Dear readers. Recently I have been given inspiration to write a follow up to Charles Dickinson's a Christmas Carol, with the use of the Disney rendition of the story. While not every thing can be as original as the original, yet can still be entertaining in its own way. I hope that you enjoy what I have written and welcome your comments.

--The Author.

A Christmas Carol: Revisited


Mickey Mouse.....Bob Cratchit

Minnie Mouse......Mrs. Cratchit (aka Sue Mary Ellen)

Morty Mouse........Tim Cratchit

Melody Mouse......Susan Cratchit

Martin Mouse.......Freddie Cratchit

Scooge McDuck...Ebenezer Scrooge

Mr. Toad.....Fezewig

Donald Duck....Fred (Scrooge's younger Nephew)

Daisy Duck.....Becky (Fred's wife)

Goldie Duck....Isabell

Goofy.......Jacob Marley

Goofy's son Max......Jake Marley

Chapter One:

"Yes you can leave early tonight Bob." Scrooge said.

"Thank you Mr. Scrooge." Bob said as he went for his coat.

He walked out the door, but then he heard a loud noise as if something hard had just hit the floor.

"Mr. Scrooge?!" Bob called.

There was no answer.

Bob walked back into the room. He was horrified at what he saw.

"Mr. Scrooge!" Bob exclaimed

***Later that evening.****

Bob opened the door to his house.

"Honey where have you been? It's late." Mrs. Cratchit exclaimed as she greeted her husband.

"Where are the kids?" Bob asked.

"In bed." Mrs. Cratchit answered in a whisper.

"Well, sit down." Bob urged her.

They sat down after Bob had taken off and hung up his coat.

"Mr. Scrooge had a heart attack just before I left." Bob said in whisper.

" is he?" Mrs. Cratchit asked.

"He's fine, I got him breathing again, after I performed CPR on him. I carried him down the street to the doctors office and they're keeping him there for the night." Bob answered.

"Will he be alright?" Mrs. Cratchit asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to take over for him tomorrow and probably the next day, so I might be coming home a bit later than usual." Bob explained.

Just then they heard little footsteps making creaks on the wood boards upstairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Cratchit looked at eachother. One of their children was up and walking around out of bed.

"It's Tim." Bob realized.

Tiny Tim who had grown stronger in the last six months no longer needed a crutch to get around, and was coming down the stairs. When he came into view, he was dressed in his sleepwear holding his blanket in the other.

"What are you doing up? It's past your bed time young man." Bob scolded.

"Mommy, Daddy...I had a nightmare." Tiny Tim said in a meek voice.

"It's alright son. You go back upstairs, I'll be up to tuck you in shortly." Bob said.

Tiny Tim turned around and dragging his blanket behind him went back upstairs.

"Are you sure he can recover?" Mrs. Cratchit asked.

"I don't know Sue...he's pretty old." Bob replied to his wife.

"I'll pray for him tonight, I'm going to put the fire out and hit the sack." Mrs. Cratchit said.

"Ok, I'll see you shortly." Bob said as he headed upstairs.

He walked up the dark hallway and taking some matches from his pocket lit a few candles that were stored in the hall, he put one in the candle holder and picked it up. He walked across the hall and opened the door to Tiny Tim's room.

He saw that Tiny Tim was slowly getting back into his bed, when he came in.

Bob shut the door behind him and walking with the candle pulled up the chair seated next to Tim's bed. In the corner of the room was Tim's crutch, not needed anymore but Tim wanted to keep it for himself.

"Have a bad dream Tim?" Bob asked as he sat down.

"Yes, daddy." Tim answered.

"Would you like to hear a story?" Bob asked.

"A new one?" Tim replied.

"Ok, how about the time I met your mother." Bob asked.

"Sure." Tim replied.

"Well, your mother and I got married right here in this house." Bob explained.

"Huh? Why dad?" Tim asked.

"Well son, your mother and I found out that we were going to have a baby, your older brother...before we got married. I suppose we let our passions get the better of us." Bob explained.

"Is that why you didn't get married in the church?" Tim asked.

"Well, that and the fact that your mother and I were broke. We didn't have the money to throw that kind of celebration." Bob explained.

