Ways of the Friendship Potion

By: Ashie

Chapter Nine: Blood Transfusions and Surprising Thoughts

Dumbledore appeared at Draco's side seconds later, closely followed by McGonagall, Snape, Hermione, and Ron.

Hermione and Dumbledore were kneeling at Harry's side instantly, Dumbledore calling Harry's name and checking his pulse with his wand. Ron was standing above them, his eyes wide and his face as white as a sheet. He looked like he was going to be sick. McGonagall and Snape were near Dumbledore, exchanging comments quietly. Draco slowly stood up from his place by Harry's side.

Dumbledore looked up to him. "Draco, I want you to fly into the castle and tell Madame Pomfrey what has happened so that she is prepared." Dumbledore jerked his head towards the castle and continued to look Harry over.

Draco mounted his broom and flew off to the castle, flying the fastest he ever had.

Shortly after informing Pomfrey what had happened Dumbledore and the rest entered the hospital wing, Harry floating on a magical stretcher. Dumbledore placed him carefully on the bed, Pomfrey immediately taking in the damage. After a few second's examination she looked up at them all.

"All of you get out! This is a serious injury, and there is nothing any of you can do to help. I will inform you on Potter's well being as soon as I can. Now out!"

They exited the infirmary and entered the hall outside. Hermione and Ron leaned up against the wall opposite of the door and Draco. Snape and McGonagall were arguing heatedly, with Dumbledore looking on at the proceedings.

"I hope you're happy, Severus." McGonagall spat angrily. "Ever since their first year, you have encouraged this type of childish rivalry between Malfoy and Potter. And look what it came to; Potter speared in the ribs with his own broom!" she now rounded on Draco. "And I hope you're pleased as well. You do realize that you've done enough to have yourself expelled? I expect no less punishment than that." She threw a side-ways look at Dumbledore, and then dashed off to her office.

Snape glared at her as she left and the followed. Dumbledore sighed and looked over to Draco.

"Draco," he said. "I realize that you did not mean to harm Harry. But what you've done, although an accident, is severe and shall be taken into account. Once Harry has recovered, the three of us shall discuss what course of action is needed to be taken."

Draco nodded his head solemnly. Dumbledore clapped his hands once.

"Well, now that that is settled, the three of you are welcome to stay here, or go back to your Houses. Either way, I will inform you about Harry's condition as soon as I know myself." He cast them a soft look and walked off.

As soon as Dumbledore was out of sight, Ron advanced on Draco, and punched him in the face. Draco cried out and put a hand to his bloody nose.

"Ron!" shrieked Hermione, in shock and anger. She grabbed onto his arm to keep him from punching Draco again.

"Get off, Hermione!" Ron shook his arm free from her grasp and grabbed Draco by the scruff of his robes, and hauled the smaller boy a foot off the ground and slammed him into the brick wall.

"I don't care what Dumbledore thinks," he spat quietly, his eyes narrowed at Draco. "What you did to Harry was no accident. And I swear, if you ever go near him again, you'll wish you didn't even know his name." Ron dropped Draco to the ground, landing in a heap on the floor.

He rose to his feet and pulled out his wand, pointing it at Ron right between the eyes. "Now you listen to me, Weasley." He spat. "I don't care what you think. I didn't mean to harm Harry. And whether you believe me or not, Harry knows the truth. That's all that matters to me. Now I suggest that you keep away from me, or you'll wish you never knew my name." Draco sneered at the look of fear and thought that crossed Ron's face. After a moment, he slowly backed up.

"That's a good boy," Draco said, and then looked to Hermione. "And as for you, Hermione, I think you know more about Harry and I than you're letting on about. Let's keep it that way, shall we?" Draco didn't sound threatening, but almost spoke in a pleading tone. Hermione nodded her head.

"Fine by me," she said.

Draco wiped the blood from his nose with his emerald Quidditch robes, and casted a small charm to stop the small amount of blood from flowing.

The Hospital Wing's doors flew open and out came a panicked looking Pomfrey and a worried Dumbledore.

"I need to test you three for blood types." Said Pomfrey. "Harry's lost too much blood to regenerate it on his own. I need to see if any of your blood types is compatible with Harry's." she pulled out her wand. "Are you three willing to be tested?"

All three of them stepped forward, their wand hands outstretched. Pomfrey put the tip of her wand onto each of their index fingers. They each felt a tiny prick followed by a droplet of their blood surfacing to their fingertips.

The tip of Pomfrey's wand glowed blue when touching Hermione's blood, yellow when touching Ron's, and green when touching Draco's.

Draco noticed the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes as he saw what color lit up in accordance to his blood.

"Mr. Malfoy, you blood type is compatible with Potter's. Are you willing to have a blood transfusion done?"

Draco nodded defiantly and followed her and Dumbledore into the ward. Hermione and Ron were left out in the hall.

Pomfrey directed him to the bed next to Harry's. Draco lied down upon it, and rolled up his right robe sleeve up to the elbow, slowing hard. He had had a blood transfusion before, and it was something he never wanted to have to do again. But taking a look at Harry, his torso exposed with a gaping bloody puncture is his ribs (revealing the muscle, tissue, and bone beneath), was enough to force him to swallow his slight fear.

