"Not a demon, not a human. All he knows is what he's not and doesn't realise what he is…" He's the most dangerous guy in school, while Kagome is just the average student… What will happen when Kagome's in trouble??
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or claim to so don't sue me.
A/N: I've never actually seen Inuyasha and probably have to wait 2 years till I do so this fiction may be a bit patchy at some parts. Well I haven't witnessed the anime or manga but I've read about it and seen screen shots. Yeah sounds a bit weird " Yeah I luv Inuyasha, oh but I've never seen it before" see what I mean. But hey most of the stuff I've read is pretty descriptive so it should still resemble the characters personalities.
Dangerous Love" It's a beautiful day… don't let it get away… It's a beautiful day…hmmmm… Touch me… Take me to that other place… Teach me… I know I'm not a hopeless case…" Hummed a girl quietly from the passenger seat, while the dark haired girl driving sung at the top of her lungs.
" Hey what's wrong Kagome why aren't you singing?" asked the dark haired driver.
" Nothings wrong Sango. I'm just not as loud as you. I swear ever since you got your drivers licence you've gotten louder," said Kagome playfully while pulling her long black hair out of her face. Sango just smiled then continued to sing. Her singing ceased however as a black Mercedes pulled up next to them blasting ' Metallica' from the stereo. Kagome looked to the driver to see the 'bad boy' of the school Inuyasha. He saw Kagome looking over at him so bared his fangs viciously. She then directed her attention back to the road trying not to look at him. He smirked then revved the engine and was off again. ' Damn, stupid hanyou. Trying to scare everyone.' The Kagome thought as Sango continued to drive. " Gee, what was his problem?" Kagome asked Sango when he was a safe distance away.
" You know his group. There all like that, 'misunderstood' or something. I suppose being half demon has something to do with it. Hmm… but don't let him get to you. As long as you stay away from him he won't bother you"
"Yeah I guess," she sighed, then suddenly said " But how can anyone with cute little doggy ears like that be so mean?"
Sango's sweat dropped then said, " Geez Kag, sometimes I wonder about you"
" What?" she questioned innocently. Sango just burst out laughing. Kagome then joined in while they drove down the straight stretch of road surrounded by apartment buildings that led straight to their school.
They arrived at school about ten minutes later and headed straight toward their lockers. Sango and Kagome had been friends since Kagome's first day of high school. Their lockers were right next to each other so on the first day of Kagome staring high school Sango offered to show her around. They became quick friends after that although there was a two-year age difference. " Oh Sango, can you help me get my locker open?" asked Kag while pulling hard on the lock but it still not budging. Sango sighed then opened the lock easily. Kagome gave her a wide smile saying, " I have no idea what I'm going to do next year when you're gone"
" Aww thanks. Is that why your friends with me? Only because I can open your locker?" Sango asked with raised eyebrows. Both girls just laughed.
" Hey Kagome. Did you know that Hojo likes you?" came a voice from behind Kagome. She spun around on the balls of her feet to come face to face with her three other friends Yuka, Eri and Ayumi.
" Oh hi guys," said Kagome trying to get over their strange greeting.
" Hi" they all chirped back cheerfully.
" I'll leave you to it then. See ya at lunch," said Sango as she left the four girls. Kagome waved good-bye then faced her other friends wearily.
" Kagome you still haven't answered my question?" said Eri impatiently.
" Huh?" was her lame answer.
Eri sighed then said, " I mean about Hojo"
" Oh yeah I know he likes me. Why wouldn't he? He likes all of you too."
" No Kagome we mean he really, REALLY likes you," said Yuka.
Kagome looked at her startled, " No he's just my friend and that's all"
" Well that's not how he see's you" said Eri looking at her watch. " Oh no, we better get to class before we get yelled at" They all agreed and left toward their classes. They were halfway there when Kagome looked down at the stuff she was holding and realised she had forgotten her maths book. "I'll catch up with you guys, I just have to get my maths book," she said while racing down the hall.
" Okay but hurry up?" yelled Ayumi at her retreating figure. Kagome gave her a wave of her hand as she disappeared around the corner. After racing around the school Kagome finally made it to her locker puffing hard. She reached for her lock and put in the key. 'Please, please, please' thought Kagome as she turned the key. To her disappointment it didn't open. 'Damn the inventor of locks' she thought as she wrestled with it fruitlessly. It was hopeless, no matter what she did it wouldn't open. She sighed thinking 'Hmmm… what am I going to do now?' She started to bang her head on the locker when she heard someone to her left. ' Ooh maybe they can help me' she thought happily. She looked up to face a sea of white hair, piercing golden eyes and very familiar dog-ears. 'It's worth a try… maybe'
"Umm… Inuyasha can you please help me with my lock?" Kagome said while trying to make her voice cheerful.
He looked down at her then surprise filled his eyes "Kikyou?" 'Hmm I thought something smelt bad around here' he thought while looking down at her.
Kagome looked at him still smiling "No, sorry my names Kagome Higurashi. We've had lockers next to each other for two years, but you never really go to class on time so you've probably never seen me. So umm… can you please help me with my lock?"
