Chapter 6: Mistress of the Castle

Holy cow, I just updated.

I find it fascinating that, inevitably, when a man is confronted by a locked door while in the presence of a woman, his first inclination is to use bodily force to break it down. When that doesn't work, they repeat the process. Eventually they reach the point where the only way of salvaging the last shreds of dignity is to beat that infernal door into submission or die trying.

"You know thats never going to work." I pointed out idly, arms crossed as I leaned against the wall of the hall. Flecks of paint and pieces of mortar hit the floor with every shuddering impact.

The general grunted as he made another attempt at the door, and was, for the fifth time, stiffly refused. He retorted with a growl, "If you have any new insight to share on the present situation, do tell."

I sighed, my arms falling at my sides despondently and I gnawed silently on my lip. There had to be a better way of going about this, I thought, and then I had a small epiphany. "We could ask the gargoyles. They might know where the keys are."

There was a long and distinctly ominous pause, soon to be punctured Sephiroth's derisive reply, "The gargoyles? He echoed. You want me to ask the gargoyles how to get into the library?"

I could feel his heated stare as it singed the flesh around my face. It was kind of nice not having to look him in the eyes come to think of it. I'm sure the damage would've been much worse otherwise

"Is that a problem for you?" I inquired, arching a single brow. "If you'd rather beat yourself senseless against a locked door all day, far be it from me to stop you."

Sephiroths foot connected with said door, followed by a very colorful string of pain-laced curses. "Why couldn't they just letmedie?"

"Mmm, repentance maybe?" I suggested, tilting my head to one side objectively.

"Shouldn't you be finding that filthy feline of yours?" Sephiroth snapped. He paced in aggravation and by the sound of it was pulling out his hair too, or trying. Then he stopped, pivoting around sharply. "Theres a hole in the wall by the floor. He could make himself useful."

I scowled, stepping forward to investigate, "But we don't even know whats in there."

"Its a library." Sephiroth stated incredulously. "What the hell do think is in it? Vampires?"

I frowned as I dropped to my knees and crawled along the wall, searching for the hole. There, "Well I don't know, but it must be locked up for a reason. There could be anything. Demons, vampires..." I reached out and cautiously explored the hole with one hand.

"Then he'll be right at home now won't he." The man retorted snidely.

"Oh, quit it!" I groaned inwardly, my fingers brushing against something cool and moist; moss most likely, or some kind of mold. "Besides, he wouldn't be able to tell us anything the way he is now, assuming he would even agree to it in the first place." I argued and climbed to my feet. "It would be useless."

There was a bored sigh from beside me. "Somehow I doubt he's lost his human lucidity. There are ways around his lack of speech."

I shrugged. "Well, we can try, but we have to find him first."

"Oh just go...wander off somewhere. I'm certain that once you have vacated my presence, he'll find you." He muttered offhandedly. "The opportunity is too good to pass up."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I demanded, my head lifting sharply in the direction of his voice.

Sephiroth laughed manically. "Well, now that Cloud is apparently finished with you, I imagine the dark knight has come for the leftovers."

My fist let go on reflex and met with solid flesh and bone, to my immediate surprise. I don't know why or even how I did it, but it was intensely satisfying. There would be repercussions of course, but I was going to bask in the glory of my small victory nonetheless.

Next thing I knew he had me by the collar and slammed against the wall of the hall. I swallowed hard, summoning my courage as my heart raced, little good that it would do me now. His breath felt hot against my face as he leaned into me, which was more enticing than it was intimidating if I had to admit it.

"Never do that again." Sephiroth's voice was deadly soft as he spoke, his lips grazing the edge of my ear.

My skin shivered and lifted my head in defiance, "Don't you dare speak to me that way." I answered sharply and planted my feet against the wall, shoving him back. "That was a horrible thing to say and it's not true either."

Sephiroth caught my wrist, tightening his grip painfully and spun me around so fast that I'd scarcely drawn breath before he had me on the ground with both arms twisted behind me. Then the bastard sat on me.

I winced at the stab of pain that shot up my arm. My lip was bleeding from where I'd bitten down on it to keep from crying out.

"Tifa, my dear, you must learn when to surrender." He advised quietly from above me. "You cannot beat me."

I squirmed beneath him and caused myself more pain than it was worth. "No." I said, sighing in defeat. "But I don't belong to you and I will not surrender." He shifted his weight and tweaked my arm in the process, "Ouch! Damn it, let me go!"

