Disclaimer: I do not own RK or any reality show.

This chapter will be narrated in the first POV.

Who wants to be Mrs. Yukishiro?

Chapter 3 Hangers

"How did I even let myself into this?" I repeated to myself for the nth time that day. I tried to fit another shirt in the suitcase and decided it was enough. I glanced at the clock at my bedside table and discovered how late it was. I could have started packing earlier, but I was not really excited about this whole thing. I didn't even know that I would have to fill up my luggage a week ago. I checked the time again and figured that I really needed to get some sleep if I wanted to be able to look normal tomorrow. I shut off the light and snuggled under the covers.


"I think I heard the doorbell ring Kaoru," yelled Megumi from the kitchen. "Could you see who that is?"

"Ok!" I replied cheerfully without complaint before dashing to the front door.

"Who is it?" I said automatically as I was opening the door.

"I'm the person that the network sent. I called earlier this week about this visit," the young man replied.

"Network?" I asked with complete puzzlement in my voice. I have no idea who this guy is, nor what call he was talking about.

"Could you wait a moment please?" I asked politely before consulting my sister.

"Megumi? Were you expecting someone today? Something about a network?" I relayed the information to the kitchen.

"Oh yes!" Megumi said excitedly before quickly abandoning the dishes. "Come on in," I invited the unknown visitor as soon as I heard Megumi's reply.

"Good morning, Haru-san," greeted my sister. "Good morning to you as well Kamiya Megumi-san and Kaoru-san."

"Please take a seat." she offered the man who politely thanked her with a curt nod. I am starting to get interested as to why this man is here today and why Megumi has not mentioned a single word about this, not to forget the fact that he knew who I was.

"I will not be here for long since I have to visit the other participants as well," he started. "I just wanted to give you an outline of the preparations to be done before the actual filming begins," he continued before he handed a packet to my sister.

Now he really had my attention. What filming? Who's going to be in it? I could not restrain my curiosity any longer so I commented about the man's explanation and fished, "I didn't know that you are going to be involved in a film Megumi."

The man seemed perplexed about my reaction and asked, "Does she not know Megumi-san?"

"Know about what if I may ask?" I tried to control the urge to just squeeze the information out of the two people in the room and just tell me what the heck was going on.

"Not quite yet," replied Megumi with a small grin. "But don't worry I will handle everything and we will follow the itinerary to the last bit," assured my sister.

'We' she said.

The look of perplexity was still etched on the man's face but he chose to maintain his professionalism. He stood up and cued his intention to leave. We stood up as well and Megumi thanked him for dropping by. As soon as we closed the front door, my questions began.

"Who was that? What film? What exactly is in the envelope? Why didn't you say anything about this?" I bombarded her with questions as I dropped the polite and meek distant façade.

Megumi simply gave me another grin before handing me the packet the visitor just handed her. 'Open it' she said.

I looked at her suspiciously for a second, before I broke the envelope's seal. No use in waiting for Megumi to answer my questions if I could find out the answers for myself by reading the contents of the envelope.

Alas. There it was.

The answer.

I am going to be a one of the brides in Yukishiro Enishi's reality show.


Kaoru wake up! I heard Megumi yell. I glanced at the clock and saw it was seven in the morning. I groaned, turned to my other side, and attempted to escape waking up by pulling the sheets over my head.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard Megumi yell again as she pulled the covers off of me.

"Iyaa!!" I screamed. "I don't want to go after all! This is all your fault!" I declared, the dream still fresh in my mind. Well, it isn't actually a dream, since that was what really happened.

"Well, excuse me for being a nice sister," Megumi replied. "Besides, it's not like I could actually push you to go on with this, you were the one who made the final decision,"
she reminded me with agonizing pleasure.

I let out another groan--- this time to signify defeat. I guess I am the one at fault, since I did say that going on a reality show may not be too bad. What was I on when I said that? I berated myself before I finally opened my eyes.


The mansion was huge, gorgeous; complete with everything you could possible need. It would almost seem like you were a princess in a castle, except for the fact that there are 14 other princesses all competing for the same prince.

Immediately after arrival, I was asked to go straight to my assigned room to unpack and get comfortable. It was also a chance for me to meet my room mate.

I climbed the beautiful staircase and walked to the wing where my room was supposed to be. They have supposedly brought up my baggage to my room earlier, leaving me free and able to look around the halls as I passed. The halls were greatly accentuated with artworks and chandeliers. It was definitely a sight to behold. After minutes of indulging sights, I finally reached a room that had a small hanger that said my name on it. Slowly turning the knob, I opened the door and found myself being greeted by a girl with long braided hair packed with exuberating energy.

"Hello!" she greeted. I smiled back and greeted her as well.

"I guess we're going to be room mates!" she said cheerfully.

I like this girl. I thought. Thank goodness it wasn't some obnoxious, stuck up girl.

"I'm Makimachi Misao," she introduced. "Nice to meet you!"


It has been 2 days since we first got here and today's going to be the first day of filming. We're going to meet Yukishiro Enishi for the first time. The producer wanted the meeting to look real, so they are going to shoot the first meeting --- for real.

