We were in the park.

In the playground to be exact. Why? I don't know. We were just sitting on one of those ledges that conected the monkey bars to the other side. Good thing no little kids were at the park.

Seto might growl at them.

Or I might.

Funny that. I always denied the fact that I was a dog. Or a mutt as Seto says. I mean said. Past tense.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the pole. Seto leaned back next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I still can't believe you gave Yugi the finger..." I open my eyes and stare at him.

"Did you even see his face?" I think back. No I don't think....


He was bloody hell shocked. I mean he's never heard me swear before. Yami would kill me if I ever did. Heh, heh.

I laughed.

"Told you so..."

"Yeah well,"

I stood up and went over to the monkey bars. I climbed up so that I was sitting on top of them. I motioned for Seto to come up.

"You want me to climb the monkey bars?" I nodded, grinning like an idiot.

"You are the weirdest person I know."

"Am I supposed to be insulted by that?" I asked as Seto climbed on top of the monkey bars next to me.

"No. I'm just letting you know."

"I've been doing a lot of weird things resently." Seto didn't say anything. He knew what I meant.

Let's see. I've cried... excessively. I've run away from my friends. For most people it's the other way around – they run to their friends. Oh, and then I gave my friends the finger.

Very normal.

But then I've never been normal have I?

Who else has Seto Kaiba for a boyfriend?

Lucky me.

"I wouldn't want to be normal though." Seto looks at me oddly.

"You wouldn't be my boyfriend if I was." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Are you saying I'm weird?" He pretends to be insulted. Or at least I think he's pretending. Kinda hard to tell – Seto's sence of humor is not the best...

"No Seto. Of course you're normal." I say trying to squeeze all the sarcasm out of my voice. But Seto misses it anyway – either that or he's purposely ignoreing it.

"Hey, I take pride in being weird." I can tell.

He stands up and takes a mock bow. Then he starts to walk down the end of the monkey bars like on a balance beam.

"Seto! You're gonna fall!" Which would be painful if I may say so.

Think about it.

"I'll be fine... you worry to much." My jaw drops. Me? Worry? Not in this lifetime....

Well except for the time... and this other time.

Okay I see his point.

But then – ironicly – Seto slips.

I turn away wincing in pain. That must have hurt. I turn back expecting to see him in pain but then...

"That would have hurt," He mumbles. He smiles at me like an idiot. He must have caught himself before he fell.

"What are you on?!" I punch him playfully.

"Nuthin..." Sure...

Then what happened to the word 'nothing'?

"Well 'cept for you..." He laughs, then runs his hand through my hair.

"Must be your evil influence." I glare at him. But he ignores my glare and just kisses me.

And I kiss him back. Then suddenly we're both kissing each other heavily. I can feel his arm creeping up my back...

You know it's a miracle we haven't fallen off the monkey bars yet.


We break apart and I see my friends on the ground looking up at us. I turn a violent shade of red. That must have been some sight – both of us making out on top of the monkey bars.

I've seen weird things before but....


I jump down from the monkey bars onto ground. I'm standing in front of my friends.

"You called?"

"We were waiting for you after school." They were? Did that mean...?

"Yeah, if we hurry we can still have some time at the arcade." Yugi smiled.

They were acting as if my little speech never happened. Normally that would be a good thing. That they're still my friends. But ignoring it, acting as though it's not there...

Don't think so.

"C'mon Joey." Tristan said.

"You too Seto." At least they acknowledged him. That's a first. But still I didn't move though.

"What's wrong Joey?" Tèa asked, worried.

"It's okay about before...you were just...upset." Yugi mumbled. To hell I was.

"No it isn't." Seto said. I stared at him. That was my line. My friends stare at him, wondering what he's going to say. I'm wondering the same thing.

"I....Joey and I didn't go about this right. We should have told you in the beginning." Seto stopped. It was my turn to say something. Jeez, why do I always get to say the hard things? If he ever calls me a coward again I'll kill him.

Not litrally but....

"Yeah. Sorry about that..." I pause, then a take a deep breath.

"But the thing is that we're together. You can't change that. You're not going to." Seto grinned at that.

"You'll have a hard time getting me away from Joey." Seto wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"SETO!" I yelled, blushing like the idot I was.

My friends laughed.

A good laugh.

You know, a playful kind of laugh.

"We won't even try." Yami said, smiling at Seto's public display of affection.

"It would be imposible anyway. You two are glued together..." Tristan muttered. Tèa wacked him over the head.

"Ow...heh heh." He laughed.

"You coming?" Yugi said. I nodded.

So we walked over to the arcade. Tristan, Tèa, Yugi, Yami, then of course me and Seto. Did I mention the whole time we walked to the arcade that Seto had his arms around me?

Everything was good again. I had my friends and Seto.

But can I say that all the pain from this is gone?


It's left scars.

Painful scars.

Memories I would just like to forget.

But the weird thing is, when you want to forget something it's almost impossible.

So I might remember this for the rest of my life.

It's gonna leave scars.

But then sometimes scars are not that bad. They're proof that I've lived though something hard, something painful.

And the good thing about scars is that while they do hurt, they also tend to heal and fade away.

Eventually at least.

It's like they say, time heals all scars.

And meanwhile, I can just hang out with my friends and my boyfriend.



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