No ownership to characters. I like to hear from you!

JD has a strange illness. What will happen?

Much too Young

It was a hectic and chaotic day at Sacred Heart Hospital that day. Everyone was

running around like I'd never seen them before. There was an occasionally "Hi,"

but nothing more. The only person who was really paying attention to me was Dr.

Cox and I don't know if I like that. I'd only been at work for about four hours and

already felt dead on my feet. I didn't even have the energy to talk to myself or

daydream...much. Eventually, I caught up with Turk and we decided to meet in

the cafeteria for lunch.

"So, I'll catch up with you later." I said.

"You got man." And Turk rushed off to surgery.

Hey, it may seem gross to most people to schedule at lunch date and then go cut someone

open but - it's a life. Unless you're a serial killer. if you are please disregard that last


A few rounds later it was time for lunch. Yes!

The key to slipping out of the hospital with out anyone asking you to do something for

them is not to make eye contact.

I made a fast walk to the elevator. But as the doors opened, out strided Dr. Cox

throwing a clip board my way.

"Take care of this for me will ya, Newbie? After all that is your job, right?"

"My goal in life, Sir." Great, I gotta go get... or maybe I'll just ask Carla.

I saw Carla and started to walk toward the nurse's station but once I got there felt really


"What is it, Bambie?"

"H-hold on." I bent over and put my hands on my knees. I felt so cold and light headed.

"Bambie? JD what's wrong?" She walked around the desk. "Oh my, I - I need a doctor

over here!"