Pomfrey bustled back over to him with her wand at the ready. "Do you know how this is done, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco nodded.

"Then if you don't mind, I'll begin." Pomfrey spoke an incantation, her wand pointed near Draco's wrist. Draco closed his eyes tightly as he felt the sudden tear in his skin, flinching at the uncomfortable feeling it created. He peeked his left eye open, watching as his blood was drained from him in an invisible tube, being drawn up above and between him and Harry, creating a scarlet liquid orb. It steadily grew larger as Draco was drained of his life-substance.

After it reached the size of a Quaffle and Draco was beginning to feel lightheaded and ill, Pomfrey healed Draco's arm with a flick of her wand. She then moved to Harry, and turned his limp arm over to reveal the inside of his wrist. As she had with Draco, she muttered an incantation and an identical rip of skin appeared on Harry's wrist area. Draco had to look away as his blood began to slowly force its way into Harry's arm.

"Finished," declared Pomfrey after a few minutes. Draco opened his eyes and looked over, glad to see that Harry's arm was healed. "Lay there, Mr. Malfoy until I have finished with Potter."

Draco watched as Pomfrey bustled around madly, forcing the unconscious Harry to swallow potions, casting spells, and then finally applying a type of thick ointment onto Harry's open wound. The skin around the puncture sizzled and slowly grew back over the wound. She then thickly bandaged his torso and charmed a nightshirt on him.

Seemingly relieved, Pomfrey turned to Draco.

"Is he going to be alright?" Draco asked sleepily, still feeling drained form the sudden blood loss.

"He should be fine. You did quite a number on him, Mr. Malfoy; tissue damage, two broken ribs, and a punctured lung and on top of that extreme blood loss. However, the blood you donated was an absolute perfect match, and should help him greatly." She gave him a stern look, but then smiled. "Now you need to stay here overnight to recuperate as well." She handed him a potion off of the bedside table. "Take this and change into a pair of pajamas off of the shelf."

Pomfrey bustled out into the hallway, Dumbledore trailing behind her. Draco had forgotten that he had been in the room the entire time. He did as he was told, and climbed into the bed next to Harry's.

He looked over to Harry's peaceful sleeping face, and slowly slipped into his own state of sleep.

Draco woke the next morning, hearing faint whispers. He laid with his back towards the voices, his eyes closed and ears strained to hear the conversation. After a few moments he identified the voices as Hermione, Ron, and amazingly Harry.

He kept his breathing even and eyes closed, hoping to pass as if he was asleep. He listened to their conversation.

"…and I don't think you should forgive him, Harry." Said Ron bluntly. Draco heard Harry's exasperated sigh and Hermione's hand slap Ron's arm.

"Ron, he didn't mean to hurt me. He hit me in the back, and I was just really close to the ground. He didn't plan on my broom snapping and stabbing me,"

"Exactly. Honestly, Ron," Hermione sighed. "Can't you just admit that it was an accident? Harry's fine, there's no reason to press the subject any longer."

At least Hermione understands, Draco thought. He heard Harry's surprised intake of breath, and then silence.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Hermione asked after a moment. "Why are you looking at Malfoy? He's still asleep,"

"You guys didn't hear that?"

"Hear what?" asked Ron.

"Never mind…"

Draco heard the door of Pomfrey's office open and her shoes clicking across the floor.

"Alright you two, enough for now. You can visit him again tonight. Harry needs to rest." Pomfrey said. He heard Hermione and Ron's chairs scrape against the floor as they got up.

"Bye, Harry," they both said, and walked out.

Pomfrey walked back into her office, closing the door behind her. Harry settled himself back under his covers.

Draco sighed inwardly to himself. How am I supposed to apologize to you, Harry he thought, after all I've done to you?

Draco heard Harry gasp in surprise again. "Draco, are you awake?" he hissed quietly. Draco rolled over slowly.

"Yeah…I was waiting for Hermione and Weasley to leave."

"Did you say something before? About Hermione understanding and apologizing to me?" Harry asked quickly, confusion written on his face. Draco blanched.

"I don't think so…I was thinking those things but I don't think I said them." Draco swallowed.

Can you hear me now? Draco thought and Harry paled.

"Blood hell, I can hear your thoughts!" Harry gasped.

No fucking way, Potter. Draco thought again. If you can read my thought, then I'm a bloody unicorn.

Harry suppressed a laugh. "Funny," said Harry. "You thought you would have grown a horn or something."

Draco swallowed. "Let's see if I can hear your thoughts." He said. "Think something to me."

Harry scrunched his face in concentration, but Draco heard nothing.

"This is great." Draco drawled sarcastically. "The boy-who-lived can hear my thought but I can't hear his. Perfect. I can't wait to see what happens next. Finding out we're soul mates or heirs of Hufflepuff would just be the icing on the cake."

Harry laughed, but then winced at the pain in his side. Draco frowned.

"Harry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you so badly."