"But you both were happy?" Tim replied.

"Yes. I can remember the ceremony as if it were yesterday." Bob explained.

****Years Back*****

"Well, where is he!" Sue asked wondering were her fiance Bob Cratchit was.

"I know he'll be here any moment." Fezewig said with a reassuring voice.

They were seated in the den of the house. The fire place was lit, making the only light available in the house. It was snowing outside and the snow drifts were about a foot in accumulation.

Down the street, Bob trudged through the snow.

"Almost home." He thought as he turned the corner onto his street.

When he got to his front door step he knocked, and Sue opened the door.

"Bob! You made it!" She said with excitement.

"Hey." Bob replied putting his snow covered gloves on her cheeks.

He brought her close and they kissed.

After their moment of intimacy, Bob closed the door behind him and Sue helped take off his coat.

She walked over to the closet and hung up his coat.

Bob went fire to warm his hands.

"'s freezing out there!" Bob exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together, trying to get the numbness out.

"Uh, Mr. Cratchit...where are the witnesses?" Fezewig asked.

"Witnesses? Oh, they'll be here shortly." Bob replied.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"That must be them." Sue said.

She walked over again to the door and opened it.

"Merry Christmas!" The two visitors called out together.

"Oh, Fred! Becky!" Sue exclaimed.

"We, wouldn't miss this!" Fred said as he walked inside with his wife Becky in tow.

"I brought this for the reception!" Becky said holding up a roast covered in plastic.

"Oh! How sweet!" Sue replied as she took the roast and set it on the dinner table.

"Well, Bob are you ready?" Fred asked as he took off his winter coat which was still wet with the melting snow, and hung it up in the closet.

"I think so Fred." Bob answered still trying to warm up by the fire.

Becky took off her coat and handed it to Fred.

"Well, Sue this is it." Becky exclaimed.

"Oh....yes it is Becky." Sue said with a sigh.

"Well, if everyone is here, I think we'll begin." Fezewig proclaimed.

Bob took off his hat and threw it on the couch.

Sue walked in front of Fezewig and Bob joined her, holding hands.

"Who has the rings?" Fezewig asked.

"Uh here Father!" Fred said as he and Becky held the wedding rings up.

They gave Fezewig the rings and he passed them both to Sue and Bob.

"Now...repeat after me Bob." Fezewig said.

Bob sighed as he looked into Sue's eyes.

"With this ring...." Fezewig started.

"With this ring...." Bob repeated.

"I thee wed..." Fezewig continued.

"I thee wed..." Bob repeated.

"Sue Mary Ellen." Fezewig continued.

"Sue Mary Ellen." Bob repeated.

"To be my marriage and in sickness and in health....till death do us part." Fezewig continued.

"To be my marriage and in sickness and in health....till death do us part." Bob repeated with some of caution on his part.

Bob than placed the ring on Sue's finger.

"Now Sue....With this ring." Fezewig began again.

"With this ring." Sue repeated looking into Bob's eyes.

"I thee wed." Fezewig continued.

"I thee wed." Sue repeated.

"Bob Cratchit." Fezewig continued

"Bob Cratchit." Sue repeated.

"To be my marriage and in sickness and in health....till death do us part." Fezewig continued.

"To be my marriage and in sickness and in health....till death do us part." Sue repeated.

She then placed the ring on Bob's finger.

"Sue Ellen Mary and Bob Cratchit do you both agree to these vows?" Fezewig asked.

"I do." Bob said.

"I do." Sue said.

"With the power invested in me, from God and the Church, I pronounce you husband...and wife." Fezewig said.

"You may now kiss the bride." Fezewig finished.

Bob and Sue embraced one another in a passionate kiss.

"May I be the first to present Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cratchit." Fezewig said.

Fred and Becky clapped.

"Ohhh!" Sue stammered, she put her hand on her stomach.

"W..what is it Sue?" Bob asked as he held her other hand in his.

"I felt a kick....a kick!" She cried.

"R-really?!" Bob exclaimed.

"Our baby Bob!" She replied.

"Well, the third member of the family doesn't want to be left out." Fred exclaimed.

End of Chapter One