'She looks so much like Kikyou. I would know that smell anywhere.' He continued to glare at her not saying a word. She looked at him with an equal glare while still waiting for an answer. ' Hmm should I be messing with him? After all he is a hanyou and Sango said not to get in his way. Hey wait, he's the one that's being rude! I've done nothing' Finally deciding she was doing the right thing Kagome spoke.
"Well, will you help me or not?" she spoke with less cheerfulness in her voice. She saw his ears twitch then he abruptly turned. "What do you want Miroku?" he questioned to the hall. Kagome looked at him strangely as he refused to talk to her but would to an empty hall. Realization hit her as a boy with brown hair that was tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck come out from behind the next corridor. He gave a slight wave to Inuyasha, then said " Hey Inuyasha, I just couldn't help but over hear this girls cry for help and decided to come and help her" He walked over to Kagome and turned the key to snap the lock open. She looked at him bewildered.
" Umm… thanks. I really appreciate it." He gave her a smile then went to grab her ass. She jumped in surprise then looked at him suspiciously.
"Would you do me the honour of bearing my child?" he said in a deadly serious tone.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock, "Wha… what did you just say?" she stuttered.
Inuyasha folded his arms then closed his eyes in a bored way. " Miroku, no matter how many girls you ask that none of them will say yes" he stated simply. Miroku sighed then turned to Kagome with a saddened look, "I'm sorry this didn't work out"
" Umm… yeah me too" said Kagome with a slightly confused look on her face. 'Man who are these guys' she inwardly thought as she watched them both with mild amusement. Inuyasha however got bored of the situation and left for his class. Miroku followed slightly after which just left Kagome standing in the hallway alone. 'Hmm that was weird. Oh no I'm late!' she thought suddenly as she realised classes had started ten minutes ago.
" I'm sorry I'm late Miss. I forgot my maths book and had to go back and get it," explained Kagome hastily.
"So that's why you're fifteen minutes late? How long does it take to get a maths book?" asked the teacher harshly.
"No Miss, I had trouble with my lock. It wouldn't open," she said quickly under the hard glare of the teacher.
" Oh I see. You've got detention after school today. Now go take your seat" she said then returned to the lesson. Kagome took her seat next to Ayumi and Yuka and placed her belongings on the table. She started to take out a pen and a new piece of paper when Yuka leaned over and poked her. Kagome discretely turned to face her friend. " So what happened?" asked Yuka trying to stay as quiet as possible.
" Nothing. I went to get my books but my lock wouldn't open. Inuyasha showed up and wouldn't talk to me. Then this guy Miroku showed up and opened the lock. It was really weird because he asked me to bare his children." Explained Kagome to her friend.
Yuka let out a low squeal " Oh my god to talked to Inuyasha? He's so good looking! If only he wasn't a hanyou he would be perfect"
" What's wrong with being a hanyou?" asked Kagome now curious.
" Kagome, are you serious? He's half demon. Haven't you heard the rumours about him?"
Kagome thought hard but couldn't recall anything about Inuyasha other than him being a hanyou. " No I don't think I've heard any rumours about him. Why what have you heard?" she asked getting excited.
"Well I heard that he got kicked out of his last school because he threatened a student. Apparently he grabbed him around the neck and tried to kill him. If someone hadn't come along and stopped him he would have killed the boy."
"Do you think it's true," asked Kagome not sure if she believed the story.
" Hmm… I don't know. Well I don't doubt it though. Have you seen him around school? He never shows up to class on time, smokes and he's never nice to anyone."
" Yeah I guess," said Kagome forgetting to lower her voice.
" That's two days detention!" yelled the teacher from the front of the class.
"Aww," whined Kagome as she directed her attention the lesson.
" So I heard you had a run in with Inuyasha?" asked Sango as soon as Kagome took a seat at the lunch table.
"You could say that. He didn't say anything to me though… oh wait he did call me Kikyou but that was about it. I did meet this other guy though. I think he's a bit of a pervert," said Kagome taking a bite out of her sandwich.
" Hmm let me guess. He's name is Miroku, right?" Sango asked while her eyebrows where raised.
" Yep. How did you know?" asked Kagome curiosity filling her eyes.
Sango just waved her hand and said, " He's in a few of my classes. Though him and Inuyasha never seem to show up. Anyway last year he asked me if I wanted to bear his child. He also tried to grab me. If I were you I would stay away from him and his wandering hands."
" Yeah he asked me the same. It was a bit strange. Why is he so intent on having children? Or is that just a cheesy pick-up line?"
" Well" Sango rested her head on her hands " He has a curse on him. You know his right hand has a black hole in it."
Kagome gasped " Oh really. I didn't notice it"
"Yeah" Sango leaned back in her chair and stretched out " That's why Inuyasha and Miroku hang around together. Both are sort of shunned by everyone. I sort of feel sorry for them."
