Disclaimer: Guess what, my disclaimer is just like everyone else's. I don't own any of the Power Rangers and I never will. Waaaa.

Aboard the Space Rangers vessel, all was normal. There hadn't been an attack in a while, so the rangers were taking care of some much needed repairs. The boys ran diagnostics on the bridge controls while the girls took care of the secondary systems in the engine room.

"Ashley, could you pass me the..the..oh, um.the modu..the modulator thingy." Cassie stuttered as she pointed at various tools.

"The time or warp modulator?" Ashley asked without looking up. She was fiddling with some wires from a busted panel, trying to reconnect them unsuccessfully.

Cassie sighed. "I don't know, either." She was beginning to get frustrated. This always happened. I'll never get used to these damned space tools! She thought angrily.

"Cassie, you have to know which one. Remember what happened last time you didn't know which one you wanted?" Ashley reminded Cassie regarding her with a knowing look.

"Yes, I remember. I just never got used to this. How'd you pick it up so fast? You used to be just as bad as me!" Cassie complained.

Ashley looked away shyly and smiled. "Andros showed me around one day while we were boosting the high frequency communication electrode device on Mega deck 3." Ashley sighed with a faraway look on her face, as she spoke of the man she was falling in love with.

Cassie looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Okay." She mused slowly. She was about to tease her friend further when, they were interrupted by D.E.C.A.'s voice, "Ashley, Cassie, you are needed on the bridge. It's an emergency."

Ashley and Cassie's conversation was quickly forgotten as they rushed to the bridge to see what was wrong. The door hissed shut as the girls ran onto the bridge. Andros and T.J. were at the main control panel looking as if they were trying decode something, while Carlos was over by one of the smaller screens scanning for a visual.

"What's the big emergency?" Ashley asked out of breath as she and Cassie joined T.J. and Andros.

"We have a distress call coming in. D.E.C.A., are we close enough for a visual yet?" Andros answered in a distracted yet firm tone.

"Negative. We will be in visual range in 40 kilometers." D.E.C.A. replied. The rangers continued their work in silence until a loud beep signaled that they were in visual range.

"D.E.C.A., on screen." Andros called. The image materialized showing a tiny one man vessel sitting lifeless in the glitter of stars that were the back round. The passenger was not visible through the tinted window, but obviously in need of help. All the lights that signaled life support or any life at all, were off, accept one. Suddenly, an audio distress message automatically played. A worn out, dying voice relayed the following:

"This.is Red Rover. Calling to anyone out there.I was.attacked and left for dead by.a team of alien vessels.Air, running out.Only about.20 minutes left.come.as soon as possible.please."

When the message ended, it went into auto repeat. The rangers looked at each other with grim expressions.

"Censors can't identify the voice, the message was too static, but it's definitely male." Cassie said from a side console.

"D.E.C.A., end message." Andros commanded, sighing. "How long ago was it get sent out?"

"According to my data, approximately 19 minutes ago." D.E.C.A. responded.

T.J. looked up anxiously, "Then we can still get to him!"

"We're going in." said Andros as he moved to pilot the ship. He then gave orders to his crew to help the dying passenger inside the ship. "Cassie and T.J. go to the transport room, prepare medical supplies we'll transport him to the infirmary as soon as he's aboard. Carlos, lock onto his energy reading and teleport on my signal. Ashley, reroute all the energy you can to the computers in the infirmary, he'll need it for life support."

The rangers hustled to their tasks to help the stranger on board the small lifeless vessel, which lay before them. The fact that the man on board could be an enemy was far from their minds. Their primary concern was helping him live, and then they would either be faced with the choice of killing an enemy or helping a friend in need, a possible ally. The three remaining rangers on the bridge were so deeply involved in their work that Carlos' voice startled them, and broke them out of their trance.

"Signal locked!" he called, in what seemed like only seconds before the strangers' air ran out on their clock, and their minute was up.

"Get him up here!" Andros called, holding the ship steady.

"All non essential systems are drained as far as we can go without causing damage. It's all been rerouted to the infirmary." Ashley reported sitting in the captain's chair beside Andros. He nodded and sat back in his seat, waiting to hear from Cassie and T.J. on how their newest passenger was doing.

A few minutes later, Cassie came running through the bridge doors. The rangers stood in anticipation of their out of breath friend's news.

"You guys aren't going to believe this." She sighed exasperatedly.

"What's wrong," Ashley said picking up on the distress in her friends voice, "is he.?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, no. T.J. is getting him situated now. He's on oxygen and has some head wounds that we're kinda concerned about, so we'll be keeping an eye on them. Um, a few cuts and bruises from some debris in the ship, probably from an onboard explosion, three damaged ribs, and what looks to be the beginning of a concussion. He'll be out for a while, he's on a sedative, but other than that, he is very much alive, and one of the luckiest people I know." Cassie reported, although she seemed to be talking to herself most of the time.

"So what aren't we going to believe?" asked Carlos.

Cassie looked around at all of her friends and sighed. She scrunched up her face and decided to get this over with.

"It's Tommy."
