Hey, back with an early update and I hope that you are all well. If you aren't, that might explain why I only got 3 reviews.

I know that was kinda mean, but ah well. I'm just kinda disappointed that I only got 3. I mean, I know there are others who get less. For the most part, people who post more then 5 chapters do tend to get quite a few reviews per chapter. If it's temporary, I'm sorry and if I'm being a selfish asshole I'm sorry. I just feel a little frustrated after working so hard to find the time for that fic and only getting a small reply.

As for the fic goes though, part one is beginning to reach its end. This really is a prelude though, setting up the situation for the rest of the story. A lot of events need to happen to reach that point so that's why I am writing this part. The real story and inspiration for me is going to kick in for parts two and most important is the ending with part three.

Here's a thanks to my 3 reviews.

RPGer: Glad to get another review from you, keep your fic going and I'll try to use your pace as a motivator.

Demonic: Glad you had time to read this and give me your first review. I appreciate the support; it came at the best time possible.

Mantis: I know you left a review, and will leave one later if I don't get it. Just glad that you appreciate me trying to keep it IC. Hopefully the following chapters will give you the amount of detail you want me to put into it.

Now, without further stalling, on to the fic which is only read by a few.

Chapter 7: Falling for the first time

Keitaro was walking through a hazy wood, on a lone path surrounded by towering trees. For some reason though, the path moved on its own. So even if Keitaro stopped moving it continued to propel him forward. Even if he tried running against it he would still be moving just fast enough forward to never move in the other direction.

For now though, he just moved with it. 'What could it hurt' thought Keitaro 'wherever I'm going I'll get too eventually. For quite some time he moved on this path, until he came to a fork in the road. It seemed as if the road stopped moving beyond the fork, but what really caught his eye were the people he saw along each fork.

To the right he saw the entire Hinata-Sou there in the background. Standing at its front steps were the residents waving him over. Even Seta was there; shovel in hand, ready for the next big dig. The thing was, almost everyone was there.

For on the left path, he saw a long ever darkening path. And Naru, his Naru was running down it into the growing darkness.

"Naru" screamed Keitaro as he tore down that path after her. She didn't respond, she just kept running, never coming any closer.

As Keitaro looked to his side, he could see nothing but darkness. Finally he paused to look behind him, and the path was gone. He was stuck on this path, and his only hope was to catch Naru.

So he took off after her once again, determined to catch her, even though he knew it was hopeless. He would eventually tire, yet she would continue to run from him forever. Just then he tripped over a rock in the path, and as he tumbled to earth he screamed for Naru one last time. The he slammed into the dusty ground, with Naru's footprints stretching out in front of him.

* * * * * * * *

Keitaro woke with a start, and he felt an odd pulsing in the back of his mind. He immediately knew it was the sword. Communicating with him once again, forming there ki's to one. He thought it was weird that the sword was sentient, but he didn't know if it was good or bad. So he just sent a message back 'you can manipulate my ki, it matters not to me.'

The sword sent a single pulse back in return and then went silent. Keitaro smiled at this and relaxed in the cramped taxi 'well, at least the pulse is gone.' He then cracked and looked over at Seta who was staring out at the countryside. Watching it changing from the city where they had begun to the now dry and dismal desert where there excavation would lie over the horizon.

Seta shivered as if he sensed Keitaro's eyes and looked back at him with a smile on his face. "Ah, Keitaro, you have awoken. Keitaro just nodded and Seta turned back to the countryside. "If you want to know," he continued "we'll be at the excavation in 15 minutes, so get ready for your second dig."

Keitaro simply beamed at that and sunk back into his seat. He couldn't wait to relive the adventures he had experienced at Monmol, and of course he would have some new experiences as well. "Ah, the life of an Archeologist." He laughed at that and his mood couldn't have been better.

* * * * * *

As there taxi pulled up to the dig site, Keitaro was nearly giddy. His last dig had been amazing, if a little weird. He couldn't complain though, he had enjoyed himself and even got lost only to discover a temple. That may have been the most enjoyed time of his life, treasured along with all his other memories from the Hinata-Sou.

As he looked out though, all he saw was a desolate wasteland, with no humans in sight. "Seta, where are our fellow workers?"

Seta just chuckled and looked back to him, "They will be here tomorrow, today you and I get to set up the base camp and maybe do from survey work."

Keitaro's faltering hopes picked up, but they needed to wait for the next day. He did hope he didn't make a fool of himself in front of the other diggers and get stuck in a hole or something though.

