last year at Hogwarts," Harry was saying as we climbed into one of the carriages that were pulled by thestrals that now all three of us could see ever since the war, "so we better hope that it is also going to be our best." Ron and I both nodded our heads in agreement and aimless chatting soon began again.

In a couple of minutes we were at Hogwarts and the three of us piled out of the carriages and into Hogwarts with the rest of the school minus the first years who were arriving with Hagrid in the little boats. We entered the Great Hall, and soon the sorting of the first years began.

Halfway through the sorting I heard Ron grumble out to nobody in particular, "God I'm hungry, we missed the snacks on the train today." I elbowed him in the side to shut him up, and he did a little bit, but not necessarily for he continued to grumble.

"Finally!" Ron sighed as the sorting finally ended with Michael Zachek being in Ravenclaw, but then Ron groaned again once we all saw Professor Dumbledore get up from the staff table to make announcements.

"Welcome back, students, to another year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore began, "I would only like to announce one thing and then you can start eating Mr. Weasley." Ron turned red beside me as the students in the Great Hall began to laugh. Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued, "I am proud to announce that this years Head Girl is Hermione Granger from Gryffindor," I stood up as loud cheers erupted throughout the Great Hall, "and the Head Boy this year will Draco Malfoy from Slytherin." More cheers erupted.

I groaned, I had forgotten all about that. I looked toward his way and almost burst out laughing when I saw his eye. It was purple and black from where I had punched him. The whole hall was trying to stifle its laughter and Malfoy looked positively furious. He caught my eye and glared at me. I smiled back at him and waved happily, he became even more angry if that were possible. By then Harry and Ron were already beside themselves with laughter, and when they saw me wave they began laughing even harder. "Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy, I would like to discuss a few things involving your Head Boy and Girl duties after the feast." Malfoy and I nodded at him. With that said Dumbledore clapped his hands three times and food appeared on the table. "Eat up!" he said merrily.

I sighed and filled my plate up with food and began eating. Conversation began again and I was getting glum because I didn't really want the feast to end because then that would mean that I would have to go talk to Dumbledore and later I would be in a room ALONE with Malfoy. But faster than I wanted, the feast had ended.

"I'll see you two tomorrow in the Great Hall ok guys?" I said to Harry and Ron as I got up and headed up towards the staff table to speak to Professor Dumbledore.

"Yeah Hermione, see you tomorrow and good luck with Malfoy," Ron said.

"Hermione can handle him, I mean after all, she's punched him and slapped him." Harry said more to Ron than to me, and the two began to laugh again.

I laughed at them, shook my head and walked to where Professor Dumbledore was. Malfoy was already there when I reached them.

"The reason that I wanted to speak with the two was to discuss your accommodations. As you both should already know, you two will be sharing dormitories this year." Malfoy and I both nodded, "I expect the two of you to behave very well, I want you two to be setting an example for the rest of the school ok?" Again, the two of us nodded our heads. "Your dormitories are just to the right of where the Gryffindor Tower is. I trust that Miss Granger knows where they are. You two can choose your own password." With that Professor Dumbledore set us off on our way.

The two of us meandered our way through the hallways and finally we reached the Head dormitories. "So what do you want our password to be Malfoy?"

Malfoy shrugged his shoulders at first, but then an evil grin lit up his face. "Our password will be Big Bird." He said while laughing. The portrait sprang open.

I stared at him in obvious horror. "Nuh uh Malfoy, that will not be our password! I want to change it!" I screamed at the portrait. But the woman that was in the portrait only shook her head, replying back to me that once a password was made we could not change it. I groaned and slammed the portrait door shut. "I'm going to take the room on the right Malfoy!" I screamed at him, and without waiting for an answer I slammed the door and fell onto the bed, groaning.

I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know sunlight is streaming through the windows. I grabbed a towel and went into the shower. After taking a long, hot shower, I was finally able to calm my senses. Soon I was in the Great Hall talking to Ron and Harry.

"Good thing classes don't start until tomorrow." Ron was telling Harry, "I want to spend some time out on the Quidditch Field."

"Want to come with us Hermione?" Harry asked me.

"No, I think I'm going to go into the library to study a little bit."

"But Hermione, school hasn't even begun yet!" Ron stared at me as if I was crazy.

Beside him, Harry shook his head, "come on, you should know by now that the library is practically Hermione's second home, just leave her alone because you want be able to convince her to not go."

I gave Harry a smile. "You two go on ahead, I'll meet you two at about one when it's time for lunch ok?" They nodded their heads and we headed onto our own separate ways.

Finishing off a little bit of my breakfast, I made my way into the library where I grabbed off a book from the shelf that I had not read before. I was heading towards a table when Malfoy stood in my way. "What do you want Malfoy?" I snapped at him.

"You know, what you did yesterday on the train just made me love you even more." Ok, this guy is really beginning to creep me out.

"Um.yeah, that real nice Malfoy, just stop bugging me ok?"

"Agree to marry me."

I rolled my eyes, and put my hand to my heart, "Oh Malfoy! I was wondering when you would ask me! Of course I would LOVE to marry you Malfoy!" I glared at him, "Stop acting stupid Malfoy and just get out of my way or tell me what you really want."

"I already told you what I wanted and you said yes."

I scoffed at him, "Um yeah, like I'm really going to marry you. Stop with the jokes Malfoy, I'll ask you one last time, what do you want?"

"Don't you get it Granger? According to a very old wizarding law, if a witch or wizard agrees to marry a pureblood witch or wizard, there's no taking it back. You'll have to marry them."

I stared at Malfoy, "repeat to me what you just said again?!"

"I'm not lying to you Granger, wait, I shouldn't be calling you that anymore, Mrs. Malfoy, take a look at your hand, what do you see on your ring finger?"

