The Official Fanfiction University of Narnia By: Ash Meadows
Disclaimer: None of the elements belonging to the world of Narnia are mine – they belong to C.S. Lewis. The Official Fanfiction University of Narnia is a Miss Cam authorized spin-off of OFUM.
Anyone wishing to enroll, please email me (see my bio) for an enrollment form. Please note, those lacking a sense of humor about one's self need not apply.
Chapter One – A Strange Message from a Strange Source
"You see, it's the perfect ending to my story," Ellie Mathews said into the phone. "It sets the tone perfectly for a sequel, and leaves the readers just wishing for more of the story," the girl finished, then fell silent, waiting for a response from the other end.
"Oh, you finished it! I can't believe that it's finally done! Oh, I'm sure you'll get tons of reviews online, I mean, you're like, the best writer around, I mean, the dude that wrote Narnia, you're better than him, even – I mean, he never wrote the way you do!" came the rather enthusiastic response.
Ellie smiled at her friend's enthusiasm, then clicked the final "submit" button on the computer screen. "Well, it's posted, and I sent you the final chapter in an email" she said into the phone, and sighed. "Now to wait for the reviews. Listen," she said into the phone, "I need to go. There's a few things I need to take care of around the house. So, talk to you later," she said, and then hung up to her best friend's excited squeals as she read the final chapter of Ellie's masterpiece.
Ellie smiled. Her story was such a success. Who didn't love to read Narnia slash? It livened up the stories so much, and who was to say that C.S. Lewis didn't intend to write that in? After all, the guy was dead, so who really knew his intentions? Ellie's eyes flicked over the computer screen again, rereading the last paragraph of her latest work.
Night had fallen on Narnia, and a cold wind whispered through the trees. The wind always blew now. Dark times had fallen, and the only ones who could save Narnia now were not the least bit interested. It seemed all hope had been lost…Narnia had been lost…
"Lost? Oh, no my dear girl, Narnia is still very much in place," a small voice piped up from around the vicinity of Ellie's knees. She looked down, and gasped in surprise.
A mouse was standing next to her chair. Since when did mice stand on their hind legs? Ellie stared at the rodent, taking in the fact that he wore a feather stuck into a circlet upon his head, and there was a long sword belted to his side. She raised her eyebrows as the mouse began speaking to her. A talking mouse?
"Now, see, dear girl, you are what we refer to as a fan writer. And not a very good one, I might add. I am Reepicheep, and it is my official duty, granted to me by Miss Ash, the coordinator of the Official Fanfiction University of Narnia, to bring the lot of you into the university so you may be taught proper writing skills. Rillian here has your enrollment papers, and if you would be so kind as to fill them out, then we will be happy to process them for you," the mouse said, and made a small motion with a paw. At the motion, a creature stepped forward and dropped a roll of papers on top of her keyboard, making low growling noises the entire time.
Ellie's eyes widened ever further. Was that a dragon? It certainly looked like one, what with the smoke curling up from the nostrils, the long claws that were currently shredding her carpet, and wings that were beating up and down in an agitated fashion. The only problem was, the creature was only three feet tall. A mini-dragon? The thing looked up just then, in time to catch her staring at him, and whipped his tail around agitatedly, catching the roll of papers and flinging them into Ellie's lap.
"Ah, I believe Rillian wants you to fill out the enrollment papers," Reepicheep said, and swiftly drew his sword. "I would be more than happy to assist him in encouraging you to make haste and fill them out."
Ellie gulped, and then pulled apart the outer bindings of the paper roll. Dozens of papers fell into her lap, and she stifled a groan. The only explanation for this was a hallucination. She had stayed up rather late the previous night working on her masterpiece, and honestly could not recall what time she went to bed. Perhaps she never did go to bed, and this was all part of an elaborate dream. Then, if this was a dream, there would be no harm in filling out the papers. With that in mind, she snatched up her favorite sparkly green pen, and started to fill in the papers.
Name: Ellie Mathews
Age: 16
Race: Human
Chosen Side?: Good/Evil/Fence-Sitter
Good, obviously. But why did they need to know what she thought of taking over Narnia? No one in their right mind would attempt such a thing.
Fear of the following (mark all that apply): Aslan/Evil Witches/Mini-Dragons/Talking Animals/CS Lewis/None of the above
Huh? Ellie rolled her eyes a bit. Why would she fear any of them, though? None of the above, obviously.
I've written a Mary-Sue fic?: Yes/No
I've written slash fic?: Yes/No
I've created a mini-dragon: Yes/No
My Narnian lust object is:
Ellie shook her head. This was fairly elaborate, for a dream. Normally she didn't dream in such clarity. The last four questions were strange, and she was insulted someone could consider any of her original characters a Mary-Sue. That was the ultimate fan fiction insult! But the dragon was looking at her strange again, so she quickly circled 'yes' for the first two questions. At the third, she stopped again. How was a mini-dragon created? She shrugged, then circled 'yes'. Maybe it meant a dragon was added to your story, and she had done that. Her Narnian lust object? She supposed it could be Caspian, but she wrote about Rilian more than anything, so Rilian. She signed her name at the bottom, failing to read the warnings and fine print located at the top of the form. As she lifted her pen, the papers rolled themselves up again, and were snatched up by the dragon, who had been hovering around her desk for the last ten minutes Ellie had spent filling out the form.
"Many thanks, dear girl," the mouse piped up again. "We shall process these immediately, and welcome to OFUN. Fun for the teachers, education for the students." With those words, the mouse and accompanying dragon disappeared.
Ellie shook her head, then stood up, glancing at the clock as she did so. Her eyebrows shot upwards in surprise as her brain registered it was already three in the afternoon. She had to hurry and get ready to go to the movies with her best friend. Ellie dashed over to her walk in closet and stepped inside, searching for her jacket. She knew she had flung in against the back wall of her closet as she had hurriedly cleaned her room, so she moved towards the back of her closet, attempting to flick the light switch on. The moment she went to turn the light on, the bulb burned out, and Ellie was left in darkness. She didn't have time to change to bulb, so she continued to move towards what she knew was the back of her closet. She reached down to feel for her jacket, and tripped over a pair of shoes. She could feel herself falling forward, and braced herself for the impact with the closet wall, but it never came.