"As you wish." He murmured and swiftly removed himself.

I jumped to my feet, whirling to face him as I rubbed the soreness from my shoulder. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded. "You said you would help me."

"I said I would give you a chance to convince me to help you." Sephiroth clarified. "You're getting…closer."

My brow furrowed in confusion and he chuckled lightly. Realization dawned a moment later and I let out an indignant huff. "That was just a test? bastard!"

"Well done." His voice came from behind me, startling me, but before I could turn around to face him his hands grabbed my shoulders and held me in place. "Now, where were we?"

"Finding Vincent." I reminded him bitterly.

"Oh yes, the cat." Sephiroth mused blandly. "What are you waiting for?"

I sulked indignantly, "I'm not going alone, if that's what you mean."

"This entire predicament is a ludicrous waste of my time." Sephiroth droned irritably and started down the hall away from me, "I'm not looking for your bloody cat."

"It's Vincent, for crying out loud, not my cat." I ground out impatiently and chased after him. "The others are going to show up too you know."

"I can't tell you how much I'm not looking forward to it." He responded sarcastically.

I frowned as I fell in step beside him, my hand unconsciously gripping his sleeve for reassurance, "They can help us."

He stopped, looming over me a hair's breadth from my face. "Before or after they've shot, burned, eviscerated, and otherwise mutilated my corpse?" He implored icily. "Forgive me, but I can't seem to rally any great enthusiasm towards our impending reunion."

Somewhere down the hall ahead of us I heard a faint noise. My eyes widened and I pressed my fingers against Sephiroth's mouth. "Quiet. I heard something."

He stiffened beneath the contact, but refrained from moving or otherwise disturbing the quiet. A few seconds passed and I heard it again, this time more clearly. It sounded like a hissing cat and rapid, padded footsteps. He was closing in on our position.

My brow furrowed worriedly and I quickly pulled my hand away, ignoring the random urge to run my fingers across his skin. "He's coming this way. Do you hear it?" I murmured. "Something is following him."

Sephiroth promptly shoved me into a recess in the wall, at which point my boot caught the edge of a flower pot and I tripped. His arms snaked around my waist, supporting me, and then I was pinned against the door with his back, hard. "Don't move." He ordered sharply and the metallic ring of the masamune sliding from its sheath filled the hall.

The warning was hardly necessary due to the manner in which various parts of my body had become intimately sandwiched between his and the door behind me. I couldn't have moved if I wanted. His hair was also draped across my face and falling into my mouth.

Some sadistic part of me couldn't help wondering, as I was forced to shift against him to find breathing room, if our close proximity was affecting him as it was me. Judging by the sudden, but unmistakable rigidness in his shoulders, I guessed that it was.

I smirked, serves him right.

"What's going on?" I whispered anxiously. "What do you see?" By now I could hear the distinct sound of beating wings. They were almost on top of us now.

Without a word I was suddenly freed as Sephiroth stepped casually out into the hall. There was a loud yip of surprise, a feral hiss, and the sound of something very hard crashing into a nearby wall. A gloved hand snaked around my wrist and guided me into the hall.

Sephiroth held me fast at his side. Something furry brushed by my leg and I tilted my head slightly at the floor.

"Well, if it isn't the local effigy." Sephiroth remarked sardonically.

"Tifa," A familiar voice beamed. "Oh…I'm sorry. I had almost caught him too. Are you alright?"

Sephiroth interrupted before I could answer. "She's fine." He snapped and unconsciously drew me closer to him. "And if you so much as twitch in her direction I will re-sculpt your face."

I stepped up beside him, squeezing his arm hard warningly, "No you won't." I reasoned shortly and lifted my head, feeling for the gargoyle's presence. "I'm fine, Athos. Thank you. I don't believe you've met Sephiroth…"

The general made a noise of derision behind me.

There was a nervous scrape of talons against floor and a shaky reply, "No. No I have not. He's very disagreeable."

I smiled apologetically. "Well, he did spend most of his life as a sociopath's lab rat. It probably doesn't breed very good manners."

"How very articulate." Serphiroth remarked sourly. "Now is your chance to ask him."

"Me?" I glanced back incredulously.

"It was your idea." He rejoined simply.

