Disclaimer: I do not nor have I ever owned InuYasha.

(A/N: Hey guys I'm back well I've been here so I guess this story is back. I've had writer's block with this story. I've decide to spilt this chapter into two part so this is part one and part two will be Ch. 9. I think that's all for now.)

Chapter 8: The Girl Who Cried

By Tainted InuShemeeko

Kagome slowly sat Inuyasha's cell phone down as she thought about what Kouga had just told her.

"Kagome, you can go to the party if you want, but you'll be in danger if you do."

What could have Kouga been talking about? This was her best friend's spring break party. There was no way she was going to miss it. She would be surround by people she knew, so why would she be in danger? No matter how she looked at it there was something going on.

"Well Kouga, you may think you can scare me, but it's not going to work."

She then walked to Inuyasha's closet. On the left side of it Mrs. Tenseiga had placed a few dresses inside for her. Kagome chose the white one with yellow flowers on it.

"This one will work; the skirt comes to my knees so it won't be that short on me."

She laid the dress on the bed, just as she heard Sango yell for her.

"Kagome are you up there?"

Kagome looked up at the door before answering her.

"I'm coming Sango, be there in a second."

Without a second thought, Kagome headed out of Inuyasha room and down the stair to greet her friend. Tonight was going to be so much fun; it would be the last time all of their friends would get together before they graduated in four months. Kagome was happier then she had been for a long time. Nothing could dampen her spirits now.


A smooth voice spoke to Kouga as he was picked up off of the ground.

"Kouga, Kouga, Kouga what am I going to do with you. You disobeyed an order given to you by Naraku's step-daughter. That's not right you know, and it's a crime that deserves punishment."

Kouga's blue eyes looked defiantly up at the men looking down at him. They both disgusted him. His eyes darted over to the heavy one and then back to the one that was holding his face in his hands.

"Go to hell you bastard."

Kouga looked over at the heavy man about twenty years old.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. What's your brother going to think when he finds out that you were involved in the kidnapping and murder of his best friend's soon to be sister in law. I figure that he isn't going to be to please with you, is he Manten?"

Manten suddenly lunged forward and struck Kouga across the face.

"Shut up you ingrate, you speak of lies for my brother will never know of my involvement here."

Kouga glared over at the older man as he began to laugh.

"What the hell's so funny Ehiko?"

The man Kouga had addressed as Ehiko stepped out of the shadows. His chestnut eyes, filled with malice and pleasure, his shoulder length hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Why I am laughing at you Kouga, your face seems to have lost your handsomeness; what a shame. Perhaps I should pay a visit to your little Ayame's house?"

A sudden fire leapt into Kouga's eyes at the sound of Ayame's name, causing him to lunge forward at Ehiko only to be held back by other men.

"You leave her out of this! It's bad enough that you have your eyes set on Sesshomaru's wife."

Ehiko walked with confident in his step toward Kouga. He then pulled out a knife and placed it under Kouga's chin.

"Yes, I did until I found out that she is five months pregnant with their second child. Unlike my poor misguided cousin, I don't like it when the stakes involved the life of an innocent child. Naraku is very aware of this as well. As long as your little Ayame doesn't get in my way..."

He then ran the blade across Kouga's left cheek and then his right as he continued to speak.

"I won't be force to hurt her."

His chestnut eyes seemed to dance as he watched the blood seep out of the cuts on his cheeks and then down his face.

"I so enjoy inflicting pain."

Without warning Ehiko plunged the knife into Kouga's right shoulder. His eyes gleamed at the sound as he pulled it out.

"Now, see didn't that feel better. I believe I'll play with Miss Higurashi a bit before I end her life."

Kouga smirked as he looked up at Ehiko.

"You harm one hair on Kagome's head and Inuyasha will be the one inflicting pain on your pretty face. Probably worst then whatever Sesshomaru did to your cousin."

Kouga's words didn't go unheard; however Ehiko's response was a mere laugh before he kicked him in the ribs.

"Now if you would excuse me I have date with Miss Higurashi and a Miss Takeshi. I want to make sure I'm the first one to the party. By the time I'm finished with her she'll wish she had never met the Tenseiga family. When that is finished I will have finished Miss Miko's wishes. Sweet dreams Kouga old friend."

Kouga growl he fought against the men holding him, trying to get to Ehiko.

"You bastard, When Inuyasha is through with you, you'll wish you were dead."