"Yeah" said Kagome absently now in deep thought. Sango took one look at her face to realize that she was no longer listing so kept quiet and ate her lunch. The silence continued until Kagome's friends came running up to her and questioning her about Inuyasha.
" What was he like?" asked Ayumi eagerly while Yuka gushed over how good-looking he is. Kagome sighed thinking 'This is going to be the longest hour of my life'
" I didn't talk to him. All he did was call me Kikyou and that was all." Kagome explained for the fifth time.
" But he must have something else. I can't believe you had the guts to talk to him. He's such a 'bad boy'. But he's so hot" gushed Eri, " And those dog ears! So kawaii"
Kagome just laughed at the antics of her friends. 'If they like him so much they should just ask him out' she thought while her thoughts reverted to him again. 'Why can't I stop thinking about him?' she questioned herself. Her thoughts we're rudely interrupted as Eri yelled, " Oi, Kagome are you still listening to me?"
" Ahh… um yes I was," she said while rubbing her ears in hope her hearing would soon return.
"You were thinking about him weren't you?" Yuka said while twitching her eyebrows suggestively. Kagome blushed deeply while shaking her head furiously. " Of course not, why would I?" she said when her cheeks returned to there normal colour.
" Because he's hot," said Ayumi a- matter-of-factly. Everyone's sweat dropped. Sango finally burst out laughing as she was dying to during the whole conversation. Kagome glared at her evilly. Sango just shrugged and continued laughing. For the rest of lunch Kagome's friends continually questioned her about the encounter until every detail was clear. 'Thank god' Kagome inwardly thought as the siren rang and her friends ceased the interrogation.
'Just one more class and I'll be home' thought Kagome happily as she walked down the halls. She slightly noticed a boy fumbling with his files then knocking into someone. " Watch we're your going," barked the voice that had been plaguing Kagome's memory all lunch. Her attention quickly snapped to the area with the boy and Inuyasha. The boy was small with brown mousy hair. He looked at Inuyasha with a sneer " What's your problem? Geez ever since you fell out with Kikyou you've been even more aggressive"
" What did you say?" questioned Inuyasha dangerously while flexing his claws.
" You heard me," replied the boy while picking up his belongings. Inuyasha made a low growl then grabbed the boy around the collar. He lifted the boy off the floor glaring daggers at him. The boy was now horror stricken and was slowly loosing colour in his face. By now a large crowd had made a circle around them. Kagome pushed through and watched in horror as Inuyasha kicked the boy in the ribs. She could tell he wasn't even using half of his strength but the boy still cried out in pain. "Why isn't anyone stopping this!?" she yelled over the crowd.
"Are you kidding? No ones dumb enough to get in Inuyasha's way" said a voice to her right. She looked over to find the owner of the voice and was surprised to find Miroku. She pushed her way through the crowd until she was next to him.
" Can't someone get a teacher or something? Miroku you're his friend why can't you stop him?" she pleaded.
" I think there's something wrong with you. You do know he's a hanyou don't you?"
"But you're his friend. Can't you talk some sense into him?"
" When it comes to Kikyou he gets really defensive and I'm not that good a friend. Actually I don't think he likes me that much"
" Arg, well if no one else is going to do something I will" stated Kagome forcefully and pushed her way to the centre of the ring. She heard Miroku call after her but ignored him as she made her way to the middle. When she got there she was horrified at all the blood that was staining the school halls. The noise was deafening as all the student s gasped and yelled for her to get away from Inuyasha. She ignored them however and looked to the boy on the floor then back up to Inuyasha who continued to kick him. "Inuyasha stop," Kagome yelled over the racket of the student surrounding them. He stilled for a moment then looked up at her.
"Kikyou?" he questioned.
Kagome sighed while saying, "No I'm Kagome Higurashi. Remember from this morning." He searched his memory then remembered the girl from this morning. 'The girl Miroku grabbed. What the hell is she doing here?' he thought while temporally forgetting of the boy at his feet.
" What do you want?" he questioned rudely while looking her up and down. 'She looks so much like Kikyou' he thought while examining her.
She stood with her hands on her hips then stated in a strong voice " Leave the boy alone. If you keep going you could seriously hurt him"
"It's none of your business what I do," he said remembering the boy cowering at his feet.
" Arg, why are you being stubborn! Just let him go!" she said loosing her temper.
" Fine. If it will get you off my back" he backed away from the boy and left toward the edge of the circle. Kagome helped the boy on the floor up then said under her voice " That Inuyasha is a real bastard sometimes"
His ears twitched as he heard everything with his extra sensitive ears. He turned and bared his teeth at her. She looked shocked for a moment thinking 'Did he hear me?' but brushed it off as him just being him. " Are you okay?" she questioned the boy as she helped him to his feet. He managed a slight nod then blacked out. She sighed then collapsed under his weight.
In the shadows to the right of the scene lurked an unknown figure. "So this is the miko" they said quietly to themselves then disappeared into the darkness.
A/N: Ta Da!!! My first Inuyasha fic… So what do u think?? Anywaz pleaz review cos they make me really happy… well I'll see ya next chappie!!!