I shook my head in exasperation, "Ridiculous." The cat was rubbing my leg again. This time I was able to locate and pick him up. "Hello Vincent."

"What is it that you wished to ask?" The gargoyle inquired curiously.

"We need the keys into the basement." I replied calmly, stroking the cat's ear automatically. Vincen'ts ear that is. How bizarre. "And to the library."

Athos hesitated. "The dungeons…" He repeated quietly, brooding.

"We don't have all day." Sephiroth prodded. Without warning his hand nabbed the bottom edge of my leather vest and tugged me back towards him. He didn't let go.

Aside from the flurry of hormone induced emotions stirring in my stomach from the way his hand was currently clamped on my hip, I could also sense dread coming from the gargoyle.

After a moment Athos calmed and answered, "The keys are in the library."

"How did they get there?" Sephiroth demanded before I could speak.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "There is…well, that is to say…"

"Speak!" The general snapped.

"The serpent took them." Athos admitted finally. "The Mistress put them in his care before…before she died you see."

"Serpent?" I echoed and shifted a little closer, if that were possible, to the man standing beside me. Vincent tensed in my arms. "There's a serpent in the library? But how did he get in there?"

"Through the hole by the door." The gargoyle explained. "Back when it was small enough to fit."

Sephiroth made a sound like 'hnn' and I felt a shiver run down my spine. It had to be dead by now, right? There was nothing to eat in there if it was too big to get out of the hole.

"We can send the cat in." Sephiroth concluded then.

Vincent promptly puffed up into a ball of hair and claws. I gasped in pain as tiny talons dug into my skin and I relinquished my hold. "Damn it, Vincent. That hurt." I grated out as he hit the floor. "Grab him!"

Judging by the hissing yowl that answered back from perilously close beside me, Sephiroth had done just that.

"Make yourself useful." Sephiroth snarled. He must have been holding Vincent by the scruff of his neck. "For Tifa's sake, if nothing else." With that the cat was unceremoniously tossed back to the ground.

"It's important Vincent." I pleaded. I lifted my head, "Athos, have you found a way to change him back?"

"His demon's magic should reverse the effects." Sephiroth interjected. "Which I'm sure if he were to take a peek inside he would have no trouble summoning."

"You think the serpent is still alive?" I blurted out, horrified. "It'll kill him!"

"Well Vincent? Have you a spine or not?" Sephiroth asked pointedly, ignoring me. "Tifa seems to believe you aren't up to the task."

"He's a cat!" I protested and tried to pull away as the sound of tiny feet pattered passed me in the direction of where we'd come, to where the door to the library awaited.

Sephiroth held me fast though. "Let him go." He commanded sternly. There was confidence in his voice and even a hint of reassurance.

I frowned deeply, bowing my head, "You're a dead man when he transforms back."

"That I highly doubt." Sephiroth contended easily and twisted around to address the gargoyle, "And as for you…", he began darkly, "What is your purpose here?"

Athos shifted warily. There was fear in his aura, more so than I would have expected and I wondered why. Then he spoke, "We guard the castle." He answered stiffly.

"And where is your sidekick now?" The general interrogated further.

"Kahn is patrolling the forest." Athos replied and stepped back, clearly on edge, "I should go…"

"If I discover treachery, I will render you apart until not so much as a paper weight remains." Sephiroth spoke commandingly. "Do I make myself clear?"

The gargoyle growled low, but gave no response. "Will you be alright, Tifa?" He enquired. "You're welcome to come—"

"She's staying with me." The general cut in before Athos could finish. My breath hitched in my throat at the startling display of protectiveness. The emotion radiated so strongly from him that I could feel it.

"I'll be fine, Athos." I assured him, though I wasn't so convinced myself at the rate Sephiroth was unraveling me. "We'll take it from here."

Athos immediately took off from whence he'd come, eschewing the farewell. Sephiroth let go and I was able to extract myself. I turned on him warily.

"Don't touch me." I bit off, though it lacked any real integrity.

His hand captured mine gingerly and he advanced a step. "For someone who claims to find me so repulsive, you are rather adept at touching me." He remarked irately and sighed, "You are too trusting."

My brow wrinkled uncertainly as I fought the urge to pull away and turn my back. Something held me fast in his slight embrace though. There was some merit to his words and a comfort in his touch that I didn't want to admit. Could it be he was genuinely concerned? Or was it all a part of his game?

