Okay Last chapter. There are going to be sequels and I'll explain that at the end. Now I never specifically said Kira was gonna die....*evil smile* As for Hiei committing suicide....I make no promises...*wahahahaha*


Yusuke placed Kuwabara down, and helped him to stand. All four of the Rekai starred out at the lake where their picnic was going to take place. Until the devil child tricked them.

Kuwabara touched the brand on his stomach, feeling the name Kira there. He felt anger well up in him. Because of that child he wasn't sure he'd walk again. He no longer wanted to walk again. He wanted to die.

Hiei looked around. He never understood beauty until now. He hesitated in his thought about suicide...but in his head he heard the voice tell him it was the only way. But it was a cowards way out. Hiei glared at everything, he'd have to wrestle with this problem for the rest of his life.

Kurama went calm. But he now was nothing more than a puppet. He was a shallow soul, and the rest of him was drowning. He looked around and let tears fall down his cheeks. How could the day, or maybe even the other day start out like this?

Yusuke was numb. He felt nothing. He heard nothing. He was empty. Empty and gone. He was lost. Lost inside himself. He had walls protecting his inside emotions and outside. Nothing could get in.

Kira looked back at them, "The one who is my great Master is approaching!" She was giggling and clapping her hands. "You will now DIE! ALL DIE!"

She laughed loudly, as if she was a babe at play.

"Kira, shut up!"

Kira clasped her hands to her mouth. Next to her was a dark figure. He was huge. Twice the size of the group put together. The demon was indescribably ugly, and his many eyes, were all a glowing green.

He stepped up to them and laughed, "I knew you would all make it...hahaha...the great Rekai...you would make it...and be emotionally and physically worn down...just enough for me to kill you."

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST US!?" Hiei demanded, his sword was back with him, and he was ready for blood, his dark energy burning off the bandages on his arm, and around his forehead. He had never wanted to kill so bad in his life. The shear thought of killing him and Kira made him smile.

The demon laughed, "You...I have nothing wrong with you...You are just a challenge. No demon has ever beaten you...and I've always loved sporting games!" He laughed once more, and bowed awkwardly. "My name is Yazagi...and I will be your killer.

Kurama had his rose whip out and he gave an inhuman howl and launched himself at the demon. "YOU MADE ME KILL MY MOTHER! YOU! YOU!!" The demon caught him, and held Kurama in his giant fist. Kurama snarled and bit into the demon's flesh. He tore out his flesh, and attacked it with all he could.

Despite any pain, the demon laughed. Hiei went charging, and that was when the battle officially started. The demon threw Kurama casually away. He laughed the whole time as Hiei cut into him, though compared to the demon, it only looked like paper cuts.

Everyone was worn out...their power was too weak to match against this demon.

They felt death brush his cold hand against the back of their necks. They were going to die.

Kuwabara was starring as his friends fought. He looked at his body which seemed to have turned a light blue from all the blood loss. If he had no spiritual power he would be dead. But now he was a corpse being kept alive by his energy. He was a corpse. And he had little time left. He might as well make it count.

Kuwabara walked shakily away and stabbed at the demon's fat calf, his weak spirit sword then flickered away. He repeated this several times until he had made a hole in the demon. Yazagi looked annoyed, but he paid Kuwabara no mind.

Yusuke just stood and watched.

Kurama lay on the ground for a 6th time, blood pouring out his mouth. His eyes glazed with pain, and anger. He coughed and wheezed with each breath. He tried to get up crying out as his broken ribs were jostled.

Hiei had been shoved through a tree, and held his dislocated arm. He was growling and pushed his arm back into place, snarling as hot pain filled his body. He cursed and blood stained the ground. He was so tired. He fell on one knee panting. The world was swimming before his eyes.

Kuwabara stood in front of the demon. He had stopped attacking him and starred up at him watching as Hiei and Kurama attacked. Kuwabara's senses were closing. But he did notice one thing. He could see the spirits more clearly. He could hear them singing, their haunting beautiful music. And his eyes were filled with a whit light. But he shook his head, so as not to allow this light to swallow him.

The demon didn't even bother with him. Kuwabara turned to looked at Yusuke, and they locked eyes. Something was exchanged between that stare. It was as if they were having a conversation with their eyes. Of good memories, and bad, and of memories they would never have.

Kuwabara smiled, and the pain, and suffering all melted away. He fell on the ground and lay their limply.

He was being swallowed by the light.

Hiei and Kurama starred and Hiei roared with anger. Kurama could not make a sound. Blood was still pooling out his mouth. He made a sound that sounded much like laughter, and he lay on the ground completely limp. His eyes still open.