Just has Kouga had gained some freedom, something cold and hard hit him in the back of the head, causing him to suddenly fall into darkness. Ehiko then glanced down at Kouga's unconscious body.

"No my dear Kouga, when I'm through with my orders, it shall be Miss. Higurashi and Inuyasha Tenseiga who will be wishing they were dead, not I."

His dark gleaming chestnut eyes shot over to Manten for a brief moment.

"Manten, dispose of this trash that is in front of me, I wish to look at it no longer."

Manten quickly nodded his head as he bent down to pick up Kouga's seemly lifeless body from the floor.

"As you wish Ehiko."

"Sesshomaru and InuTaisho Tenseiga, I shall make you pay for what you had ever done to my family. I shall destroy you with my very hands. Then we shall see who has the upper hand. Yes very soon indeed."


Miroku frowned at his best friends as he watched him pace in front of the bleachers. Inuyasha had been like this for the last twenty minutes.

"Inuyasha, if you don't stop your pacing there won't be any ground left to walk on, let alone run on."

He received nothing but a 'keh' from Inuyasha. Which Miroku had learned was never a good thing.

"Just because she didn't answer your cell phone when you called, it does mean anything. Their women, I'm sure Kagome just forgot to take it with her."

Inuyasha's gold and violet eyes were now hidden by his silver bangs as he smirked at Miroku.

"Yeah you're probably right, but why is it that neither she nor Sango are answering the phone at the house, especially when it's in the kitchen with them?"

This time Miroku was unsure what to say to his friend. It even made him start to wonder what was going on. Sango and Kagome had to be at the house, he had taken Sango to the store earlier that morning, so he knew that there would be no need to go to town.

'So where could they be that they wouldn't be answering the phone?'

To be honest the more he thought about it the more uneasy he felt about it. For as long as he had known Kagome, she had never been one to not answer the phone; no matter where she was.

"InuYasha are you getting the same feeling that I'm getting?"

InuYasha glanced quickly over at Miroku, his amber eye gleaming with unspoken anger.

"Depends Miroku, if your feeling's telling you that something isn't right at my house, then I'd say we're on the same track."

Still dressed in their track uniforms both boys took off in a run, leaving the school track behind them.


Kagome busied herself in the kitchen helping Sango get the food ready for the party that night. She then turned to Sango as she asked,

"Sango, doesn't Miroku usually call you after he and InuYasha have a track met?"

Sango answered with a nod of her head.

"You're right Kagome, he does. I wonder why he hasn't called tonight?"

Kagome took a few steps into the living room and picked up the phone. She was baffled as she lifted the receiver up to her ear and was greeted with no dial tone.

"Well that's weird."

"What's weird Kagome?" Sango asked from her spot in the kitchen.

Kagome then walked back into the kitchen to look at her best friend.

"The house phone is dead."

Sango just shook it off.

"It could be lightning, or someone probably just hit a phone line; there is a storm brewing out there. You and I both know that there are people out there that should know how to drive and don't."

It was then that Kagome remembered that she had left Inuyasha's cell up stairs in his room.

"Oh my god, I left Inuyasha's cell phone up stair. I bet he's tried to call me a dozen times already."

She then turned and ran up the stairs to Inuyasha's bed room. Once there, she picked up his cell from the bed where she had left it, and opened the balcony doors as she watched the storm cloud close in around her.

"Six messages from Inuyasha, he is so going to kill me when he gets home."

She stiffened as she felt someone walk up behind her.

"Nonsense Miss. Higurashi, that would be my job. Now if you're a good girl I won't have to hurt your friend that's down stairs."

Kagome felt trapped. What could she do? If she screamed Sango would hear her and come to find her. Yet the scream was already there in her lungs and the man behind her must have felt it as well, for just as she was about to scream she felt a soft cloth press quickly against her mouth and nose. The smell of ammonia quickly took over her senses causing her to become dizzy right before she fell into darkness.

"Now to set the trap for Inuyasha and to get those other friends of yours out of the way; I promise you when you wake up you'll be wishing you had never met this family."

Or at least that what the man in the shadows thought would happen.


(A/N: Okay next up: Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango walk into a trap. Sesshomaru and InuTaisho come home to find a note cover in blood. Inuyasha then realizes that the one person he saw as an enemy was really an ally.

My drawing challenge is still up you can email me at InuVixen21

Hope you enjoyed it.

Ja ne!

Tainted InuShemeeko)