I was getting a bit nervous, so I tried to smooth my dress one last time when Misao happily bounced in front of me seemingly unaffected by the fact that we are going to be in front of a bunch of cameras in 10 minutes.

"You seem really calm Misao. Have you done this before?" I asked.

"Of course not! But well.." she started before scratching her head. "Umm..Kaoru, would you like to go to the powder room with me?" she asked, subtly nudging towards the cameras.

"Sure. I need to use the mirror anyway," I replied on cue.

"Good thing there's no cameras in the wash rooms!" Misao commented.

"Like I'll ever participate in this if they did that!" I replied with conviction.

Misao giggled before continuing her interrupted explanation at the hallway. "Well you see. I would only be nervous if I were really meeting someone I liked. Speaking in public, or cameras don't really bug me," she explained.

"So you don't like Yukishiro-san then?" I asked confused.

Misao, without even thinking twice, nodded in agreement.

"Why did you join then?" Don't tell me one of your sisters is the cause of all this too, I thought lightly.

"It's because of the producer," she relied quietly before blushing prettily.

"Producer? You mean umm…what's his name?" I asked myself as I tapped my forehead as if that would help me remember faster.

"Shinomori Aoshi," answered Misao for me in a soft whisper.

Hmm..Shinomori Aoshi. That's right! He is the producer who's always standing at one side. "Eh? Shinomori-san huh? Do you know him?" I asked.

"Umm..sort of. Our families know each other," she explained briefly.

"Heeee… what exactly are you trying to do then?" I teased, a small, knowing grin slowly creeping up my face.

"Nothing!" she exclaimed, obviously a big lie.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door and were greeted by one of the crews, who were looking for the last missing "brides." She asked us nicely to come back in the main room for the show is about to start. We acknowledged her request without delay and followed her back.

"Oh yes. Nothing! What was I thinking?" I whispered to Misao as we walked towards the main room.

Misao just bit her lip at me in reply.


So…here we are, smiling for the cameras. We're each waiting for our turn to have our moment with Mr. Yukishiro. Misao's turn was already over. She was one of the first few in line, unlike me who was assigned the last spot. I shifted uncomfortably on one leg as I stood at the top of the stair case. I watched another lady get introduced to the young celebrity.

Then another one.

And another.

It is getting hot. All these lights, people, and long gowns are definitely making the room warm. The last thing I want would be to have my few seconds of fame in front of the camera while soaking in sweat! I cringed at the image and almost failed to see that my cue was up. I quickly erased the mental image I just had and walked slowly towards Enishi as I tried to muster another smile.

"Hello," he said to me. I greeted him back as I extended my right hand. He gave me a strong hand shake and smiled dashingly at me.

Up close and personal with Yukishiro Enshi is not bad at all. He has a handsome face, great body, perfect height, and that smile. Jelly legs I tell you.

"I hope to get to know you better in the next months Kaoru," he spoke.

Oh yes, and that deep masculine voice.

I smiled at him before I replied, "I hope so too Yukishiro-san, thank you for having me here."

And with that, I joined the other ladies waiting on the side.


I tried to distract myself by looking at tomorrow's schedule. I flipped through the folder once more even though I am fully aware of the fact that not a single word imprinted on it is registering in my brain. Those sapphire blue eyes just won't leave me alone. They were enchanting; deep blue pools that seem to drown you for eternity. Yet, she seems so oblivious to it, such effortless temptation. My musings, which I am trying so hard to end, was thankfully stopped as I felt a firm grip on my left shoulder. I looked up as I heard my name called once more and saw my client, Enishi standing behind me.

Author's notes:

Kaname-chan: I don't think I'm in the mood to write about Kaoru going ballistic ^^;; Although you'll never know.

Jen: I don't really like reality shows either but for some strange reason I started watching the MTV's new season of reality shows for the first time! Must be because of this fic, hahaha..

CrismHeart: I am counting on your powers! Don't fail me! ^^

Blondie: There are some E/K fics out there. I've read some in the past (paaaaast I tell you, can't remember their titles or stories now ^^;;)

Gotenfan18: Love your word!

Koishii Sweet: Secret ^____^

donna8157: About Tomoe, hmm..I don't think so 'coz that is going to make things complicated. I never really thought about it though ^^;;

Poppy2: Thanks for reading The Other Side! Whoopee…it makes me happy. I really need to finish that huh? Kaoru's been a hostage for ages now *lol*

Thank you so much to nyllemnev, dark aquamarine, The-Lone-Lemon, Aryana1, Kitsune KeNsHiN, momo girl, MZ. AMbER EYES, Serenity Blossom, are-en1, Silver Eyes Bright, and Kaorus_death_food525. I love all your enthusiasm!!

Oh…do any of you know an Aoshi/Kaoru fic set some years after the end of the series? In this fic, Kaoru and Kenshin's already married with kids but Kenshin dies and leaves Kaoru to raise their kids alone. Misao's married to Soujiro. And…umm Aoshi comes back from ..??.. and his relationship with Kaoru develops into something deeper.. Sounds familiar?? Hope so! I read this absolutely beautiful fic maybe 3 years ago and I suddenly had this urge to read it again. Problem is, I cannot remember the title or the author of this fic. Help me!