* * * * * *

Keitaro climbed inside the tent, never happier to be inside an enclosed space in his life. The wind continued to batter the tent walls as the evening had kicked up a sandstorm. Luckily Seta and Keitaro had finished setting up early and didn't need to worry about working in these conditions.

Looking back on it though, not much had gone well today. They had to put up the tents and the site lines in the burning sun and Keitaro could feel his skin burning already in response. It would only get worse over the next few days as well.

Probably the best thing that had happened was that Seta and Keitaro discovered a river inside a small canyon near the edge of the site. So after finishing there work, they both climbed down the canyon wall and dove into the water for a swim. The cool river was about 6 feet deep and the current was calm so they had no problem relaxing the waters.

Keitaro and Seta climbed out after about an hours worth of swimming and proceeded to climb out of the canyon. As they had reached the top, evening was falling and that's when the sandstorm had kicked up. As they rushed into camp they both dove into there tents trying to keep themselves safe from the harsh winds and blowing sand. Now he was alone, his first night where he felt truly alone in almost 3 years.

So, he laid out his sleeping bag, but had no desire to get in it. The near sickening heat made it seem repulsive to get inside it. So he sat on it and got lost in his thoughts. While deep in thought, the Hinata-Sou loomed in front of his eyes, a constant reminder of what he had left behind. That was when he felt his sword, calling him once again.

He went to his bag and pulled out his sword. He could feel its perfect balance and the heat radiating from the blade itself. He pulled the sheath off, slowly exposing the polished metal underneath. He then sat, cross legged, with the blade resting in his palms. It was then that the sword told its story to him. He felt his mind pull from his body as he floated into the dull mist surrounding it.

Then a scene appeared before his eyes, a blacksmith working on the masterpiece of his life. The hammer fell in succession, this being the final molding of the sword. A long and perfectly balanced katana, the blade itself reflected like a mirror, perfectly formed with no faults. The handle, sitting to the side, was a dragon. Its eyes appeared to pierce your soul. The mouth seemed ready to attack any who touch it, friend or foe alike.

The blacksmith could not help but smile at his work, this being his final piece before he had to hang up his hammer. He struck the sword one final time, and dipped into a cool barrel of water. He then hung the blade on a line and grabbed the handle. He checked one final time for any mistakes is the handle. He then set it down and locked up the shop, he would finally finish the sword tomorrow.

Keitaro just watched the blade hang there. Then he realized he still had some sort of body, so he moved towards the blade. As he approached, some candlelight reflected off the blade and Keitaro covered his eyes. When he removed his hand, the blade had moved.

In fact, it had done more then moved. It was now connected to the handle that it was intended to be used with. Now there was a hand holding the blade, with the scabbard at his left hip.

He appeared to be a young samurai, one who was readying his own end. As Keitaro looked around, a small troop of 8 men were there. All had there swords drawn and all were preparing for the end.

They were at the end of an alleyway, and at the opening of the alley was a group of about 50 men, all intent on eliminating the men next to Keitaro. One of the attacks threw his torch at the man wielding the sword of hope. He simply laughed and chopped the torch in 2 while it was in midair.

The torch bounced away and extinguished itself. The men at the head of the alleyway drew there swords and began to walk towards the point where Keitaro was standing. The man next to Keitaro simply smiled, he knew that he was gonna make them pay in blood if they wanted his life.

That man appeared to be there commander, because all of his fellow troop followed suit. They stood in place and watched the other men break in to a charge, drawing there swords on the way. The swords flashed into contact where they met, and the ringing of steel was heard through the night.

The man wielding the sword of hope had mastered his blade. His danced through the enemy and left a row of injured and dying in his wake. His sword pierced through the pathetic armor and decapitated one man and amputated another's arm. He never let himself strike more then once, for he knew he had no time.

All the while though the only thought threw his head was 'my family blade of the last 200 years, this is your last dance with us.' With that he continued to move towards the front of the people, hoping he might escape. Fate was not with him though and his troop was dying.

Now, one of the leaders of his enemies jumped in his path, blocking hiss escape. Two more men came in, pinning his position against the wall. He tried hard as he could to block the strikes coming from all around him. The numbers surrounding him began to build, to the point where he knew he was trapped.

Then he felt his sword being ripped out of his hand from a powerful blow. As he reached to regain hold of his, he saw another blade come down and remove his arm. He didn't care though, even though he knew there were multiple blades being impaled into his stomach, all he could do was watch the sword skitter away into the enemy and past them. It was carried to where it slid into a hole in the wall and disappeared from site. He then felt the pain overcome him and he collapsed on the ground to sleep for the rest of time.

