Hey, just a quick note, this publishing basically means I have discontinued my last fic "A compromising situation" at least for the time being if not permanently. Sorry to any of my reviewers but I didn't think I had enough readers to continue the story. So I plan to just start this new one and see where this one takes me. This fic feels a lot easier to write so far so I hope that's a good sign for this story. So, all that's left is to sit back and enjoy this latest fic, "Only in Dreams is Life a Reality" "Quotes" 'Thoughts' [Location]

Chapter One: This Love

Keitaro Urashima, the luckiest man in the world. He has it all, a great job, good home, in college, and surrounded by beautiful women. What else in the world would there be for him to ask for. Well, there was one thing, the return of his love towards his supposed promise girl, Naru Narusegawa. Of course he, along with everyone else, assumed she loved him. In the end though, no one could actually prove it either way because Naru would accept her own feelings, whatever they were. Maybe she didn't love him though, and without that, what would he have. So, all Keitaro had was his hope that she loved him, and was just too nervous to tell anyone. Who knows though, so Keitaro just went through life day to day, hoping that each day would bring a new surprise to make his life worth living.

This did not create a total happy situation for himself though, as the weeks dragged by with no response, his will began to fade. His hope was still there but was now stretched to the breaking point. This left Keitaro on his last limb, with only one source of possible salvation.

[6 AM - On the Hinata-Sou's roof]

'Well, another day, and it once again seems so routine. Naru still hasn't told me what she thinks of me, I've been waiting weeks for that now. Plus then the rest of the girls are being there normal, overly anarchistic selves.' To this Keitaro simply sighed as he watched Motoko going about her daily routine of a pre-breakfast training session. Right then and there a thought occurred to him. He ran off the roof, and ducked into the apartments. He rushed into his room and grabbed the wooden katana that Seta has given his when he got into Tokyo U. He then rushed downstairs and went outside and the calmly walked up the stairs towards the deck where Motoko was practicing. As he reached the top, Motoko stopped her sword dead in its tracks and snapped around to face Keitaro.

"What do you want Urashima" was all she asked, and not in a very kind voice either. This caused Keitaro to take a step back, against his own will. After a second, Keitaro swallowed hard stepped back up onto deck.

"I was wondering if you could possibly teach me a few things about sword techniques, maybe even spar a bit." Keitaro noticed Motoko's eye twitch at this remark.

"What makes you think I'd ever teach you anything?" she remarked "my schools teachings are secret and only the bloodline may learn them."

"I don't need to learn the techniques; I just want to be able to strengthen myself with my legged just healed."

"Fine, I'll train you, if you can manage to beat me in a simple duel." Motoko was sure this would put Keitaro on edge, but to her surprise, he simply looked at her and then drew his wooden Katana.

"Fine, if I must defeat you, don't expect me to pull any strikes." With that he stepped closer to Motoko so he had ample room behind him to maneuver. He then crouched and positioned his katana in an awkward reversed angle in his left hand, to Motoko it appeared he had no idea what he was doing.

'If he expects to beat me with that pathetic stance, he doesn't deserve my time much less my superior skill beating the stuffing's out of him.' Motoko then raised her katana in the basic defensive position so she could quickly find a weakness in his first attack and finish this.

After seeing this, Keitaro simply smiled as his feet propelled him towards Motoko, who was currently shocked at his speed. Then, in mid stride, he reversed sword hands from left to right so that the attack he launched was now a rapid backhand. Motoko saw it coming and quickly ducked under the strike and counterattacked, assuming that the strike had left him open for attack.

To her surprise, Keitaro had managed to back hand spring duck under the blade. He then snapped his blade and knocked Motoko's blade away as he finished the maneuver. He then stood up and took a new position for attack, this time his sword was resting against his hip, ready for a quick defensive strike.

After witnessing that last attack, saying Motoko was surprised is an understatement. Keitaro contained more skill then she could have imagined. This might just make her training a little more interesting.

"Stop," she said as she lowered her sword and smiled.