Hiei was now crying, and stabbing wildly at the demon. The demon smiled, and punched Hiei. A loud crack filled the air, and his eyes went wide. Blood poured out of his mouth, a red string sown into the sky. He was knocked into the water and did not surface.

Kira, stood next to the immobile Yusuke laughing hard.

Then Yusuke grabbed her by the neck, and then ankles. Yazagi froze. "Ho...How did you break through Kira's shield?!"

Kira was squealing like a pig, and trying to get away. Yusuke held her in front of him, and began to twist. Her bones snapped and her limbs began to get torn apart. She screamed louder. Veins burst from her skin, spraying Yusuke and the ground. Yet she did not die.

"How dare you...treat us...like some wild game. How dare you, hurt my friends. How dare you, hurt me. How dare you, torture us with no end..."

Yusuke dug his hand into Kira's ankles, making the devil scream horribly.


With that cry he pulled Kira apart. Here entrails spilling out all over the ground. Her wide eyes, and face frozen with terror, and pain. Yusuke dropped the demon wretch, and approached the demon. Yazagi stood still starring at Yusuke.

He placed a hand on the demon's gut and a hole was blasted through it. Paralyzed the demon could only scream as the hole got bigger.

"I should be thanking you Yazagi...after this...we're all going to be much closer...and...you helped me get a shi* load stronger."

Hiei burst from the water, and with his unbroken arm, touched the demon as well. "Yes...I believe you've got me back to loving to kill again." Hiei's red eyes flashed, and a deranged smile appeared on his face. He forced energy through the demons knee cap. Laughing as Yazagi cried out with intense pain.

Kurama, holding his side, and arm, approached them, and added to their power. His eyes were almost back to normal. "I will repay you for your "kindness" to me and my friends." He smiled as he blew off the demon's arm.

Kuwabara managed to get on his hands and knees, but Yusuke had to scoop him up so he could stand. Kuwabara added his hand, and smiled. "Thanks for the nightmares....here let me help you with yours." He pushed what little energy he had on the other side of the demon's belly.

That was all that was needed.

Yazagi screamed, and was turned into bits. His short, introduction was just that. Short and pointless.

Kuwabara smiled, his eyes dimming. "That's it...for me..." Yusuke held him as he went completely limp and they both fell backwards. Hiei and Kurama fell as well, Hiei laying upon Kurama's stomach.

Yusuke breathed painfully, Kuwabara's head on his chest. "This...This was a great picnic lets do it again som...sometime."

A snicker.

"Goto hell Yusuke."

"Nice language Kurama."

Hiei's eyes were closed and he lay breathing unevenly on Kurama's chest. Kurama had the look of a man, ready, and waiting for death. Yusuke glanced down at Kuwabara. He was already half dead. His skin was pale blue. And his lips were cracked, purple veins showing on his cheeks. Hiei was in a similar state. One difference. Instead of a pained look, a tremendous suffering was not on Hiei. He was white as if flour had been thrown on him. Yusuke felt anger fill in him. Why couldn't Kuwabara's death be good? Why was he to look and die with a horrible pain?!

And then it dawned on them. They were going to die. Yusuke cried, not bothering to hide his sobs.

"Kuwabara...your not dying alone. I'm coming with you..." He pulled Kuwabara closer too him, and breathed in the scent of Kuwabara's hair. If he had the energy, he would have laughed at how Kuwabara's Kiwi shampoo fragrance, was still in his hair. He held him close. He had seen Kuwabara die before him, and he wasn't going to let that happen, Kuwabara was not dying alone.

Yusuke closed his eyes. So this was how it ended...for the great Urameshi team.


Said person opened his eyes, to see a whole fleet of Shinigami's flying down towards them. Boeton leading the charge, and Koenma with her. On Boeton's oar, was Yukina and Genkai.

"How...How the hel...hell did we survive this..." Kurama wheezed before passing out.

Yusuke closed his eyes. "We didn't Kurama...We died inside there...a long time ago."

Yusuke closed his eyes, and let out a sigh.

And whether they died or lived is up to you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OKAY! ITS DONE! but there are sequels. The sequels are going to be called Three/death and Three/life. This is where you get to pick your own path. If you think they died, then you read Three/death. If you think they lived then you read three/life. Like I said its up to you to decide the outcome. Oh and btw I want to post them at the same time so they might not be up for a few weeks 2-3 okei? well it was great of ya'll to read this. Thanx a bunch!
