-'Who Wants to Live Forever'-

Pairings: We'll see.

A/N: An idea that I've been kicking around in my head for a while. I usually stick to Buffy Fanfic, but I decided to try my hand at other fan fiction universes. The first part is more background for the story and idea. And this is going to be a crossover. Fairly Kurt and Logan centric.

A/N 2: Review me please. God knows you can't write more unless you get reviews.

A/N 3: And in this part, I have to go back and edit a couple of things from canon. Kurt's not an Immortal yet. So just wait. Special thanks to Beyond Evolution for episode information.

Disclaimers: I don't own anything relating to Marvel Comics, Highlander, or anything else for that matter.

Timeframe: Post Impact, so Apocalypse is still around and kicking. Xmen and New Recruits are at Xaviers, Brotherhood and Acolytes are at the Brotherhood house.

Dedicated to everyone that has ideas but doesn't think they're good enough


Germany, Early 1985

Erik Lehnsherr sat in silence looking over his notes. The soft candlelight in the castle illuminated the room. The light danced against the walls, providing a deep contrast between the medical equipment and the tall centuries old tapestries hanging on the wall. He was so close to the answer. He could feel it. He had gone through a great deal of trouble to find the original copies. And they were nowhere in sight

He growled in frustration and tossed the papers across the room.

'All I need is an idea.'

The metal equipment in the room shuddered as he became angry.

'All I need is one subject to try it on.'

The walls trembled as his temper grew.

'All I need is just to figure out the complications it would take on a mutant. A young mutant, one to take baseline tests on. To fill in the gaps where Operation Rebirth left off.'

It had taken years to find the original plans for Operation Rebirth. The idea was simple; make a human into a Superhuman. Why not go further than that? Make a mutant a Supermutant. But just like Steve Rogers case, the process actually caused a "cellular breakdown" that would break the recipient's body down to the simplest elements, even DNA. And the process would be even more of a failure on mutants. The specifications for Rebirth had been met specifically for humans, not mutants. Even if he could change them, mutant DNA was even more unstable to begin with. He just needed one mutant. One soul. One body. One living being. He let out a shout and several metal stacks of computer equipment fell off of their stands and clattered on the floor.

'I could make him more powerful than he could possibly imagine.'

He had heard rumors of mutants that could survive anything. Their healing factors were off the scale. Rumors. Gossip. But even then, they were told not with facts of science, but by notions of sorcery. He could feel the pull of each of the metal objects swirl around him as they flew around the room.

'I could make him immortal.'

If it was a success and he could do it on himself, he would have all of the time in the world. Nothing could stop him.

'All I need is to use one of my own kind as a lab rat.'

He closed his eyes in defeat. The metal objects in the room fell to the floor. A small bowl rolled around with a metallic swirl before falling on its side. He let out a loud sigh and began picking up some of the papers on the floor. Erik knew that he was getting older. He would not be strong enough in the coming years to help mutant kind survive the coming war, nor what would lie beyond it. Could he still do it without a test subject?

'All I need is a few more years.'

He raised an arm and the metal objects on the floor immediately went back to their original positions.

'Besides, where could I find a newborn mutant with the amount of genetic abnormalities needed?'

The next day Erik Lehnsherr looked out the door to see Mystique in her natural blue form holding a small bundle in her arms.

As he held the small blue mutant for the first time his only thought was 'virtue is insufficient temptation.' [1]


Xaviers Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Fall 2000

Logan sat in the corner of the room, watching Xavier's recruits. He grinned to himself. Red and Cyclops were dancing around each other again. He snorted and propped his legs upon the table. He could hear them on the other side of the room talking about someone named Kurt. He shrugged his arms before going back to his newspaper. 'Chuck said he had another student coming. Hope I don't have to go and hunt down the little brat.' He chuckled and reached over for a cup of coffee on the stand next to him.

A whisper of static tingled the back of his mind. Logan tensed and narrowed his eyes. It wasn't strong. It felt like a butterfly tickled the base of his skull with a light feather. The feeling would short out suddenly and then reappear. It slowly began to pull his attention towards the closet over on the other side of the room. He watched as the door slowly creaked open. Whoever was in there seemed to be watching the new recruits.

Logan's face pulled away any emotion as he slowly stalked up to the door. His senses became overpowered by whoever was in the closet. His eyes refused to move from that one spot. His skin seemed to tingle and his nose was almost overrun by the stench of...brimstone?

He tensed and unsheathed his claws. He ripped oven the door and growled, "Who the hell are..."

A blue creature looked him in the face and responded with a high pitch scream. "EEEECCCKKK!"

Before Logan could do anything else, the creature disappeared in a plume of smoke. He took a step back and tried to use his hands to clear the air.

He sighed and went back over to his table. "Goddammit Chuck. You gotta warn me about these things."


Saint Paul of the Cross, Westchester NY, November 2003

Kurt sat in the back of the church. Mass had ended for the evening and he just wanted to be alone and think in a place he was comfortable in. He noticed no one else was in the building and turned off his image inducer. Kurt mused to himself as he looked around the empty church. Something in their innate design made them very comfortable in the nighttime. The way the candles could illuminate the wooden walks and pews. The gentle sound of the wind running over the old roof just eased his tensions and relieved some of his stress. He sighed and stood up. He came there for a reason.

He walked up to the steps before the altar and knelt down. He put his hands together and spoke aloud while doing the motions of the cross. "Im Namen des Vaters, des Sohns und des heiligen Geistes." [2]

-In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost-

He sighed before continuing. "Es ist acht Tage seit meinem letzten Beichtstuhl gewesen ."

-It has been eight days since my last confessional-

He sat there in silence staring up at the cross. In his ear he heard a ghost of a whisper. Magneto looked at him with accusing eyes. "By destroying those controls, you take away my only chance. Are you that much like your mother?"

"Are you that much like your mother?"

"Like your mother?"

Kurt sighed and closed eyes in prayer. "Ich benötige Ihre Hilfe, ich benötige Ihre Stärke..."

-I need your help; I need your strength...-

In his mind he saw Rogue push their mother off the cliff.

He shook his head, hoping to get rid of the image, and continued to pray. "Ich benötige Ihre Klugheit, ich benötige Ihre Anleitung."

-I need your wisdom, I need your guidance.-

Kurt continued to pray as the candles danced in the darkness. A soft vapor of wind blew across the room. "Weiß ich nicht, was Sie mich für vorbereiten, nur Geben ich die Stärke zum nicht auszufallen."

- I do not know what you are preparing me for, only give me the strength not to fail.-

Light danced upon the walls, illuminating a stained glass window depicting Moses holding the Ten Commandments. As the lights flickered, one line stood out.

Thou shalt not kill.


[1] Quote by George Bernard Shaw

[2] Translations by Altavista.com