This surprised Keitaro as he took a step forward and continued to point his sword to Motoko.

"Are you sure your done, I want to make sure you teach me if I can."

"Yes I'm sure, now put your sword down and let's head into breakfast, I'll begin to teach you this evening when I get home from school." She said as she walked past him and down the stairs. Keitaro smiled then turned and followed suit. 'Well, at least something went right.'

* * * * * * * * *

Keitaro and Motoko entered the kitchen last and they sat down,
both setting there katanas on the ground and looked around at the table.
It seemed that Naru was absent from the table once again.

'This is how it's been for the past 3 weeks; she's never here,
always finding some reason to avoid me.' 'Maybe she really isn't sure
whether she likes me or not.'

Keitaro sat there thinking and ignoring his food as the others
ate greedily. Shinobu noticed Keitaro not eating and thought about how he
really has changed since he told Naru he loved her. His usual content
nature was drawn out of him now. Shinobu sighed and thought about how
much love can change people.

At that point Motoko and Su had finished there breakfast and got
up to leave for high school. Su bounded through the door while Motoko
paused and looked at Keitaro.

"See you after school Urashima," was all Motoko said as she
turned rushed after Su. Keitaro simply smiled and looked back at the
table, where only Shinobu remained. Kitsune had snuck out on them once
again, mostly in an attempt to avoid work. This left Shinobu and himself
to work on the dishes before Shinobu needed to take off for junior high.

Keitaro grabbed three sets of dishes and took them into the
kitchen where he began to clean them, humming a little tune to himself
while doing so. A few seconds later Shinobu came through the door, also
carrying dishes and began to work right next to him. As she was working,
Keitaro thought he heard her say something.

"I'm sorry, I missed what you said," said Keitaro as he stopped
his work and turned towards her. She turned also and half blushed, half
smiled at him in return.

"I was just wondering about what your going to do now that your
leg is healed Sempai," she asked with a hint of concern. That was also
like Shinobu, always worried about everyone, so I decided to help her out
as best I could by explaining my plans.

"Well, actually, it's kind of pointless for me to go back to
school this year so I might wait till next year instead," I explained.
"So actually I may team up with Seta and go on some short digs in
America, Europe and eastern Asia," I continued. "These short trips and
research should be enough to make my time entertaining," I finished as I
looked to her for approval.

She smiled and concluded our little conversation with a simple
"As long as you don't run away for a long time Sempai." She then finished
her dishes and smiled once again as she left out the door to school.

Keitaro sighed as he finished up his dishes and walked out into
the living room, past an already drunk Kitsune, and out the front door to
stand in front of the apartments.

'I wonder what I should do; Seta told me I could go away with him
at any time.' 'Well, I need to figure out if I should wait Naru's answer
first.' 'Maybe I should do something to get it out of her.'

While thinking about all of this he decided he should go visit
Mitsumi on her day off of class. So he began down the stairs and just
switched from the serious thoughts of life to a more calm idea about what
to do for the day.

While daydreaming, he didn't notice who was coming up the stairs. It was one Naru Narusegawa. She also happened to be thinking about something important to her, so they collided on the steps. Keitaro managed to recover his composer and catch Naru's hand before she also took a tumble down the stairs.

After pulling Naru up she collapsed into his arms. After pulling herself to her feet she stood in front of Keitaro and then continued to get what needed to be said out into the open.

"Keitaro, I know I've been avoiding you for the last few weeks, but now I finally need to tell you how I feel whether I want to or not." She swallowed and looked at the ground, "Keitaro, I can never possibly love you like you love me." "This is why you should move on and find someone else." With that she walked up the stairs past Keitaro and away from him.

Keitaro's mind went into total shutdown at those words and he just stood there unsure of what to do. Then his instincts of depression and panic kicked in, and he ran for all his life. He had no idea where to go, but he knew he just needed to get away.

End Chapter 1

This is an update so just Read and Review I guess.

Here's a shout out to Gotenks, Vash, Mantis, Knights, and RPGer for standing by my fic through chapter 5 where this update was inserted.