I looked down at my hand and screamed. There, sitting on my ring finger was a white gold ring with a beautiful diamond sitting on it. I began tugging at it, but it wouldn't budge. "Malfoy, get-this-thing-off-me!" I screamed at him in between clenched teeth.

He shook his head, "You agreed to marry me, and now you are married to me. There's nothing you can do to get out of this marriage Hermione," he lowered his voice into a whisper, "you're mine now."

I glared at him, "I want to see Dumbledore about this, NOW!"

He nodded his head and we left the library and headed towards Dumbledore's office. We stopped at the gargoyle and I began to rack my brain for the password. Dumbledore likes candy, so it has to be some sort of candy. "Starbursts?" I guessed, the gargoyle jumped aside.

I stormed off into Dumbledore's office and all I did was hold up my hand with the ring on it, and point to the stupid Ferret Boy. Dumbledore seemed to understand immediately.

"I see Miss Granger-"

"Mrs. Malfoy." Draco corrected him.

I screamed. "I am NOT married to you Malfoy, never was, and never will be!"

Dumbledore seemed pretty amused by the whole thing. I glared at everyone, "Is what Malfoy saying true? Am I really married to him just because I sarcastically said that I would marry him Professor?"

Dumbledore nodded, again I screamed. "I am sorry Miss Granger," Malfoy coughed, "Mrs. Malfoy, I am sorry, but there is no way to get out of this unless you want to leave the wizard world and go back to living as a muggle. Do you want to do that?" I shook my head. "Let this be a lesson then maybe, to never say things in which you do not mean and would never ever do, no matter how sarcastic you may be."

Tears were clouding my eyes, my life was ruined, I was married to somebody that I hated. "May I please leave now Professor?" Without waiting for an answer I stormed out of the office and ran all the way back to our dormitory.

I screamed out the password and went into my room. As soon as I hit the bed I began to sob. I pounded at the mattress angrily with my fists, and with one last feeble attempt, I again tried to pull the ring off my finger. Again, it would not budge. I rolled myself up into a little ball and began sobbing.

I felt myself being pulled up into somebody's lap, it was Malfoy. I started pounding at his chests with my fists but he caught my wrists easily and held me away from punching him. After all, the guy was at least six feet and I was barely five feet.

"Shhhh, what's wrong?"

"You go and practically trick me into marrying you and then you go and ask me what's wrong?! What's wrong is that I've gotten something as important as marriage stolen away from me! You stole away my proposal, and now I'm getting married to someone that hates me and that I hate them back. When you get married it's supposed to be to someone that you LOVE and that loves you back, not how it is for us two. Why ok Malfoy? What was your purpose in getting me to marry you? So you could go and get back at Harry at something to show him that you could steal his best friend from right underneath his nose? You can go on getting your revenge on Harry, but don't get it through me, and especially not through something as important as marriage!"

I began to sob and Malfoy pulled me into his arms, and stroked my back.

"I want you to know Hermione, that I did not use you as a way to get back to Harry. I wanted to get married to you for only one reason, and that was because I love you. I honestly could not think of another way to get you to marry me and this was the only way. Please Hermione, believe me, I honestly love you."

I looked up at him with disbelief in my eyes, but before I had a chance to say anything Malfoy had placed a kiss on my mouth and soon I was responding back to him. All of a sudden I realized what I was doing and pushed him back, this is MALFOY we're talking about here Hermione, and nooo I am not in love with him and nor am I attracted to him in the slightest way.

I rolled my eyes at him when I saw the satisfied grin on his face. "Just because I kissed you back Malfoy doesn't mean that I like you in any way you know." Liar, liar, liar, a voice in my head was screaming. You know you're attracted to him Hermione. Um yea, I may be attracted to him, but why am I going to tell him that?!

"You shouldn't lie to me Hermione, especially when you're such a bad liar," Malfoy whispered seductively in my ear. Uh oh, butterflies in stomach!!!

"Um, Malfoy, I told Harry and Ron I'd meet them at one, and would you look at the time." I smacked myself mentally, me and my feeble attempts to get away. Obviously Malfoy that it was lame to because he didn't let go of me, just tightened his grasp on me and began to trail kisses up and down my neck. "Ok Malfoy really have to go right now!"

"You know, you really shouldn't call me Malfoy anymore now that you're also a Malfoy." His hand began to reach inside my robes. I gave a yelp and smacked him really hard on the arm. Malfoy was surprised for a second and loosened his grasp on me, and I took that as an opportunity to get out of there.

I ran as fast as I could to the Great Hall field. By then it was already one so Harry and Ron were there and they were too immersed in their own quidditch conversation to really notice my flushed face and short breaths. I was glad for that.

As I was finally beginning to calm down, I felt a hand slide over my waist, pulling me up into his lap. God, it was Malfoy again! "Why were you running away from me?" he whispered to me in my ear.

"LET go of Hermione Malfoy!" Harry and Ron had FINALLY noticed that Malfoy was next to me, well, more like that I was practically sitting on his lap.

I heard Malfoy chuckle beside, "Oh, so I guess that you already know that Hermione is married to me right? I mean you DID just call her Hermione MALFOY."

"Stop lying to us Malfoy, Hermione, why are you just sitting in his lap like that?" Realization seemed to slowly dawn on their faces. Well at least it did for Harry. "So he's not lying to us?!"

I shook my head slowly.

"W-what, Hermione? How? Why?"

I pulled myself off out from Malfoy's grasp and glared at Malfoy. I began to explain the story to them. When I was done both boys looked like they were ready to murder Malfoy, and truth be told, I did not care about what they did to him, but sadly, a teacher just had to come by, darn, I was really hoping that one of them could maybe kill Malfoy.


A/N: Ok, done with the chapter, tell me what you guys think of it and please review!