All's Fair in Love War
A 'Teen Titans' story

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. It belongs to the creator whoever that is.

The Teen Titans were in the living room. They had been watching a movie on TV, but the movie was rather pointless so most of the Titans were asleep. Robin, however, was still awake, skipping from channel to channel. Suddenly, Starfire's hand hit him on the shoulder. He jumped and the remote flew out of his hands, landing painfully on Raven's head.

"What NOW you-- oh. It was a dream," Raven mumbled as she jerked awake and found the remote in her lap. Starfire had woken up too.

"Sorry Raven, Starfire scared me," Robin replied, glancing at Starfire. Suddenly, Beast Boy let out a giant snore and it rang around the room.

"He snores so noisily!" exclaimed Starfire. At that,Robin gave a little chuckle. "What?"

"You snore pretty loudly too, Starfire," Robin teased, giving her a half smile.

"Well, so do you," Raven blurted not-so-kindly to Robin.

"Don't get me started on you!" Robin exclaimed, turning to Raven. Starfire laughed and swatted Robin on the head.

"Enough of this snore talk, I'm hungry. Anyone else want a midnight snack?" Starfire asked, stretching her arms.

"Sounds good. I'll go to the kitchen with you," Robin added as he stood up and stretched.

"I'm going back to sleep," Raven said, placing a hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn, but not doing any good. "Good night." She floated off to her bedroom.

"Let's go!" Starfire chided, flying gently into the kitchen and opening a cabinet. Immediately she pulled out some chocolate chip cookies.

"Looks good to me," Robin whispered from behind her.

Starfire giggled. She got out a plate, on which she placed six cookies, and two glasses of milk. She flewto the table gently and sat on a chair next to Robin, placing the cups and plate on the table.

"Thanks," Robin spoke repeatedly, glancing into her eyes. His heart skipped a beat, his words stuck in his throat, and he forgot everything in that moment. Needless to say, Starfire stared back.

"Did you know that you have really exquisite eyes?" Robin whispered to Starfire. She shook her head and looked away.

"Thank you," she managed to whisper.

'Why do I feel like this?' Starfire thought. She would have to ask Raven. Star came out of her reverie when she felt something stroking her hair. It was Robin, tucking some of Star's hair behind her ear. They both gave each other a small, awkward smile.

"Let's eat," Star offered akwardly. Robin blinked a couple of times, then nodded. They ate in silence, Robin peeking at Starfire as often as he could. When they were done, Robin took the plate and cups and put them in the dishwasher.

"Good night, Robin," Starfire drawled, her eyes heavy and half closed.

"Night, Starfire," Robin responded.

Starfire scooted out of her chair, flew into the air, and into the hallway to her bedroom, already half asleep.

Robin walked up the stairs to his bedroom and fell asleep in no time. Starfire, however, could not. Something was annoying her, something small in her mind that she could not get rid of.

Eventually Starfire got up from her cold bed and went to the window, peering out at the dark waters that surrounded the Tower. The moon lit upon her face, illuminating her anxious expression.

Oh, how right she was to be worried.

(AN: Yes I know it is kind of small. Forgive me, but it is just the beginning. laughs evilly. )