Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Even though I wish I did.

Summary: Kagome's schoolwork is falling behind. All of her high school friends are worried about her. It seems like she's turning away from life. Inuyasha is especially worried about her. Can he bring back the Kagome he was starting to fall for or will it be too later too save her? Will he heal the wounds inside her heart, or will they stay broken open?

Title: A Darkness Inside.
Chapter 1: The Bleeding Heart
By InuShemeeko

Kagome slipped into a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt that said Born To Be Wild. She stared at the tear-streaked face in her mirror. How could he do that to her? How could he give his heart to Kikyo? He had already told her that his heart would be her's forever, sure they had been ten. But she didn't care she had loved him then and she still loved him.

"Damn it Inuyasha, how can you do this to us? How can you turn your back on our friendship? I gave you my heart forever and now it's broken."

When she woke up this morning to an empty house she knew she was alone. No was ever home. So most of the time her parents never knew what was going on in her life. They were to busy with their own lives to worry about hers.

She was half tempted not to go to her classes today. Kagome looked at the clock she had an hour and a half to make it to school.

"Oh well I can always skip next week. Who knows maybe the school really did burn down last night."

Kagome's hopes fell as she turned the corner.

"Damn it was just a dream."

For there in all its glory Tenseiga High was still standing tall. Kagome put on her best smile as she saw Sheliah and Sango run up to her. She then took in what they were wearing. Both wore gray hooded sweatshirts that had a huge sword on the front and said Tetsusaiga High in big red letters.

"Is it track season all ready?"

Sango shook her head. "No, it was just so cold this morning I decide to wear it."

Kagome's blue-violet eyes looked over at Sheliah, she nodded as well.

"Well it's been a slice guys but I got to go. Ms. Heartthrob is going to kill me if I'm late again C'ya."

Kagome had dreaded going to her Chemistry class. It was one of the classes she and Inuyasha had together. Luck had been with her for once and Mr. Hott hadn't made them do a lab so she didn't have to work with him.

Once the class let out Kagome tried to hurry down the hall, only to hear him call after her.


'Not today Inuyasha please not after what you told me last night when we went out.'

Her luck had run out and the track star caught her by the arm.

"Hey Kagome...I ...uh wanted to ask you how your little brother was doing?"

Her voice was just above a whisper.

"They moved him into the ICU early this morning. They give him a month, two if we're lucky."

Kagome watched as he lowered his eyes to the ground. That was one of the things she loved about him. He had one violet eye and one honey brown one. His father's eyes were the same as Inuyasha's. His brother Sesshomaru had honey brown eyes.

"I'm sorry Kagome. I know how you feel. I know how much he means to you."

"Do you Inuyasha? I figured you've been to busy making out with your bitch! How dare you tell me you know how I feel! You told me you were her study partner and you wait tell last night on our date to tell me she's your girlfriend. How could you?"

"Kagome I'll always be here for you."

Tears of sadness and anger flowed from her eyes.

"Really, then where were you this morning you were my ride and you never showed up. I was almost late because I had to walk, I would have drove but my car's in the shop remember?"

Inuyasha's eyes widened as what Kagome was saying hit him.

"Oh god Kagome I'm sorry I totally forgot. When Kikyo called I ..."

"KIKYO uh. So I guess being best friends since the first grade means nothing any more."

"Kagome I..."

"Just stop Inuyasha. I really needed you this morning and you weren't there. If you had been you would had been there when the hospital called about Sota. Mom and dad were at work and I was alone."

Inuyasha laid a hand on the back of her head as she cried against his shoulder. He had been there when Kagome's parents had told her that her eleven year-old brother had been diagnosed with kidney failure. It had been hard on her. Sota had always asked her how school was going heck he even helped her with her math. He was one smart kid none of this stuff seem fair. Sota didn't deserve this Kagome didn't deserve it.

Once Kagome was finished sobbing she looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

"Oh by the way Inuyasha, tell your dad, Mr. Tenseiga I said thanks for helping Sota move up the list. I know that's how he got to be in the top five on the kidney list, however I wish he hadn't."

Kagome knew for a fact that Inuyasha hated his last name. Reason number one the High School he attended, had been named after his great-great-great- great grandfather. Reason number two his father had power because of who he was. Kagome guessed that reason two was the reason he hated it.

"Look Inuyasha I have to go Sango's waiting. I'm sure your darling Kikyo is looking for you."


Inuyasha sighed as he watched her disappear into the crowd leaving the school.

"I really screwed things up this time."

"I couldn't agree with you more."

Inuyasha jumped at the sound of someone talking behind him, only to find Miroku Hentai standing behind him.

"Damn it Hentai, don't do that!"

Miroku grinned as he placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Well my friend the training room is all ours."

Inuyasha smiled. "Awesome, let's go Miroku."


Sango pulled her magenta Blazer in front of Kagome's house.

"Well here we are."

Kagome tried to hide the sarcasm in her in her voice.

"Whoopee for me."

Sango frowned over at her friend.

"Kagome, I'll make sure my mom calls this time to tell and lets you know how Sota is doing." (*this is really confusing*)

Kagome smiled weakly over at Sango.

"Thanks. I'll be home alone again. Mom's staying with Sota again and dad's out of town."

Sango smiled over at her.

"No problem, call me if you need me and don't worry Miroku will knock some sense into Inuyasha."

"I wouldn't count on it Sango."

Sango looked over at Kagome as she spoke.

"Miroku just might surprise you."

Kagome waved good-bye, as Sango's Blazer pulled out of her driveway. She then turned and went inside to check and see if she had any messages.


Miroku looked over at Inuyasha confused.

"You did what! Inuyasha tell me I didn't hear what I think I did?"

Inuyasha frowned over at his best friend.

"I'm not sure why I did it but I did."

Both seniors wore helmets as they swung their padded batons at each other. Miroku swung hard hitting him in the side of the face, causing Inuyasha to fall off. He hit the mat below them hard. Causing Inuyasha to shake his head as he tried to stand.

"What the hell you do that for Miroku?"

"I was trying to knock some sense into you. I fear it did not work as
well as I had hoped."

Inuyasha growled up at Miroku.

"You could have given me brain damage."

"I believe Inuyasha, that you already have it, and do not tell
me someone in your family made you."

Inuyasha himself didn't really know why he had started to date Kikyo
when Kagome was so close to him. Miroku jumped down beside Inuyasha
and looked at him.

"One day Inuyasha Kagome will not be here. What will you do

Inuyasha wasn't sure how to answer that. He had never thought about
Kagome leaving. What would he do if she were gone?

(A/N: I hope you guys liked please R&R you're the best. Ciao,