"I know," Harry said, looking down at his lap. "Do you still hate me…about the potion?"

"No," sighed Draco, and at this Harry looked up eagerly. "I didn't hate you…I was just so shattered about it. I worked so hard my entire life to fit in Slytherin, to be the perfect Malfoy. And I was horrified at how you completely looked past it and made me into who I am now. I felt, and still feel, weak. I thought I had my entire life under control, and then the next day my rival was my best friend, and I didn't even know. It threw me off guard. But I've thought about it, and I'm glad it happened."

"You are?"

"Yes. You helped me become myself. I never thought I had a choice in my life, until you and the Gregory's Unctuous Unction. It made me into a real person, and not a replica of the Malfoy heir everyone expected to see.

"Besides, it helped me remember my original feelings towards you." Draco flushed slightly, not intending to express his feelings so deeply.

"Which were?" Harry asked quizzically.

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"In Madam Malkin's." said Harry. "Before first year."

"Right. Well, as you most likely remember, I was quite the pompous little brat."

"And still are…" Harry grinned. Draco scowled.

"Thanks for the reminder. Anyway, when I first saw you I was overcome with the most intense feelings I had ever had. To this day, I don't know how to describe them. But I knew that I wanted you to be my friend, no matter what. So, trying to impress you, I started a conversation. And I could tell that with every word I spoke I was making you like me less and less. So I gave up that day, but I looked forward to seeing you at Hogwarts. And so I waited till September 1st.

"On the Hogwarts express, I was distraught to find out that you were the 'boy-who-lived', also my supposed enemy and the one I was supposed to befriend to keep a close eye on. I was crushed.

"So, hoping that I could be your friend without causing you danger, I once again confronted you. And, of course, made a complete arse out of myself by insulting your only friend.

"I knew I had failed; I knew that you would never want to be my friend. But I couldn't help but make sure that you noticed me. I needed your attention more than anything. And so, I bullied you, knowing that if I couldn't make you my friend, I could make you my enemy. To me, being enemies was better than complete strangers. I would still get to interact with you. And even though I knew it hurt you and your friends, I couldn't stop. I had become too obsessed; bullying you was my only stability in life. I knew that whatever happened, that I would always have your attention, even if it was negative.

"I know it wasn't right," Draco added. "And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the things I've said in the past five and a half years. And I'm sorry for what I said to Hermione as well. I would be more sorry towards Ron, but I'm not really too fond of him." Draco said honestly. Harry couldn't help but grin. Draco noticed Harry's eyes were unusually bright and glassy, tears rimming them.

"Draco," Harry whispered, tears starting to leak down his cheeks. "You have no idea how much this means to me…" he hastily wiped his face. Draco got out of his bed and walked over to Harry. He pulled the ebony-haired boy into a hug, resting his chin on top of his messy hair.

"You hurt me so badly, Draco." Harry said into Draco's chest, and Draco felt Harry's body slightly shake against him. "I wanted to die, I was so confused. I had no one to talk to about it. Ron is…well, Ron…and Hermione wasn't in the type of situation with Blaise that you and I where. It was so hard to be alone." Harry hugged Draco's middle tightly, afraid that this was a dream. "I missed you."

I missed you too, Harry. thought Draco, and smiled as Harry laughed happily in his chest. Harry tugged Draco down onto the bed, and moved over to let Draco lay with him. Draco pulled the covers over their heads, and gazed into Harry's face.

"Draco?" Harry whispered.


"Can I…kiss you?" Harry blushed and looked away from Draco's face. Draco smiled and leaned into Harry's lips.

I wouldn't have it any other way, Harry. Draco thought to Harry, and they both smiled as they deepened the kiss.

A.N. I'm so sorry about the delay on this chapter. It's all fault! Well, not really…but I can pretend, can't I? As you all know, I was so excited about my 26 reviews for chapter 7 that I posted chapter 8 then next day. Well, I was hoping for another brilliant display of support by another nice set of reviews, but was sad when I only received four Review Alert E-mails. I thought I only got 4 reviews! So I was kind of upset as wasn't as motivated as usual. But then today at Hell (er…school, I mean.) I was online and checked the reviews on my fics and saw that I actually received 40 reviews for chapter 7! I nearly pissed myself, I'll tell you. I still don't understand where my other 36 Review Alert mails went… Anways, I was so excited that as soon as I got home from work tonight I typed nearly this entire chapter. Lol. Just for all of you magnificent reviewers. I love you all so much! You guys made my month. Lol. I hope this chapter satisfied all of those that were biting their nail, waiting in anticipation to see if Harry was okay and if Harry and Draco were going to get back together. Oh, and by the way, I'm having a wonderful friend of mine write an optional chapter for this story. It's going to be a sex scene…or a lime or lemon or whatever the hell they're called. I dunno. I'm not really comfortable with writing a sex scene so she's writing it for me. I'm planning it on being chapter 11. It's going to be OPTIONAL, there will be no mandatory information given in that chapter that will throw you off if you don't read it. Anyways, please tell me what you think of this chapter and an upcoming sex scene. Thank you all again! Byes!