I wanted to know, but I didn't know how. It was disconcerting, not being able to read his face. Sometimes I thought I could sense his emotions, but I needed more than that. To see is to believe they say. Touch was the surest way for me to know.

"What do you want from me, Sephiroth?" I tested his name cautiously. It was a strange name – it had incited hatred in me for so long that it was hard quelling it now. But evil is not a name, nor is it the entirety of a person's soul.

Evil is the devil inside us when we lose our sanity.

He was different now. I felt that much, but just how far did it go?

Sephiroth didn't answer immediately, so I started down the hall towards the library, feeling my way along the wall. Behind me I could hear his slow, measured footsteps keeping a distance between us, as if to observe me.

He never did answer my question. It was quiet in the hall when I pressed my ear against the library door, listening. No sound emitted from within either. My chest tightened anxiously and I waited.

Sephiroth came to stand behind me, closer than necessary as his breath was currently tickling my ear. The warmth of his body drew me unconsciously to touch him again, the need for contact overwhelming. It was more than a comfort; it was a connection to someone, something – a certainty that he was not illusion, but a living, breathing person.

I turned into him, my hands tentatively prodding his coat as they traveled upwards. To give him credit, he didn't push me away, but I could feel the tension in his body and I wanted to know why, why he didn't push me away – why he would endure this.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. My fingertips brushed his throat, tracing his jaw lightly. "You could leave me to fend for myself if you wanted. No one could stop you."

I heard the sharp intake of air between his teeth and felt his hand encircle my wrist gently, pulling it away. "What else is there to do?" He murmured in response.

"I don't believe that." I countered and wove my fingers through his, relishing in the comfort of that connection. My lips pressed together tightly, "I don't need your protection."

"But do you want it?" Sephiroth invited hoarsely.

I bit my lip, searching for an answer that was there to grasp if I wanted it, but did I? He was strong, formidable, and unbearably brave in the face of danger. He stood by me now, offering himself, despite everything.

"I can't." I said and recoiled from him. "The others will hate me. I already hate myself."

"Your actions are justifiable, are they not?" He pressed calmly.

I shook my head tiredly, "Maybe they are, but I can't be sure of that, now can I? I'm just following orders." I muttered with an edge of annoyance. "If I don't know myself, how will I ever convince them?"

"You won't need to." Sephiroth answered stonily. "They won't have a choice."

I felt my heart skip a beat, "You wouldn't hurt them!"

"I don't have to." He maintained and brushed passed me then. "You are unharmed. I have behaved myself…for the most part. I will make no attempts upon their lives, even should they make attempts upon mine – they cannot hope to defeat me. Does that placate you?"

"We defeated you once." I reminded him quietly. "Cloud might come back."

"And would that please you?" Sephiroth shot back acerbically.

I started at the unusual vehemence of his tone and shook my head in frustration. "Don't you get it?" I exasperated loudly, "It's not even about me. If he comes it will be for you!."

Sephiroth didn't answer.

"It's…not that he doesn't care." I managed lamely. "But he would rather fight his past and run from memories than move on. He'll come for you to settle the score."

"Good." Sephiroth replied. I could tell that he must've been smirking, though why I couldn't imagine. Cloud was still a formidable fighter. What if Sephiroth lost?

"Do you think you can beat him?" I wondered aloud, despite myself. It wasn't a very polite thing to ask, but I had to know.

Sephiroth snorted in obvious amusement. Then he leaned over my shoulder, enunciating clearly, "I never lose."

My throat tightened and I quickly stepped away from him in a futile attempt to hide the flush showing on my face, "but you lost to us." I argued.

"Yet, here I am now." He returned, circling me, "I fight every battle believing that I can't possibly lose." He explained and stopped, leaning into me again, "Every battle."

There was a hidden meaning in there somewhere. I breathed in deeply, willing myself to be calm. He was just trying to unnerve me. He couldn't possibly have meant something else by that. Could he?

It was right then that a loud noise from within the library interrupted us. I whirled around at the grow that was unmistakably Vincent's demon, and rushed to the door. "Vincent!" It was still locked. "Damn it."

A battle was taking place within, but there was no telling who was winning. I could feel the demon's power growing though. I crossed my fingers that it meant well for Vincent and bad for the serpent. Vincent was as formidable as either Cloud or Sephiroth when he was in Chaos mode.