The sword was forgotten though, until a small boy picked it up and kept it as a family heirloom for generations. Till one man decided to put use to the ancient sword; and he started a rebellion against the Christians of Japan. The man was a puritan who believed that all Christians needed to be removed from there country.

This led him to leading massacres against the Christians; in the end he and his followers slaughtered thousands of men, women and children for his cause. This amount of bloodshed tainted the sword, giving it the split ki you see before you. Once it was a pure sword held by a samurai family and then it was controlled by a destroyer of faiths.

This is why the sword is split, always in perfect balance. Always a symbol of the fact that the sword is only a tool, for good and for bad. Understand this and the sword will serve you well, but it will never truly be yours, nor will it ever save you.

Keitaro nodded as he felt himself rejoin with his body. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the sword sitting in his hands. He then picked the blade up and looked at it. On it he could see hundreds of tiny blemishes and scars left by time. They each told the story he had just witnessed in his mind.

Just then Keitaro felt one last pulse in the back of his mind, accompanied by the message "goodbye." With that the sentient being which he felt from the sword vanished and the sword has connected to him. To serve as his tool till his dying day.

With that Keitaro rose to his feet and held the sword in front of him. He looked at the handle, one side black, and one side white. The split of ki's, both yin and yang present. It is all up to the wielder to chose. With that he swung the sword in a vertical strike, feeling the power of the tool that he had received.

* * * * * * *

"So," Martin began, "You are a group of concerned friends tracking down your dorm manager who went on an archeological dig?" Motoko, who had explained there situation to there new tour guide of sorts, nodded to him. Shinobu looked up at Martin, still a little nervous around him, but something about him made her feel calm.

He seemed non-descript, just an average male that happened to lend a helping hand. There was an odd glow about him though, something that said he would go out of his way to help anyone in need. It reminded everyone there a lot of Keitaro, and it made them feel safe.

While the rest calmly finished there lunch, Su and Sara seemed to be planning something big. On the other hand, Martin was finished with his food and just calmly watched these 5 girls. None of them appeared to have any connection other then living in the same house as this man and they all seemed very determined to get him back.

It was then that he decided that he would help them out, they needed to find this Keitaro guy and he could help them. They seemed very earnest in there goal so he even decided he should go with them.

He watched as the last two, Motoko and Shinobu he believed there names were, finished eating. He then decided to announce the decision he had come too. He cleared his thought as he stood up.

"Well, you all better be going if you plan to catch this guy." Motoko and Shinobu nodded earnestly while Mutsumi smiled up at him. They got up to leave when he broke the next bit of news to them. "I also will be coming with you."

With that bit of news, even Su and Sara listened up. They all were shocked to here this, they had expected directions sure, but never direct assistance. Martin just smiled and continued on "I don't want to hear any complaints about me coming, I know quite likely where to find him and I can help you get there."

Motoko, Shinobu and Mutsumi were speechless. Su and Sara on the other hand, were never speechless, much less now.

"Great another dork to deal with," was all Sara said as she walked past him and out of the restaurant.

Su seemed much more receptive, which was obvious when she dove into him and tackled him to the ground. "Yay, we get a tour guide, I wonder if that makes you nummy."

Motoko walked over to Su and pulled her off Martin, then helped him to his feet. "Thank you so much for helping us this far, and your going to do so much more for us." She continued on, "How could we repay for this."

Martin brushed his cloths off and looked off into space for a moment. After shaking his head, he responded by saying "I have no idea really, how about I get back to you on that." Motoko just smiled as the whole group walked out of the restaurant to resume the chase.

'This should be an interesting experience,' thought Martin, 'and I'm gonna give this Keitaro a piece of my mind when I find him.'

End Chapter 7

Hey, this is a little shorter then planned but since there is a lack of updates recently thought I should give you one. I'll have another update in 3 or 4 days as well, which would have been the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully fate deals you a kind hand. If he doesn't, beat fate with a really big pole.

Also, for my pick of the update:

Child of the Crimson Moon: by M.Blade

This is a great fic that features Koalla Su, a rarity. Also he updates at insane speeds so that's always a plus.


OK then, I'm out, but Niak will stay here cutting his wrist with a butter knife for your enjoyment.

R & R or Niak will visit your mind instead of mine (believe me you don't want that, he takes not reviewing personally)