HAS ANYONE SEEN THE NEXT CHAPTER?!       I think I lost it…….Oh wait….Here it is.

Okay that's enough. Chapter time. 

I own Baila and 631, 632.

Sakura belongs to Marcfan.  Thank you

*Thinking*… "Talking"

Please, sit back, relax, read, review, and enjoy the eighth chapter of…………………………Stitch, Sakura, and Baila


The next morning, Stitch climbed down the side of the bed and saw Baila, still sleeping.  Her feet were on the pillow and most of the blanket hung off the bed.  She was an interesting sight.

*Great, am I going to have to see that every morning?* Stitch thought.

            A moment later, Nani came to the door and knocked on it lightly.

"Hey Baila, breakfast is almost ready.  Come on down.  You too Stitch, if you want."

*That's some invitation.  She doesn't even really want me to come.  So she gives me an option instead of telling me to come like Baila.* He looked toward her again.  She was still sleeping.  Stitch gathered she didn't hear Nani.

            He grinned evilly as he had an idea.  Stitch brought his foot back and kicked the bed hard.  The bed had a metal frame so it made a loud bang which scared Baila awake.  She shouted as she sat up abruptly.  Baila looked toward Stitch who had an angry look on his face.

"Wake up, Bay-la.  Nani came to the door a little while ago and said breakfast will ready soon."  He said, purposely saying her name wrong.

"Oh, you poor thing.  You're so stupid you can't even pronounce my name right."  Baila said, knowing he intended to mess up her name.  "Here, let me help you.  My name is Baila.  Say it with me, Bye-la."

            Stitch walked to the other side of the room, ignoring her, and sat in a chair and reached for the book he was reading.  Baila got up and walked to the door.

"See you at the table, Sti-otch." 

            Stitch looked up from his book and glared at her.  She winked at him and left the room. 

*What is wrong with her?  Does nothing get to her? She's treating me like I can't break her in half if I wanted to.  I need to keep an eye on her.  I can't let her get to me.*

            Baila left the room and headed downstairs.  She skipped into the living room and saw Sakura sitting on the floor waiting for breakfast.  Apparently she didn't hear her come downstairs.  At that moment, a fun little thought ran though her head. 

*My victim goes about her business, unsuspectingly.  Blissfully unaware of the danger that lurks behind her.* Baila thought as she slowly snuck up behind Sakura so she wouldn't here her.

*Just a little bit further.  Don't turn around.* Baila thought.  When she got close enough, she yelled out, "TACKLE!" and tacked her roughly.  Sakura shouted in surprise.

"I got you."  Baila giggled, trying to pin her down.  Sakura laughed and tried to pin her back.  Sakura eventually won.

"Pinned ya."  Sakura giggled.

            Baila struggled to get out of her grasp, but it didn't work.

"Hey, let me up!"   She grunted.  Sakura complied, stepped back, and looked towards the kitchen to see if breakfast was ready.  Baila took this opportunity to try to get the jump on her.  They laughed as they began to play-fight again, but game soon ended. 

"Pinned you again."  Sakura said, tauntingly.  Lilo came in the room and looked at them in surprise.

"Are you guys fighting?"  She asked, worried.

"Why, no Miss Lilo."  Baila answered, sweetly. 

"Yeah, we're playing."  Sakura said, chuckling.

"Good.  I was afraid you two were fighting and then everyone in the house would be fighting."

            Nani poked her head into the living room.  "Breakfast is ready and on the table."

            Everyone cheered and sat at the table.  Jumba soon joined everyone and they all began talking about this and that, but the room went silent as Stitch walked in.  Baila looked around and wondered why no one was talking.  No one was making eye contact with her.  No one was making eye contact with anyone.  Everyone was just concentrating on their food.  Finally, Jumba finished eating and looked toward Baila.  He nodded toward his room and she acknowledged him.  They asked to be excused and went to the basement.

            Jumba sat at his desk and began looking for something.  He didn't say anything to Baila and she was curious about why Jumba asked her to come here.

"Uh, what's up, Jumba?"

            He continued looking and didn't look at her.  "I wanted to give you something…"  He stopped and turned abruptly to her as he remembered to ask her something.  "…Oh, how goes the problem solving?"

            Baila didn't really want to tell him, she really hasn't done anything but analyze so far.  She had to tell him something though.

"It goes.  It goes."

"Really?  How close are you to solving it?" Jumba inquired.