"Stand back." Sephiroth commanded sternly and took me by the arm. "Unless youwant his gun pointed in your face if he comes through that door."

"Do you ever stop ordering people around?" I grumbled, wrenching my arm from his grasp. "I swear it's the only thing you know how to do."

"You would be mistaken in that." Sephiroth supplied in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "I could…give you a demonstration." He purred in my ear.

It occurred to me all of a sudden that I both did and did not want to know what that could mean. I savagely squelched the desire that was audaciously fluttering in the pit of my stomach and carefully poised my face to reveal nothing. Hopefully it had worked.

A sound from within the library drew my attention back to Vincent thankfully and I didn't have to examine further why I was reacting in such a way to Sephiroth, of all people. I hesitated, pressing my ear to the wood again and hearing nothing. Then there was a faint jingle of metal somewhere below and, from the way it sounded, inside the wall. My brow furrowed in consternation.

"He's coming through the hole." I murmured, brooding. "His demon transformation must have reverted back to his cat form."

"So it would seem." Sephiroth replied flatly and the rattling keys were transferred.

"Is he alright?" I asked timidly and squatted to the floor, reaching out. My hand was met by a soft, furry head and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"He looks fine." Sephiroth replied impatiently and nudged past to the door. With a quick twist it came open, the hinges screeching loudly.

I straightened and started to follow, pausing in the doorway. The room was quite except for the quiet scuff of Sephiroth's boots across the floor. There was a truly awful smell wafting from within and I covered my nose.

"What does it look like?" I called reluctantly.

"He was thorough." The general replied. "Does he usually eat them?"

My stomach churned and I winced. That wasn't precisely what I was looking for when I had asked. "I was referring to the library actually, but yes, I suppose he does. Chaos is a demon after all." I replied.

Assuming that the coast was clear, I stepped into the room, reaching blindly with my hands in case something stood in the way. Then I hit a slimy patch of floor and went pinwheeling across the floor. When I finally regained my balance I had lost my bearings and couldn't remember which way led to the door.

Oddly, there was no response from the peanut gallery, which was mildly disconcerting. "Where are you?" My voice wavered uncertainly.

There was no response.

I gritted my teeth fiercely, "You better not be playing games with me." I muttered and proceeded forth with greater caution. The floor was covered in the slick muck, the identity of which I just assumed not think about.

The room was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I walked a long way before I ran into something – a long wooden bench as it were. I was beginning to worry when a quiet meow reminded me that I was no longer alone.

"Oh, hello Vincent." I greeted morosely and took a seat on the bench, rubbing my face in my hands. "I've gotten myself into quite the mess. You probably want to know how this all came about, huh?

Seeing as Sephiroth had apparently abandoned me and that there was nothing else to do at present, I began my story. It took longer than I thought it would. Vincent that cat was perched on the table top facing me, his soft purr the only reassurance I had that he hadn't disowned me as a friend when I finally finished my tail of woe.

"You know…I feel like I'm talking to myself." I grumbled, propping my chin in one hand.

It was kind of eerie, sitting there in the dark, speaking to a cat that I assumed was Vincent. He had devoured a serpent and brought us the keys though, so I suppose the odds were in my favor that it was, in fact, Vincent. Even better, he wasn't shredding me to pieces for fraternizing with the enemy, but perhaps he was saving that for later when he would be better suited for the task.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." I said tiredly, shaking my head. "I just don't know. Does any of this make sense? Because I sure don't get it."

He promptly answered by dragging his tail beneath my nose and sitting down where he could slap my arm repeatedly with it.

"This is going to be hard on your reputation, you know." I stated, smiling faintly. "You make a decent cat, almost affectionate." I frowned thoughtfully, "Until you scratched me that is. Not that I can blame you."

I stopped, tilting my head around to listen. For a moment, I was sure I'd heard something…a voice. My lips pursed and I stood up, "I wonder where he went?" I mused uncertainly. "The library can't be that big."

Vincent hopped off the table and scampered deftly across the floor, his feet barely touching. I followed after him slowly, reaching into my pocket as I remembered the seeing stone. A hiss from the floor at my feet brought me up short.

"What is it?" I asked, confused, and held the stone out before me. The light that I could see cast over a gaping hole in the floor not two steps further. Bits and pieces of debris from stone and wood to old bones were strewn around the mouth.


