Hi everyone! It took me FOREVER, but the first chapter is finally here! Yay! It's a little more lighthearted than my other fics (okay, so a LOT more lighthearted) but please give it a chance!


            Oh, yes! This is my imaginary friend, Tiny Terriermon! But we just call him Chibi-T! ^_^

            Chibi-T: Do the disclaimer, you idiot!

            Oh yeah! Yu-gi-oh and Star Trek don't belong to me! Don't sue!

            Chibi-T: Moron…


            "I… I… I did it," I said under my breath. For some reason, the words were hard to force out. It didn't matter, though. I've found that sometimes words aren't really necessary. This was one of those times.

            "Hey, Seto, how's it comin'? I thought you might be hungry since you're working so hard, so I brought you a snack…" My little brother Mokuba, who had just walked into the room, stopped upon seeing the look on my face. "Seto…"

            "I did it, Mokuba," I said breathlessly.


            "I finished it… After all this time, I've completed it…"

            "Seto! I can't believe it!" exclaimed Mokuba with tears in his eyes. I was somewhat nervous. Crying of any kind, by anyone, made me uncomfortable. Mokuba ran towards me, arms outstretched. I braced myself, deciding I could bear it- for him. No one else.

            "Yeah," I said, returning Mokuba's hug. "I told you I could."

            "I believed you, too. You darn Trekkie, you! Lemme see it!"

            "Oh, fine. Computer, execute program 3, Battle City Simulation." I said, pulling away from Mokuba.

            "Huh. I see you couldn't resist programming the computer to respond to Star Trek-style commands!" Mokuba was laughing, but I didn't see the humor in it.

            "It was convenient!" I yelled indignantly. 

            "Yeah, I suppose. I mean, what other commands would you give to a Holodeck?"

            "It's not a Holodeck!!!! It's my Holographic Image Projection Chamber! How many times do I have to tell you?"

            "Yeah, yeah," grumbled Mokuba. "But Holodeck sounds better."

            I didn't have time to argue, because images were appearing all around us. Well, 'images' wasn't quite the right word. It was as if real objects and people were appearing out of thin air. In fact, if you didn't know beforehand that they were just simulations, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between it and reality.

            I stared down at Mokuba. His eyes were wide with amazement and admiration, and something else, too. It took me a moment to realize that it was delight, an emotion I myself hadn't felt for a long, long time.  But somehow, looking at Mokuba's expression and analyzing his feelings told me what I was feeling.

            I had never been so proud in all my life.

            "Oh my- It's amazing… I can't believe it. It looks exactly like the actual Battle City!"

            I smiled, a rare occurrence. "Precisely. It's a Battle City preparation program. You can duel any of the current participants, which all have the same decks, 'personalities', and playing styles of their live counterparts. It's perfect for my work."

            "Work?" said Mokuba questioningly. His expression changed slightly.

            "Of course. Don't you think it will help develop my skills for the finals?"

            "That's not what I meant. I just thought you would've done a program you could use your imagination in, and have fun with it."

            At this I burst out laughing. "I don't have time for fun, Mokuba. And using my imagination would be a complete waste of time if not put to good use, like to help me win in Battle City."

            "That's not true! You mean to tell me that you've been working on this for half your life, and you aren't going to enjoy it? You're just going to use it for more work? Don't you have enough work already?" Mokuba stopped for a moment, considering what he had just said, then continued. "Oh, Seto, I really am proud of you. This is spectacular! I always knew you'd do it sooner or later. And you managed to finish it during the Battle City tournament, too!"

            "Working on it helped relieve stress," I said casually, but inside I was positively glowing. I loved it when Mokuba was proud of me. His opinion of me was the only one that really counted, although I still didn't agree with his "have fun" philosophy. Couldn't Mokuba see that I had given up on "fun" a long time ago? The only thing I ever did that was fun was torture Yugi and his gang of demented dimwits- Wheeler, Tea, and… um… what was his name again? Oh yeah- Tristan Taylor. I always took pleasure in making them mad and beating the crap out of Joey.

            "If you say so," Mokuba said, smiling.

            "As a matter of fact, I do say so. Now, I have a few things to touch up, and then I'm going to bed. G'night, little bro."

            "G'night, Seto. I'm so happy for you." With that, Mokuba left the room.

            "Computer, end program." I said. In an instant, Battle City vanished, and the room was empty. I looked around. No one there. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small metal object. It looked like a pin, only odder. It was like a triangle, but instead of having a flat bottom, it branched out into two points. Only a Trekkie would have recognized what it stood for.

"I feel like a Starfleet officer already."


The next day started out in a perfectly normal way for me. I got up, got dressed (in my white trench coat, which Mokuba had picked out for me- to tell you the truth, I really like that outfit) and headed for my newest invention- the Holographic Image Projection Chamber. Or, as Mokuba would put it, the Holodeck. Stepping inside, I noticed something felt different. Trust me, when you are as into inventing as I am, you get to know your creations. And I knew someone had been in there.

"Computer," I said uncertainly, glancing around. "Execute program 3, Battle…"

            "Program initiating…"

            I stopped. I hadn't finished giving my command. Why…? I didn't have time to speculate, because simulated images were appearing all around. Suddenly, I was knocked down by a very large, burly someone.

            "Ugh!" I said as I hit the floor.

            "What are you doing here? I demand to know!"

            "I'm Seto Kaiba, the coordinator here at Battle City, you moron! I don't need to…" I stopped, and looked around. It only took me a moment to realize that this wasn't Battle City, like it was supposed to be. And I had I feeling I knew where I was.