*CLOSE!?* She thought, surprised that Jumba would think that this was an open and shut case.  "Um, Jumba, it's not an easy problem.  There are so many factors involved.  These things must be handed delicately.  It's going to take some time, Doc."

"Time is something we don't have.  This family is falling apart.  Isn't that an incentive to work faster?"  Jumba raised his voice.

"You want me to work faster and possible make a mistake, which might inadvertently make the problem worse?  Is that wise, Jumba?"  She asked calmly.

"Maybe if you didn't spend all of your time fooling around with 626 and 627 then maybe you'd be a lot closer to the solution."

Baila was outraged by Jumba's comment.  "You don't know that!  I'll have you know all of the stuff I've been doing has been part of my plan.  You lack in vision, Jumba!  You have to see the bigger picture.  I'm playing with Sakura so she'll talk to me.  I'm being mean to Stitch so he'll know I'm not scared of him.  If I didn't establish that, then he'd be pranking me left and right, just like Sakura.  I need to get the idea in his head that if he tries to hurt me that I won't think twice about hurting him back.  Once that's in his thick skull, then I can start breaking down that wall he put up to everyone and he won't be able to do anything about it, because he'll know that if he fights, I'll fight back.  Also, haven't you noticed I'm the only one actually talking to him?  He doesn't realize it, but wants someone to talk to and he has no choice but to listen to me if he wants me to keep talking to him, even if I'm being really nasty.  You see?  It's perfect.  Don't worry about me, Jumba.  I do have a plan regardless of what you may think.  All I need is a little time and space, okay?  It's all up here."  She said, pointing to her head.

Jumba looked at her with uncertain eyes, but decided to trust her.

"Okay, 630.  Just please…I want to see some results soon."  He pleaded.

"You'll see them when they happen.  Don't worry, you won't miss it."  She said sweetly.

            Jumba looked down pensively, trying to remember where he put whatever he was looking for.  Suddenly, he looked up and walked across the room and picked up a CD player and a CD case that were on his dresser.

            Baila looked at Jumba and then at the room.  It was quite messy.

"You know, you should put up shelving or something, something to get rid off all this clutter.  I mean really.  What a mess!  No wonder you couldn't find whatever that is."

""This is CD player and this CD has over 100 songs."  He handed her the items.

"Um cool… uh…why are you giving this stuff to me?"

"As you know your psychic powers are linked to music and dancing.  Well some of your powers you are going to have to learn.  Right now you know weak forms of hypnosis but with time and practice you can be learning abilities like reading minds, knowing where people are by their thought waves, and, to some degree, being able to control their minds."

"WHOA! AWESOME!  How do I practice?  What do I do?  And most importantly, when do I start?"

            Jumba chuckled.  "I am glad you are asking."  He had an evil grin on his face and reached behind him to another desk.  Jumba dropped a very large book in front of Baila.  She opened the book.  A light rose from the book and foot-prints appeared on the floor "What in your God's name is that?"  She asked.

"It is your manual, a virtual book about you."

"Aren't books usually made from paper?  This one looks a little more high tech."

"I wanted to be different." He said, grinning.

            Baila closed the book and rubbed her eyes.  The light from the book made her see spots.  "Please, explain how I'm going to use this thing."  She picked it up and turned it on its side.  It was almost as big as her, reaching her shoulders. 

"Well, like I said, this is your manual of yourself.  It has instructions on the songs on that CD.  The way you gain a power is, you have to master the learner dance.  After that, when you want to use the power you dance the expert version which is a short version of the learner dance.  However, just knowing the dance isn't going to be enough."

"Oh no, of course not."  She added, sarcastically.

"Quiet, you. And don't interrupt."  Jumba began to get excited as he spoke about his genius creation and stared to speak rather quickly.  "Anyway, the dance will not be enough.  You must memorize the song that goes with the dance.  Once the song gets stuck in your head and you can time the dance exactly with the music then you gain the power.  To use it, you just dance.  Also, in the manual, your voice can be hypnotic.  So, you will also have to learn to sing and you must sing well or it could have disastrous effects.  So, when you are practicing you must be by yourself, out of earshot of anyone.  You got all that, 630?"

            Baila stood there, mouth agape.  "Uh…yea yea… the part about…um…what was it again?"

            Jumba sighed and rubbed his head.  "Just read it.  You'll figure it out."

"O…kay."  Baila said, picking up the book and headed toward the bedroom.

