DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything that has to do with Pirates of the Caribbean. Hope Danforth and upcoming characters not in the movie are mine and mine alone. Some quotes are taken directly from the film.
NOTE: I know the movie portrays Jack as 40 something but in my story he is only 31 making Hope and him 10 years apart.
For full story and introduction read:
Pirates of the Caribbean: Moonlight's Curse
Feelings Expressed
"You forget your place Turner." Commodore Norrington said placing a sword at Will's throat
"It's right here, between you and Jack." Elizabeth walked over to stand beside Will.
"As is mine." This act took Norrington, his men, and Governor Swann by surprise.
"Elizabeth. Lower your weapons," Governor Swann said to the redcoats in despair. When they didn't lower them he yelled out. "For goodness sake, put them down!"
"No!" Commodore Norrington yelled out. "Remove these two from the pirate." The guards pulled Will and Elizabeth to the side and left Jack in the open. With the ends of the bayonets still at his throat Hope stepped in front of him.
"No! Commodore Norrington please! Don't do this. Let him go." Jack looked at her sincerely with a hint of confusion.
"Hope. What are you doing?" Gillette asked.
"I'm sorry, Edward. Commodore, please. Let him go."
"I can't do that Miss Danforth. It is against everything I have ordered if I let him go free. Jack Sparrow is the most sought after pirate in the Caribbean." Jack stepped around her but before he could say anything Hope clasped her hand over his mouth.
"Jack is a good man. He may be a pirate but there's more to him than any of you realize. Please, Commodore."
"Miss Danforth. You hate pirates as much as I. Why are you defending him? He is one of them!" Hope looked at Jack then back at Norrington.
"You're wrong about that. I used to hate pirates but I don't anymore. He may be a pirate, but as I said there's so much more to him than being a pirate." Norrington saw the expression on her face as she spoke those words and he knew.
"You defend him now because you love him." Hope closed her eyes and looked sadly at Gillette who held a look of disbelief and confusion.
"Yes." Jack looked surprised then smiled and turned to the guards behind him, mouthing, she loves me. Norrington's face softened and Gillette still had a look of confusion but anger replaced the sadness.
"I can't believe I'm hearing this. What about us, Hope? He's a pirate how can you possibly love him, why do you love him?"
Gillette said in anger.
"You have to believe me, Edward. I didn't expect nor did I want any of this to happen. I love you, I still do, and I always will. You were the first man I ever truly loved Edward and I wanted you to be the last. Because of that, I tried so hard to deny my feelings for him but I just couldn't anymore. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I don't ask it of you today but someday I will ask you again and I can only hope you can give it to me.
"So that's it then. Just like that, it's over," Gillette said with not so much anger.
"I'm sorry. I know there is someone out there for you, I'm sorry I wasn't the one. Part of my heart will always belong to you but the rest belongs to Jack Sparrow." Gillette lowered his head for a moment before he nodded sadly. Hope looked at Norrington who was still trying to figure things out. "James. Both our families have been close friends for eight years. You know what it feels like to lose someone you care for." Norrington lowered his sword remembering the day he lost the love of his life, Catherine.
"The day pirates invaded Port Royal you had proposed to my sister. You were coming home to tell me when the town was attacked. Catherine was shot and died several minutes later. That day you vowed to hunt down the pirates that had taken her from you and kill them. Over these last seven years I have seen how you live your life. Since that day your entire life has been nothing but revenge on any pirate that comes into port. Nothing will ever bring Catherine back. Killing the pirates who took her life will not give you closure to her death. You need to move on, I did." Norrington was silent as the others around them were surprised. "But you found love again in Elizabeth. When she was kidnapped by Captain Barbossa your hatred against pirates rose even higher. And in your search you found that it was a true pirate, and a man with pirate's blood that saved her."
"What are you trying to say, Hope?" Norrington asked.
"What I'm saying is that…" Hope started but was cut off by the governor, who had been listening intently.
"That perhaps on the rare occasion, pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy. Piracy itself can be the right course," the governor said. Hope and Elizabeth looked at him with surprise and Norrington showed the hint of a smile, accepting that the Governor's words were the truth.
"Lower your weapons and release Miss Swann and Mr. Turner." As they did Jack looked up and saw Mr. Cotton's parrot flying overhead.
"Well, I'm actually feeling rather good about this." Jack said as he came from behind Hope and walked in a drunken manner over to Governor Swann and talked into his face. The governor wrinkled his nose at the smell of Jack's breath. "I think we've all arrived at a very special place, aye? Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically." Jack then moved to Norrington. "I want you to know that I was rooting for you mate. Know that." Making his way back past Swann and between Will, Elizabeth and Hope he turned towards Elizabeth. "Elizabeth. It would never have worked out between us darling. I'm sorry…" Hope shook her head remembering that night on the island. Elizabeth looked at him a little appalled. "For my heart belongs to an annoying, snooty, sword fighting, hot tempered young woman," Jack finished going over to Hope. He pulled her face to him and kissed her. All the marines and Swann were disgusted by this. Gillette looked on with a solemn face. Will and Elizabeth just smiled. As Jack pulled away he leaned closer to her and whispered. "I will return in two weeks if you decide to come with me." With that he went to the stairs of the parapet. "Miss Hope Danforth. As I said before, I have fallen in love you. Lieutenant Gillette, I do hope there are no hard feelings." Hope smiled at Jack. "Friends, this is the day you will always remember, as the day that…" before Jack could finish he bumped into the wall and fell over. Everyone present ran to the wall and watched as Jack fell into the water, miraculously missing the rocks.
"Idiot, he has no where to go but back to the noose," Gillette responded with a smirk. Hope watched as Jack popped his head above the water then looked into the distance and saw the Black Pearl.
"I wouldn't be so sure," Hope said. Gillette looked at her as she pointed out into the bay. Everyone watched as the Black Pearl sailed into the bay. Norrington smiled a little and turned
"Mr. Turner!" Hope watched as Norrington said a few things to Will about the sword he was given. Gillette and Hope stood watching this. She wanted to say something but thought best not to.
"Did you mean everything you said about loving me?" Gillette asked her.
"Yes, every word." Gillette looked in her eyes and saw the truth.
"Then, I forgive you. Even though I don't like the fact that you fell for a pirate. That is something I have to accept."
"You're a good man, Edward. You'll make another woman very happy." Norrington sheathed the sword and walked away up to Hope. "Thank you, James." Hope said.
"I am still bound by the law when it comes to pirates."
"I know. But you will have a hard time trying to catch him." Norrington smiled and bowed to her. "Miss Danforth." As Norrington walked away Gillette called to him.
"Commodore! What about Sparrow?" Gillette asked.
"Oh I think we can afford to give him one day's head start." With that he walked away, being followed by his men. Governor Swann followed as well but not before turning towards his daughter and Will.
"So, this is the path you've chosen is it? After all he is a blacksmith." Governor Swann said. Elizabeth turned towards Will and removed his hat.
"No. He's a pirate." Hope smiled and saw Will and Elizabeth finally kiss.
"It's about time." She turned back towards the bay and saw water splashing upward by the ship. No doubt the crew hoisting Jack onto the ship. She stood there and watched until the Black Pearl was just a dot on the horizon before walking away.
NOTE: Well? What do you think? PLEASE REVIEW