
Chapter sixteen – An unholy sight

Hahaha, see! I told you I would update more! It's only been a day since the last chapter and I'm already starting on a new one. This hasn't happened in, well, a long time. Over a year, I think. So, you all best enjoy it while it lasts. Oh, and I would like to thank all of my reviewers. Especially you, Moon. You went through and read and reviewed the whole story, that means a lot to me. Thanks! –Hugs- Now then, onto the story.

In the last chapter

"Get out of here, Trunks. This won't be for you to see." An evil smirk presents itself upon Vegeta's lip as he moves in on Bulma, like a cat stalking it prey.

"V-Vegeta…? Why are you looking at me like that? S-stop it… It's not funny!" Bulma screamed as he finally pounces her and pushes her against the partially broken wall.

"Now I have you right where I want you. I've wanted to do this for a long time, woman. And now I have my chance…"


"Dad! What are you doing! Don't you dare hurt her!" Trunks yelled, running over and tugging at his fathers' leg. "Father, stop it!"

"I said get out of here, son." The prince stated coolly, his vision still not wavering from his prey. The evil in his eyes growing by the second, he saw the fear in her eyes. That same fear from when he first scared her all those years ago. He slowly leans in towards the soft flesh of her neck, his hot breaths sending chills down her spine. He smirked feeling them, as he looked deep into her eyes.

"What are you doing, Vegeta…?" Bulma finally managed to whisper out, biting her lip gently.

"Some thing I haven't done in a long time, woman… So you best enjoy this." He suddenly wraps his arms around the small of her back, pulling her body close to him as he kisses up her neck.

Trunks' eye began to twitch at this sight as he started to catch on to what his father was doing. "E-e-wwww…! Oh my god! Get a room! SICK!" He turns his head and gags, letting loose of his fathers' leg and running outside and jumping into the pool head first with his eyes open wide. Hopping the chlorine would clean his eyes of the disgusting sight he just beheld. "I think I'm gonna be sick…" He mumbled as he floated around the pool. Removing his shirt and shorts as he swims in his boxers. (He's just a little kid, people. Don't go attacking him yet XD)

Bulma watches her son leave as she laughs gently, and then shivers as her mate nibbles at her ear. Taking in a quick breath she whimpers, her legs becoming useless as she melts into his strong embrace.

Lifting the woman into his arms, her slowly makes his way upstairs and to their room. Shutting the door behind them tightly…


Every one: -Gasp- Reno, you wouldn't dare write a lemon…! Would you? - ;

Reno: Uhh… oo; Maybe… WHAT'S IT TO YOU? ;

Every one: -Slaps- Bad girl!

Reno: -Moans- Oh, ye- oo; I mean…. Ummm… -runs-

Every one: -Twitch- xo; That was wrong on so many levels…

Yeah, so the next chapter may or may not be a lemon. I haven't decided yet. If you guys tell me not to, I'll think about it. But I won't promise any thing. Sorry this chapter was so short. I didn't want to go into any thing just yet. I want to think how want the story line to go. So yeah… Umm, review if you please. It is greatly appreciated, thanks!