            When she walked in, Stitch was back in the room, reading the same book as last time.  He looked at her as she tossed her book on the bed.

"What is that?"  He asked, coldly.

"A book."  She said, sprightly. 

"I can see that, stupid head."  He said, frustrated.

"There's no reason to be hostile, Stitch."

"I'm not being hostile!  I just asked you a question!"  He shouted.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?  I'm going to take a bath."  She said, totally disregarding Stitch's comment.

"Did you even hear what I said?!"  He yelled, totally and completely annoyed and frustrated.

            Baila looked at him and held her chin pretending to think hard.  "Nope."  She said, smiling.  Stitch's eyes seemed to burn with rage as he stared at Baila.  He gripped his book so tight that he nearly ripped it.  She giggled and walked up to him.  Baila quickly and gently pinched his cheek.

"You… are so cute when you're angry.  You know that?"  Baila brought back her hand and walked casually out of the room to the bathroom.

            Stitch's anger faded away and his eyes widened in shock.  *WHAT WAS THAT?!  She's got to be kidding me.  Is she trying to mess with me head or what?  What kind of fool does she take me for?  Cute?...Me?...Oh, I'll show her cute.*

            He walked to the door and waited till Baila wouldn't be able to see him if he left the room.  She went into the living room and asked around if anyone had to go to the bathroom, because she was going to take a bath.  Stitch quickly scurried into the kitchen and opened the freezer.  When he was done he quickly crawled out the nearest window, without being seen, and scurried to the bathroom window, which happened to be right above the tub. 

No one had to use the bathroom.  So, Baila went in and let the water run in the bathtub.  Stitch was outside the window and waited for her to leave.  When she realized she needed a towel, she left the room.  As she did the door squeaked, giving Stitch a signal that the coast was clear.  Then he proceeded to throw ice cubes into the water.  Baila returned to the bathroom but didn't open the door all the way.  She noticed the door had a terrible squeak and she wanted to avoid hearing it.  When she turned toward the bath tub, she saw ice cubes being tossed into it.  Baila didn't have to guess who it was.

*Aw, he flirting with me.* She thought, sarcastically.  *Maybe there's some way I can flirt back.* Baila eyed a bucket in the corner.  She picked it up and slowly filled it with bath water.  She began catching all the ice cubes Stitch was throwing.  Finally, he stopped and started giggling at his little evil plan.  There were ten trays of ice cubes and he had dumped all of them into the tub.

*Ha, when she comes back, her bath will be so cold she'll scream.* He thought, evilly.

            Before Stitch knew it though, he was being dragged through the window and into the tub.  He hit the water hard and began flailing about.  Baila held him in the water so his head was above the water and he wouldn't escape.  Stitch was disoriented so it didn't take much strength to keep him there.

"See?  This is what you get for trying to prank me."  Baila said, as Stitch calmed down.  "A mouth full of water." 

Stitch was so livid, the water was almost boiling.  He began growling and clenched his fist.  Stitch raised his arm to threaten Baila, but he quickly put it down when Nani came in.

"What's going on in here?  What are you two doing?"  She asked.

Stitch and Baila were silent until Baila had an idea.  She threw her arms around Stitch and smiled at Nani.  "Stitch thought it would be a good idea to take a bath.  It was his idea.  Isn't he great?"

Stitch's eyes widen as he heard her speak.  He couldn't believe it. 

"Is this true, Stitch?"  Nani asked, almost not believing it herself.


"Well…I'm surprised.  I would never have thought you would actually take the initiative and take a bath without someone dragging you into it."

"Yeah and we're helping each other.  You know those hard to reach places."  Baila said pointing to her back.  She looked at Stitch and smiled evilly. 

Nani continued.  "I'm impressed.  You two are finally working together.  That's very good, Stitch.  Keep it up."  She began to leave and closed the door.  "Have fun you two."  Nani said through the door.

Baila began humming a tune and got out of the tub. 

"Where do you think you're going?"  Stitch asked.

"I'm getting out.  I'm not taking a bath with you.  Who knows when the last time you actually took a bath was, stinky."  She said wrapping a towel around herself.

"Wait. Hold on a second.  I'm not done with you.  What was that back ther-"

"Well, I'm done with you.  I'm going to our room.  You enjoy the bath."

            He lunged out at Baila and grabbed her arm.  "What are you, deaf?  I said I'm not done with you. And it's my room!"