Two stark glowing red eyes peered up at me and I blinked, "There you are." I spoke softly and smiled, before stepping over him towards the hole. "I guess I'd better see if he's ok. Hard to imagine Sephiroth getting himself in a fix though."

Vincent meowed. It was a disagreeable sound, not one of encouragement, but he would go no further. I soon found out why.

There was nothing but air down that hole – no footholds or anything – just jagged stone and wood around the lip, and then nothing. I couldn't tell how far the drop was either, but I had an ominous feeling about it, judging by the draft that was coming from below. It felt like a long way down.

I licked my lip uncertainly and called Sephiroth's name. The only answer I got was my echo and it went for a long, long time.

"Did he actually jump down this?" I muttered skeptically.

A gust of icy wind burst from below and plummeted into my face, throwing me back. My hands scraped across rough stones as I fell. I hissed in pain and yanked them away, sucking morbidly on the one wrist that stung the worst.

That's when I heard it.

It was laughter, deep and resonating through the foundations of the castle. The ground shuddered and I felt a familiar surge of power from somewhere inside me. I stiffened in immediate recognition.

"My dear child," A voice boomed from the depths, its femininity distorted by power. "Come, fallen one. I will help you rise."

I shivered. There was something distinctly ominous about that voice, yet I felt inclined to obey it despite myself. It commanded the beast lurking inside me, coaxing it out of me.

'Don't fight it. Bend it to your will'A second voice whispered calmly in my ear. 'You must command it."

My brow furrowed in puzzlement and I hesitated, gaining an edge of control back. The tone was familiar, yet who I thought I heard it couldn't be, could it? Unless cats were telepathic – at this point I was willing to believe just about anything.

'All power is dangerous, but it need not control us.' He reminded me. "It will try to control you, but you can defeat it as I have done."

I nodded slowly and stood up, embracing the energy flowing through my veins instead of denying it, and the power changed. The sensation was very different, almost uplifting. The inner voice that had spoken to me so wickedly before was silent.

"Alright." I shivered involuntarily at the awkward feeling of something ripping from my back, a single black wing. I glanced back at Vincent in embarrassment, only to find that he was no longer there. I frowned slightly, but I was already committed to jumping down the hole, not chasing after cats.

It occurred to me as I stepped off the ledge and into the impending gloom below, that I had just willingly chosen to come to an enemy's aid, and without the slightest hesitation. The reaction to the very real possibility he was in danger had been automatic. I felt fear for his safety and I didn't know why, but I could hardly refer to him as an enemy anymore under the circumstances.

Funny how that works.

I sensed the ground coming up from below and braced myself for landing. Despite being rather inexperienced in one-winged flight, it was a smooth dismount. I straightened slowly and drew the wing back inside me, which tickled horribly I might add.

All my senses felt heightened as I reached out with them to get a feeling of my surroundings. It was both exhilarating and bothersome at the same time; there were some things I just assumed never know the smell of and I was getting a whiff of quite a few of them right now. Every state of decay seemed to exist down here.

Another overpowering odor, slime ridden and rotten, assaulted my nose and I staggered, wheezing. It took a moment for me to acclimate myself to it.

"Careful. It's not far to go." The voice beckoned calmly, almost soothing.

I remained rooted to the spot however, "Who are you?" I asked, raising my fists out of habit.

"Come, and you shall see, my pet."

If there was one thing that I wouldn't stand for, it was being referred to as pet. My eyes narrowed, if that were possible. I suppose it was, considering they weren't exactly destroyed, only sightless.

There was water nearby. It was old and putrid, poisoned by the serpent, judging by the smell. I could not sense Sephiroth anywhere though and it worried me.

Damn him, where is he?

I was afraid to call his name and draw unwanted attention. If she discovered him first, I might be in for a rough ride, or a very brief one. Her power was like mine, only greater. I felt drawn to it and that was the last thing I wanted. The farther from her I stayed the better.

I stepped carefully across the uneven ground, aware that I was on a ledge skirting the side of a deep cavern. The water was below some distance – I could hear the pebbles loosed by my boots hitting the surface with tiny splashes. It didn't occur to me for some time that the seeing stone was no longer in my possession.

The realization almost sent me into a panic, which I quickly subdued. I had to find Sephiroth first, than I could panic. The further I went in though, the more certain I was that something was terribly wrong. It didn't help that I couldn't see my surroundings. My memory was sharp enough in this heightened state awareness that I was confident I could find my way back, but whether I would get that opportunity was still up for debate.

