"Morning." Daniel said, sitting down in the commissary opposite Teal'c, with a huge mug of coffee.

"I understood you were going back to your lab with Major Carter" Teal'c said, peeling an apple.

"Yeah, but when I got to the lift, Jack was in it, alone. I thought I'd better go and leave them together."

"Most wise." Teal'c approved, slicing a piece off his apple and putting it in to his mouth.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." Daniel said, taking a big gulp of his coffee. "Most of my memory has come back, but I still don't remember, were we doing all this stuff to get Sam and Jack together before I left?"

"I do not believe we were doing it consciously, but however our subconscious appeared to approve of the relationship and do everything we could to further it. I have learned that our subconscious..."

"My God, you've really devoured Freud, haven't you?" Daniel said, incredulously.

"Also Jung, Klein, Anna Freud, and Alice Miller." Teal'c told him, self-satisfied.

"Yes, and I'd like my books back now, please, Teal'c." Janet said, sitting down next to Daniel. He smiled quickly at her.

"Sarah's doing really well, by the way." Janet said. Daniel looked away, and down, back at his coffee.

"Daniel Jackson managed to leave Major Carter and O'Neill alone in the lift again this morning."

"Well done!" Janet approved, patting Daniel on the back, then tearing at her croissant. "She's been a bit different ever since she came back from the Prometheus. I think something changed her aboard that ship, and I think it's good news for us."

"Did she tell you what happened?" Teal'c asked. Janet nodded, her mouth full of pastry.

"And?" Daniel prompted. Janet swallowed.

"And half of what she told me is protected by doctor-patient confidentiality!"

"And the other half?" Daniel insisted.

"Is no doubt protected by the confidentiality of best friends." Teal'c told him, as Janet took another huge bite of her croissant, finishing it off.

"Sorry." She said. "Haven't eaten since this time yesterday. Been busy.". Teal'c silently handed her a apple, ready sliced, and Daniel poured out another cup of coffee and handed it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled. "Ok, now for the important stuff....what do you think of Pete?"

Daniel shrugged, and murmured, and pushed his glasses up his nose. Teal'c stared with disdain at his plate, and pushed the toast away.

"So I gather we're all of the same opinion?" Janet asked.

"He seemed ok at first." Daniel said. "I mean, he was funny, and Sam likes that."

"And he does appear to adore and worship SamanthaCarter."

"And he was due to have left for good two weeks ago." Janet reminded them.

"But know I've really got to know him, and seen exactly how he treats Sam, I have to say, I think he's a jerk." Daniel finished.

"Total dickwad." Janet mumbled through a mouthful of apple.

"He is the week-old droppings of the Venomous Bugblatter Beast of Traal." Teal'c said calmly, as he sliced a grapefruit on half with one clean motion. Janet and Daniel stared at him for a second, then Janet laughed, quickly covering her mouth to stop crumbs spraying everywhere, and Daniel got out a notebook, and wrote the phrase down.

"Beast...of...Traal..." Daniel murmured, as he finished. "Ok, so the guy has to go. Any ideas?"

"If we all express our disgust with him, SamanthaCarter will only find him the more attractive." Teal'c observed. Janet nodded.

"Why?" Daniel asked. Teal'c and Janet exchanged exasperated glances.

"You know, considering all those girlfriends, I thought you would have learnt something about women by now." Janet snapped. Daniel stared at her in surprise, then took a thoughtful sip of his coffee.