"This is a fine way to treat the person who scored you some really big brownie points with Nani.  You're such an ingrate."  She said, as if Stitch showing thanks meant something to her.  On the inside, she was grinning as she manipulated him.

            Stitch felt a bit guilty just then and let her go.  She took a step back and something caught her eye.  The bucket of ice water was still by the tub.  A sly grin crept its way across her face.  Baila walked to the edge of the tub and motioned for him to come to her.

*Now, what does she want?* He thought, moving close to the edge.

"Oh by the way, I think this is yours."  She said sweetly.  In a flash, Baila picked up the bucket and dumped its cold contents on Stitch.

"Oh god, that's cold!"  He shouted.  "You…You…LITTLE BRAT!"

"I love you too, Stitch." She said, grinning.

            Baila left the bathroom giggling and closed the door behind her.  Sakura poked her head into the hallway and called out to her.

"What's up, Kura?"

"Kura?"  She asked.

"Yea, Sakura…take off the Sa and you get Kura.  So, what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to play a game."  Sakura said.

            Baila was intrigued.  She liked games.  "Sure."  Baila walked into the living room.  "What game are we talking about?"

"Just a board game.  Simple."

"Oh, cool.  I'm going to finish drying off and I'll come back in a little bit, okay?"

"Alright.  I'll go get the game."  Sakura said.

            Baila went to the room and saw Stitch sitting at the window.

"You finished already?"  Baila asked him.

"I was lonely."  He said sarcastically, keeping his eyes outside.

            Baila giggled.  She looked at Stitch again and something happened.  The problem solver turned off and the girl turned on.  Baila slowly walked next to Stitch and spoke softly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"  She asked referring to the outside.

"Yeah..." He answered sadly.

"Sure would be a waste of a day to be stuck in this house."

"You like rubbing it in, don't you?" He said, annoyed.  Stitch still didn't look at her, but if he did he would have seen Baila looking at him with dreaming eyes.

"Hmm?  Oh no, I'm just making a point."

            Stitch scoffed and Baila bit her lip.  She really wanted him to like her and she had to do something to earn his trust.  At that moment, Baila got an idea…a very risky idea.

"You should be out there, Stitch."  She said, suggestively.

"Well, I can't do much about that, now can I?"  He said, angrily.

"Yeah, you can."  She said, softy.

            Stitch's eyes light up with a bit of hope.  He turned to Baila and spoke with intrigue.  "What?  What are you talking about?"

            Baila smiled and motioned toward the window.  Stitch looked at her with disbelief and shook his head.

"Go…Go on…I'll cover for you."  She whispered.

            He shook his head again.  "No…No way.  I'd be in so much trouble."

            Baila giggled.  "Is it you that has the hearing problem?  I said I'd cover for you?"

"How are you going to do that?  Better yet, why would you do that?  I thought we hated each other."

            Baila swayed her body a bit from embarrassment.  "Well… you thought wrong."

            Stitch looked outside and stood up.  "I'm not sure I trust you."  He said, looking at her sideways.

"To trust or not to trust…I trust you'll decide."

            Stitch chuckled at her response.  "You're really something else, Baila.  I don't know what to make of you.  How can I trust you?"

"I suppose saying I promise won't sway you, right?  But if it helps I do."

"You promise?"  He asked in disbelief.  "Why would you help me?"

"Well, we have to share a room and I guess we should be nice to each other."

"But what about all the name calling and setting me up for stuff."

"I only did that stuff because you did it to me.  Please, Stitch, trust me.  I would hate to be cooped up in here for as long as you have and I would have wished someone as nice as me to come along and let me off the hook for a while, especially on a nice day like this.  So, what do you say?"

            Stitch looked into Baila's eyes and had a serious expression on his face.  He held out his hand.  A small smile appeared on Baila's face and she reached for it, but he pulled it back really quick.

"Don't shake unless you mean it, because if an experiment's word loses worth then they're worthless."

"I promise.  I swear.  I'll cover for you.  Don't you worry about how."  Baila said.  They shook hands and Stitch smiled at Baila.  At the same time, he was a bit confused.

"Uh…Thanks Baila.  I'll have to remember this next time your being a pain in the ass."

            Baila chuckled.  "That's all I want in return."

            Stitch hopped to the window sill.  "Thanks again.  I'll be back soon."  He jumped out.  Baila walked to the window and called after him.