            "What in the name of Kahless are you talking about? I believe a trip to Constable Odo is in order!"

            "ACK!! IT'S WORF!!!!!!" I yelled, jumping up and pointing to the man who had hit me while screeching in a most out-of-character manner. Worf seemed very taken aback by my sudden outburst. You really couldn't blame me, though- I hadn't created a Star Trek holo program and I hadn't expected to be face-to-face with the Klingon star of Star Trek. It was all very overwhelming and illogical.

            "Yes, I am Worf, son of Mogh," declared Worf, raising a dark eyebrow quizzically. "Now, who are you, and what are you doing in my quarters?"

            "Your quarters? On the Defiant?"


            "Hmm," I mumbled to myself. "I would guess that this is definitely mid-fourth season, judging from the state of Worf's quarters and the fact that Dax isn't with him…"

            "I asked you a question!!" yelled Worf. 

            "And I intend to answer it," I said coldly. "…On my own time. Now, where am I?"

            "You're in MY quarters aboard the U.S.S Defiant, which is currently docked at the Federation space station Deep Space Nine." Worf growled. "Now, who are you?"

            "Seto Kaiba." I said before locating the door and walking out it.

            Worf just stood there, stunned.


            "This is insane," I muttered as I walked down the halls of the space station. People shot me confused looks, but they didn't say anything. After all, weird things happened all the time in Star Trek. But this was not Star Trek, just a holographic simulation of Star Trek that shouldn't even have existed in the first place. This brought me to the question, 'Why the heck is it here, anyway?' Either way, I knew where I had to go. I had to take my problem to the person who could most likely solve it for me.

            "Which way to the Captain's office?" I said to some nameless, faceless Ensign in a gold uniform.

            "Umm… that way…" she replied, obviously confused. I turned and walked off without another word.

            It wasn't a very long walk to the Captain's office; I was there in about five minutes. The doors slid open automatically as I approached. Inside, a tall man of African descent greeted me with a look of mild suspicion.

            "Can I help you?" asked the man. He was wearing a red uniform, a symbol of his command-level status. He was looking at me with such a piercing gaze that I was almost intimidated. But I reminded myself that this was only a simulation and began to speak.

            "Are you Captain Sisco?" I already knew he was Captain Sisco, but I thought it sounded good. Real professional, y'know?

            "Yes. Can I help you?"

            "Let's hope so." I said briskly. Sisco just kept watching me. "There's no sense in beating around the bush. I'm Seto Kaiba, owner of Kaiba Corporation. Frankly, Captain, I don't belong on this station, but I'm stuck here anyway. I don't need help, I'll get back home somehow on my own, but until then, I'll need living quarters on this station."

            "I …suppose that can be arranged..." Sisco started.

            "Good. Please notify me when living space is prepared."


            I quickly turned and walked out of the office without a backward glance. I didn't stop walking until I was safely out of Ops. Stupid holographic… Wait a minute, I thought. This is a holodeck, so… I couldn't believe it. I had forgotten I was in a holodeck. All I had to do was end the program. That should have been the first thing I tried!

            "Computer, end program." I said. Nothing happened. "Computer, exit!" I waited. "Computer, respond!" Again, nothing. "COMPUTER!! SAY SOMETHING!!!" I yelled in frustration. This was getting nowhere. Why me? I was always getting stuck in holographic simulators! Always! I was just about to go find a phaser and shoot somebody when a Bajoran security guard walked up to me.

            "What do you want?" I said through clenched teeth.

            "The Captain wants to see you, Sir, and since you aren't wearing your comm badge, I was sent to get you."

            Sir? And why should I have a comm badge? I wondered. I didn't have much time to speculate, because the officer was already dragging me across the station.

            Soon we stopped at a place I immediately recognized as the infamous Infirmary. "What are we doing here?" I demanded. The officer just pushed me in. Sisco and  Doctor Bashir were waiting for me, just like I was expecting. Oh, great. They think I'm crazy. I do not have time for this.

            Upon my entering, Sisco ran up and led me to the Chair. I decided to cooperate, in order to do away with any suspicions. Bashir began scanning me with his tricorder.

            "Yep, it's definitely him, Sir. He must be suffering from amnesia." Amnesia? What the heck were they talking about?

            "If I may ask, WHAT is going on?" I said angrily.

            "I'm so sorry to put you through this, Mr. Kaiba," said Sisco. "I know this is going to take some time, but… you are a Starfleet engineer who was reported missing in action years ago. You are also the creator of the holodeck, one of the most widely loved pieces of technology in the Federation. You were stationed aboard the U.S.S Millennium."

            A Starfleet engineer? My head was spinning. What was he talking about? I opened my mouth to begin interrogating the two lunatics, but Sisco stopped me.

            "I know you probably have a lot of questions, but first, there's someone who wants to see you." He gestured towards the door, and an officer led in a very short person in a Commander's uniform. "This was your Commanding Officer and friend…" he took a breath, "Captain Yugi Mouto."

~To Be Continued~


            Oh! A cliff-hanger! I hate it when that happens…Anyway, sorry about my over-used plot! But I assure you everything is not as it seems…

            Chibi-T: Baka! Don't spoil it!

            Oh no! Pretend you didn't hear that! -_-; Anyway, Seto has a whole universe ahead of him! Any idea where he should go? Suggestions are appreciated! No flames, though.

            Chibi-T: Yeah. She's such a wimp that one little flame would break her heart…

            LIAR!!!! I just would much rather have suggestions on what I should do… I'm at a loss…. But somehow I want to bring Spock into things… Welll, see ya next time!