Disclaimer: I don't own Bungie, Nintendo, Capcom, Squaresoft, Rockstar, Eidos, Activision, or any of the characters they had created, which is pretty much everyone in this story.

Best of the Best Chapter 1: The Master Chief

"Good to see you, chief. Please, Take a seat." Said the Admiral.

"Sir." Said the Master Chief, as he took a seat in front of the council.

"As you know, the Covenant are now aware of the whereabouts of Earth. You, being the last Spartan, are in charge of assembling a team to help protect earth, and also, try to figure out where the Covenant's home world is located."

"I understand, sir." Replied the chief.

"I'm not done yet, son. This team will be no ordinary team. There has been an undercover project in progress by the UNSC for more than 100 years in the process, and we finally believe that it's been completed."

"Sir? May I ask what this project is all about?"

"Time Travel." Scientists have been working day and night since the early 2100's to find a way to travel through time, and last week, they believed they have found that way."

"Sir? What does this have to do with me assembling a team?"

"We've located files from Earth, of some of the greatest fighters of all time. Police officers, criminals, bounty hunters, "super-heroes"...we want you to travel through time, find these people, explain what is happening in our time, and convince them to assist us."

The Master Chief was speechless.

"I know it may sound awkward, but you must do this. All of the people we've suggested have been close to our time, they may have difficulty believing you, but it's worth a shot." The Admiral said, as he dropped a stack of folders on his desk. "Chief, when you're ready to go, please go to Sector M- 9 for instructions how to travel through time without damaging your suit, or yourself. You are dismissed. When you return with as many of the suggested subjects as possible, you will give them further instructions to get them suited up and prepared for battle. You are dismissed."

The Master Chief stood up, walked toward the desks and took the file folders. He nodded at the Admiral, and then walked out. He began to glace through the files, which contained information and photos about the subjects. He walked back to his headquarters and got prepared. He picked up a pistol, loaded it, cocked it and placed it on his holster. He picked up 6 extra clips and placed it next to the pistol on his holster. He grabbed four fragmentation grenades, and an Assault rifle. He loaded the rifle and put away an extra five clips. Cortana then popped up as a holograph.

"You think this is a good idea?" she asked him.

"No, I don't. But orders are orders." He answered.

"The Admiral told me that I would be going with you." Cortana said.

"I could use all the help I can get. That's why they're sending me on this ridiculous mission in the first place."

"Hey, it isn't so bad. Look at the bright side, you get to go back through time!" she said, ecstatically.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to come with me, the time warp may damage my suit, and you."

"Nonsense, I'm coming." She snapped back.

He didn't waste time arguing with her. The fact was that he knew that he needed her there to help him out. "Well, I'm all packed. You ready?"

Cortana smiled at him. "Yank me."

He grabbed Cortana's chip and inserted it into his helmet. When he arrived at Sector M-9, a scientist welcomed. "Master Chief, it's an honor."

The Chief nodded. "How does this thing work?"

"It's not as complicated as it works. All you have to do is step inside and punch in a year and a location. When you arrive to your destination, you have to bring the subject back here before continuing on. There is not enough room in the pod for more than three people. Also, once the door closes, do not open until you reach your destination. Time Travel is very dangerous and can cause permanent damage to your shields or your MJOLNIR armor if you are directly exposed to the energy waves that permit time travel."

"Gotcha." The chief replied. The chief looked through the files. He placed them on a shelf inside the pod.

"Chief, may I suggest you go from the person who is in the closest time period to the one who is in the farthest? It may be easier to keep track that way." Cortana stated.

"Ok...hmmm..." the chief studied over the files. "According to this, one subject lives in the year 2205, four live in 2003, one lives in 1986 and one lives in 1000. The Admiral also says that he had the scientists program a comm. Channel inside the pod so he can speak to us in there, just in case he finds another subject or has important news regarding the Covenant."

"Okay, let's go to 2205 first. What is the subject's name?" Cortana asked.

The chief gave a little smirk when beside gender, there was an F. "Samus Aran."