Of course, if I turned back now I would be fine, but I couldn't. Sephiroth was down here somewhere. He was coming back with me, or I would die trying.

"I can help you." The woman spoke, her voice less resonating than before. It tugged at me, pulling me further in, despite my inner protest to stay away. There was something –I couldn't put my finger on it – but it bothered me, that voice.

Then I felt it – Sephiroth's shallow breath and strong, resonating heart beat. It was off to the right. I went towards it carefully, mindful that I may not be alone down here. He did seem to be alive though and his pulse was strong.

There was a terrible power dwelling in this place. I could feel it seeping beneath my skin, crawling over every surface of my body. It wanted inside of me and I was hard pressed not to allow it access.

"You must free me from my bonds." She spoke.

I gritted my teeth, my head throbbing with the pulse of that voice reverberating through the halls. This might have been a bad idea I realized. She was drawing me closer and I was unable to force myself back.

"I have him here, my child." The voice crooned. "He has been hurt."

My breath hitched in my throat, but I didn't stop; he was here and I had to reach him. The urgency with which I knew this was frightening – I had to find him. If that meant going into the lion's den, then so be it. It was nothing I hadn't done before.

It wasn't much further that I came to room. I stopped at the edge of it, knowing instinctively that I'd come to my destination. That's when I saw her – a pale specter silhouetted against the darkness, her long red hair bound on top her head in braided ringlets. Another figure knelt at her feet, head bowed; it was Sephiroth.

I faced her resolutely, "Who are you?"

"I am your host." Her gaze lifted, hazel eyes meeting mine steadily. "You search for Kryth, do you not?"

My hands clenched automatically at my sides. "How do you know that?"

A shiver rippled the ghost's body and she looked away. "I have…felt him." She murmured. "He absorbs the planet's life force, seeking access to this plain. He must be stopped. That is your purpose, yes?"

I glanced down at the still form knelt motionlessly upon the ground in front of her. Fear rose in the back of my throat, but I took a hesitant step towards him, "What have you done to him?" I asked pointedly.

For just an instant I felt a shift of movement from somewhere beyond the ghost, but as soon as I glanced up, she had stepped into my line of sight. Her eyes flashed sharply, and then whatever it was had gone.

"He was attacked by one of my guardians. I am sorry for this, but I assure you he is fine. I have…restrained him."She answered.

Oh right, I thought sarcastically. "Then let me take him."

She hesitated, her gaze drifting idly over his back in thought. "I may…" She drawled, "But, you must help me first."

"Don't." Sephiroth's voice suddenly broke through the barrier cast around him, resonating loudly through the room.

The ghost only glanced at him in irritation before swiftly stepping around him to stand between us.

I didn't reply, though I tended to agree with Sephiroth's sentiment. My gaze stayed glued to hers and I took another step towards them. Her power grew more potent, its feathery tendrils sliding over my skin, pulling me towards her.

"Come, child, serve me." She intoned gently. "And I will help to banish Kryth for all eternity."

"What do you need me to do?" I inquired hesitantly.

"Fool!" Sephiroth spat from beside me. He couldn't move, that much I could tell, but he'd obviously retained the power to speak.

Then the ghost's had glided casually down to rest upon his neck and he stiffened mutely. I could not see him very well for his back was to me and only the light of her specter was visible, but I felt the jolt of pain from him and bit down on my tongue before I could lash out at her.

The castle's mistress stared at me in challenge, "You will raise me from the earth." She intoned bluntly. "And I will open the gate for Kryth to pass through so that you may destroy him."

That was far too easy. I was a pawn in someone else's game and I didn't like it, but I couldn't overpower her either. "How do you know that destroying him will help the planet? The lifestream is its bloodline. If we lose it, we lose everything."

She shrugged. "It is the only hope you have."

My brow furrowed skeptically and I skirted around her slowly. "And how do we bring you back?"

Her lips drew back in a pleasant smile, "There is one among you that has the power to grant life." She murmured, "A fellow Cetra, reborn and lying dormant within a watery grave. Retrieve her and the staff of life that resides in the Cetra shrine buried on the island of Wutai, and bring them here. My body is in the next chamber beyond this one – she'll know what to do."

