Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men: Evolution or I ever will.

The Gloves Are Coming Off

By Yumiko

Chapter 4

Remy Lebeau was garbed in only a white towel that was ¡®innocently¡¯ covering his ¡°ahem¡± parts. The towel itself was held together only by his left hand. His other hand reached up to shake out the water in his hair. Holy sh*t is the only thing Rogue could possibly coherently think. Her jaw was down, glistening droplets of water sliding down his slim body and his exotic eyes to top it all off-how could anyone not just die on the spot?!?

Remy Lebeau, the ¡°god-given to women,¡± just smirked. He knew what his effect of her was, he wasn¡¯t stupid. He was the Remy Lebeau after all. The day someone¡¯s jaw did not drop would be the apocalypse-no matter how corny that sounded, but it would truly be the end of the world.

¡°Gonna stand there all day wit¡¯ yer mout¡¯ open, chere?¡± Vengeance is mine.

Rogue¡¯s jaw started to move up and down, but her voice stayed mute. ¡°Cat got y¡¯ tongue, petite?¡± He was smirking, ¡°Or m¡¯be Remy¡¯s got it, non?¡± He added as an afterthought.

She stopped making the gasping fish motion with the audible sound of her teeth meeting. Grinding her teeth together, she set her face into a scowl. Rogue started to walk towards the exit--but not before she got some of her dignity back. She punched Remy Lebeau in the gut. She knocked the air out of his lungs, leaving him gasping-and the white piece of cloth on the floor.

¡°Yea, sugah,¡± Dipping into a mock curtsy, ¡°Ah always leave everybody breathless when Ah make mah exit outta the room.¡± A two finger salute and she was gone. But not before she had said one more thing to Remy Lebeau,

¡°Nevah woulda thought ya would kinky ¡®nuff to get a tattoo down there, Lebeau.¡±

Damn dat fille. ¡®M gon¡¯ get her back fo¡¯ dis somehow. Still huffing from the blow to his stomach, he bent over to retrieve the towel.

¡°Er,¡± a deep voice interrupted Remy¡¯s little task, ¡°Mister Lebeau, I know we are all men in this room, but would you kindly put on some pants?¡±

Remy wrapped the towel around his waist, ¡°No problem, mon ami. Jus¡¯ had a tumble wit¡¯ Rogue is all.¡±

¡°Ah,¡± The Beast raised a thick eyebrow, ¡°I see.¡± Hank Mcoy then made his way to his office that was to the right of the infirmary-at a faster pace than usual I must say-and shut the door.

Meanwhile, Remy just grinned. ¡°Too bad Henri wasn¡¯t more of a gossiper,¡± he paused. ¡°If only he had been Julie-no¡­July-that ain¡¯t a name¡­Juby-that ain¡¯t it either¡­Jubly-I think ¡®m getting¡¯ closer¡­Jubliee-dat¡¯s de one! If only it had been Jubliee, word of dis woulda been flying all over de manision by now.¡±

He pouted, ¡°Too bad.¡± Remy walked back to the bed he was in previously. Taking up a bag, he rummaged around for his clothing. By the time he had gotten a pair of boxers and jeans on, he started to frantically search through the bag. He started to panic.

¡®It isn¡¯t there,¡¯ was the only thing that repeated endlessly in his mind at the moment. Remy¡¯s strange eyes began to widen. He shot out of the infirmary, ran down the stairs, and burst through the door into the REC Room panting heavily. ¡°Where¡¯s m¡¯ trenchcoat, where¡¯s m¡¯ trenchcoat?!?¡± Remy was close to shrieking. ¡°Where¡¯s m¡¯ trenchcoat?!?!¡±

I was planning on writing more, but I thought that I should¡¯ve updated a long time ago. Oh well. Here¡¯s the chapter. I know it¡¯s a short, but oh well.