"No, take as long as you like."  She rested her head in her hands and stared dreamily after him.  Two seconds later, the problem solver was turned back on and her eyes widened as she realized the difficult situation she had just put herself in.  At first, Baila thought it was just her imagination but when she looked around the room she realized she had actually let him go.

"Oh shit!  What have I done?!"  She asked herself.

            A knock soon came at the door

"Baila?"  Sakura's voice came from the other side of the door.  She slowly opened the door. 

            Baila stood up and quickly ran to the door in hopes of getting there in time before she noticed the lack of Stitch, but it was no use.

"I got the game."  She said holding up a long box.  Sakura looked around the room and a puzzled look appeared on her face.  "Where's Stitch?"  She asked, in an angry tone.

*Oh man, if I tell her the truth then Stitch won't trust me…  Wait a sec…What do I care if he trusts me?  My plan for solving the problem doesn't require trust….Oh, but he trusts me a bit now though.  It might make things easier on him in the long run… But telling the truth would be easier on me and it'll make Sakura trust me more… But she already trusts me though.  I don't need any more…Oh no, what do I do?  I know…What Would Jumba Do?*

            Baila smiled at Sakura and threw her arms up towards the bed.  "What do you think?"

            Now Sakura was even more confused than before.  "Think about what?"

"What I did to Stitch.  I was reading my manual and I found this nifty invisibility dance and I used Stitch as a guinea pig.  So, what do you think?"

            Sakura looked towards Stitch's bed and blinked.  Her eyes changed color.  "I don't think he's there anymore, Baila.  I can't see him with my thermal vision."

            Baila had to think up something fast.  "Well…See?...That's how well I cloaked him.  Now let's leave him alone.  I want to see what long term effects my powers have.  Oh, you have the game.  Goody.  What game is it?  Whatever it is, I bet I'll love it."  Baila said, trying to push Sakura out of the room and speaking rather quickly.

"Uh, it's Chutes and Ladders.  It's my favorite game."  She said as they walked down the stairs.

"Great…I'm sure I'm going to love it."

            Oh boy, how wrong she was.  They sat on the floor and began playing.  (A/N if you've never played Chutes and Ladders before then good!  Don't start!  All you're doing in the game is going up and down and up and down and IT NEVER ENDS!!!! *pant pant*  I'm okay…back to the story)  They played for about 3 hours and for the last two hours Baila wanted to gouge her eyes out with hot instruments, but decided to stay and play to make sure she didn't see the empty room up stairs.

*Thank Goodness Pleakley and the fat guy are out now or else I'd be in a real bind.* Baila thought.

            At that moment, the clock rang for 3 o'clock and Sakura stood up abruptly.

"Baila, I almost forgot!  We have to pick up Lilo from Hula School.  Come on. We have to go or we'll be late."

"YAY! WE'RE LEAVING!!!!"  Baila yelled out.  Sakura turned and looked at Baila, a bit insulted.  Baila quickly covered herself.  "Yay!!  We're leaving to see Miss Lilo!!!  YAY!"

            Sakura turned and headed to the door, Baila not too far behind.


Demon-girl-627- Thank you very muchly.

Mostextremeprincess- it's funny you asked that cuz I was about to explain that in this chapter.

Marcfan- thank you too

MalletWielderofDoom-  You know it's funny. One doesn't think they have a problem until they step out of themselves and take a good look…Sometimes that's hard for people to do.

DanMat6288- Yes, I think that would be an interesting story and if you're going to write it you have my permission to use Baila if you want but I can't give Sakura away because she's not mine.  And I don't know if Marcfan changed her mind about liking the series.

Devenus-  I LOVE YOU MAN!!!

VOID99- OMG  it is soooo funny that you mention that because Baila was initially going to Battle 552 but I couldn't figure out how to get Baila into your universe.  So, in the end I just created another character.

            Baila- I'm soooooo mad that little slut got the part.

            Psyche steps out and approaches Baila

            Psyche- You're just jealous that I get more than you do and besides I have a feeling my story isn't going to end well.

            Baila- Mine isn't either.  This isn't fair. 

            Psyche smacks Baila across the face

            Psyche- Oh, shut up you big baby. Get a life…Get real…Stop whining and Deal with it!!!

            Daytime nods her head and speaks to Baila- She's right you know.

            Baila pouts.

THE LIST…dancing (is it just me or is dancing in almost every chapter?), fighting (that too?),  Nani and a deal.