Just a pawn in someone else's game, I thought again. There was more to this story than she was letting on, but there was nothing to gain yet by refusing. "Alright." I agreed and stepped again towards Sephiroth. He was within an arm's reach now.

The ghost's eyes narrowed dangerously, "I will keep him." She interrupted sharply and an invisible force drew around me, clamping my arms to my side painfully. "As insurance."

Something flickered at the edge of my senses, a pulse of strength from the man beside me. I forced my hand to move towards it. It took every ounce of power I had to overcome her willpower, but the moment my fingers brushed against Sephiroth's arm, the connection sprang to life. Raw power coursed between us, severing her hold.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" She cried suddenly.

"Come on." I pleaded urgently, dragging Sephiroth to his feet with a surge of adrenaline strength. He was unsteady as he stood and I had to put an arm around his waist to brace him. "We have to go."

Sephiroth didn't reply, but he moved with me as I made for the passage leading out.

"How can you…it is impossible!" The woman raved and the entirety of her power came crashing down. It was like something was thrashing at my skull, trying to force itself out. I gritted my teeth, stifling the sound that rose at the base of my throat from the intense agony of her magic as it tried desperately to sever our link.

I could have obeyed her command and let go right then, the urge was so strong, but my desire to save him somehow won me over. It had never been my nature to leave someone behind, and I had an overwhelming inkling that if I left him here now, I may not get him back.

That I couldn't bear, so I ran, dragging him with me.

"Keep…going." I breathed as we rounded a bend. I was going purely on instinct and it appeared to be working, but each step was a struggle and with much of Sephiroth half draped over my shoulder, I was weakening rapidly.

"You will come back, I know you will! You cannot defeat him without me!" The voice shrieked after us, but the further I got from her, the less control she could exert and the pain was subsiding.

"I hope you know…where you're going." Sephiroth murmured from beside me.

I gritted my teeth irritably, wheezing as I spoke, "Well, if you weren't comatose…you might tell me…if I know where we're going."

"I'm much obliged…for the assistance." He returned nonsensically. "I seem to have…hit my head."

My senses picked up the smell of green water and I quickened pace. "A little help here." I pleaded, staggering beneath Sephiroth's weight. We had just reached the ledge and began the treacherous trek around, and I was perilously close to dropping him right into the poisonous murk.

Sephiroth grunted and shifted his weight over his feet just enough to lighten some of my burden. His steps were weak and uneven, but he managed to hold himself upright with my help.

"What did she do to you?" I asked.

"Blow to the…head." He droned hazily and hissed in pain. "Bastard…can't…her power…Jenova."

I stopped rigidly, blood draining from my face, "What?"

"Keep moving…" Sephiroth ground out, suddenly lucid. "I am with you."

I nodded wordlessly and forged ahead. We were almost to the place where I'd come down from earlier. There was still the question of whether I could get us both back on my own power alone. I did not hold much faith in it, to be honest.

"Sephiroth?" I queried after a moment as I came to stop, panting.

There was a pause, followed by an edgy retort, "What?"

I winced, and bit back an oath as I prepared to ask what felt like the most ridiculous things to pass through my mouth ever, "You…don't happen to have one of those…wings, do you?"

He sneered, I'm certain of it. I could practically hear his sneer it was so loud and obnoxious, "How else do you think I got down here in one piece?"

I let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the disdain oozing from his voice, "Oh good. I don't think I can get us both back by myself."

Sephiroth swayed uneasily. There was a stifled groan from the man clinging to my side and then a burst of feathers, "I will…try."

I spread my feet, taking a deep breath, and focused on my own magic. It came is a mild shock when it actually responded to me. Having feathers sprout from one's back would definitely take some getting used to I realized, never mind the fact that people weren't supposed to sprout wings, even if it was only one. That was a question to be answered at a later date however.

"Ready?" I asked and braced myself against him.

"Always." Sephiroth replied calmly, grasping my hand in his free one.

Then we were off.

Author's Notes: Don't ask me. I have no idea what's going on – I'm just making this up as I go. People keep reviewing this and I can't understand why, honestly. It's horrible, but I'm pressing on for all of you because you make me happy. Maybe it's the train wreck can't help but stare, no matter how bad it is.

Oh, and about the first paragraph of the story - no disrespect meant to the male sex. I'm being unfair because it's not entirely true, but in this particular instance it sounded good. Please forgive me.

Take care everyone,
