Disclaimer: I do not own the Marauder characters. They belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just borrowing them for a story. Kudos to her for her amazing talent and I'm almost ashamed to write this but I think fanfiction is the beginning to becoming a real writer.

-The Marauders-

Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail. Among each other these were their names each representing the animal they liked. But we know them as Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.
Remus was the most sensible of the four with his short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Sirius was by far the bad boy all girls want with his semi long black hair and dark foreboding eyes. James was easily the most popular and athletic with his also dark black hair that was always untidy and his hazel eyes to match. Peter was the quietest of the four with his short brownish blonde hair and hazel squinty eyes.
Together they called themselves the Marauders. But I should mention that Remus is a werewolf, and for the past three years Sirius, James and Peter were trying to find a way to transfigure themselves into animals and become Animagus so they could be with their fried in his wolfy form.
It would be in their 5th year when most of them would start noticing girls as more than just friends. James would do anything to get their attention. Sirius was aware of the girls but was hardly a show off. Remus was more interested in his studies but he noticed that many girls liked him. Peter didn't have the nerve to talk to a girl so he kept to himself.
However Sirius' oblivious nature to girls would be thrown off when he laid eyes upon a new girl who was forced to switch schools. Her name was Nicolette. She was average height with long straight black hair and bright turquoise eyes. Her first day at Hogwarts was also the first day Sirius would acknowledge or admit to seeing a girl he could possibly like.
Nicolette came down to the lake alone and sat by the water's edge and that just happened to be the place where the Marauders hung out. James was showing off for a group of girls the opposite direction but Sirius was not interested in those girls. Remus saw his friend looking at this girl but said nothing.
"Prongs" Sirius said meaning James
"What is it, mate?"
"Tell me, has she been going here all the time we have"
"No" Remus interrupted, "she's a transfer"
"Anybody know her name?" Sirius asked
"No" they all said
"It's time for Transfiguration" Remus said
"Always the good boy, eh Moony?" James said
Sirius stole one more glance at Nicolette and her eyes met his for an instant before she turned, brushed her hair behind her ear and headed up to the school.
The Marauders stayed out in the hall as long as possible before taking their seats in class. To Sirius' surprise, Nicolette was speaking with Professor McGonagall at the front of the room.
"Miss Carnahan, since you've transferred I suggest you find someone to study with who has been in my class all year" he overheard McGonagall say
"Thank you Professor" she said in a light voice. Then she proceeded to the back of the room and chose a desk near the four friends.
Sirius didn't take in a word of McGonagall's lecture that day. He didn't know why this girl intrigued him so. After class she was the first one out and to his disappoint me, he and his friends took their sweet time. They filed out last with him.
To his luck and surprise Nicolette had noticed him too. It was her first day at Hogwarts but it'd been the others first two months. She came on a Friday so she had a weekend to catch up a bit.
"Hey!" she called hoping only Sirius would turn around but he did as well as all his friends. Nicolette noticed many girls stopped to look as well. She walked up shyly to the Marauders. "Hi" she said clutching her books nervously
"Hi" they all said in unison back
She couldn't think of the words she wanted to say. She had only wanted Sirius to turn around and ask him for help but they all had
"I'm Nicolette," she decided to start with.
James, as usual, spoke first. "Hello, I'm James. This is Sirius, Remus and Peter," he said pointing to them in turn.
"You're new here right?"
"Yeah, had to switch schools"
"Why?" Remus asked
"Well I have a few family problems and it was too much of a hassle to go that far to school" she explained
"Where'd you go before?" Sirius asked while he shook his head to get his long hair out of his face. Nicolette thought he looked sexy as he did that
"Like it here" Sirius continued
"Some things" she said smiling, "Well I better get to class"
Without giving them a chance to protest, which all of them would have since she was a beautiful girl and didn't think they were bigheaded like many others, she walked off. Sirius lingered for a moment watching her go. He suspected she was in Gryffindor because they shared all the same classes. He did notice she always chose a desk in the back near them but he had no argument with that.
After their last class, she was, again, the first one out. To Sirius' unknowing she waited behind the door for him. The Marauders headed out but their group would be brought down to three when Nicolette grabbed Sirius and pulled him out of his friends' view.
"Hi, I'm Nicolette." She said
"Sirius" he said a bit stunned
"Are you ever without them?" she asked smiling brightly at him
"Hardly unfortunately"
"Well as I was saying, I'm Nicolette and I came here rather behind. I need help and I was hoping to nominate you"
"Me? Why?"
"I saw you looking at me"
"And nothing. I don't know. Wow. I feel dumb for even asking. Good day to you Sirius and I'm sorry for taking you away from your friends"
She turned and walked away but he ran after her
"Wait!" he said and she stopped. "I was curious why but I never said I wouldn't. Are you free right now?"
"Seeing as how I've only talked to maybe eight people today, which includes you, your friends and my teachers. Now that I've talked to you though, many girls have given me the cold shoulder."
"I can't imagine why"
Sirius and Nicolette walked down to the lake together where his other friends were
"Hey Nicolette. So it was you who stole Padfoot from us" James said
"It's our nicknames" Sirius explained, "I'm Padfoot. James is Prongs. Peter is Wormtail and Remus is Moony"
"And how did you come up with that?" she asked
"It's symbolic of our favorite animals" Remus said. She noticed he looked rather pale.
"So what house are you in?" James asked since she didn't have any crests on her robes
She was sitting against the beech tree with Sirius on her right and Remus on her left. Peter was off away but still in the group and James was up and about.
"Gryffindor. I had to wear this ratty old hat to decide it"
'That's the Sorting Hat" Remus said
"Yeah, it was weird. I felt like someone was whispering to me"
"It does that," Sirius said
"Oh, look who it is" James said. Nicolette saw a dark looking boy with shoulder length greasy black hair. His eyes were black and his nose long.
"Who is that?" she asked
"Snivellus" James said
"Severus Snape. Real into the Dark Arts that one. Hates James and the feeling is mutual" Sirius said
"Hey Snivellus!" James called
To Nicolette's dismay, they completely humiliated him. She was hoping these weren't the bad guys of the school but as usual, she had bad taste in friends. She left feeling more stupid with herself than anything. She went up to the Common Room where she saw a group of girls hanging out. They got quiet when Nicolette came in but only the redheaded girl with green eyes smiled or acknowledged her
She went straight up to her bed and sat down. She opened a book and got some parchment out to do some work. Her silence was interrupted by the redheaded girl coming in the room. She walked straight up to Nicolette and held out her hand
"I'm Lily Evans"
"Nicolette Carnahan" she said taking Lily's hand
"You sure came up here in a hurry"
"Thought the friends I made were decent but they turned out to be bullies"
"Would their names happen to be James, Sirius, Remus and Peter?" Lily asked
"How'd you know?"
"It's not so much all of tem but James. He and Sirius are best friends and James likes to keep him entertained. Who were they bullying?"
"Snape I think his name was" Nicolette said
"Enemies at first sight"
Suddenly all of Lily's friends came in and said they had to see something so their chat was cut short. Nicolette followed them to the balcony and the Marauders were down there. James had nicked the snitch and was not letting it go and catching it again. Sirius was looking solemn and not amused
"Give it a rest mate," he said. He abandoned his friends and went upstairs. Nicolette saw him go into his dorm and even though she wasn't supposed to, she went inside too. He spun around quickly and saw her surprised thinking he'd ruined all hopes with her because of the previous scene.
"Why are you in here?" he asked
"I left rather rudely. I judged too quickly"
"I just wanted to apologize"
Then she left.