Standard Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not owned by me. Obviously!
That is it folks! I had fun writing this. This pairing has really grown on me. Thanks for all the kind words and reviews and for others just stopping by and reading this. I'm plotting my next crazy fic, so stay tuned. Bye!

The Affair by Kuno-baby

Chapter 5

"Please, please, please show me the knife trick. I promise I won't try it, I just want to watch." Mariemaia begged, jumping up and down.

Trowa and Cathy were giving Une and Mariemaia a tour around the circus grounds before the afternoons performance. Cat members waved as they passed and quietly gossiped about the attractive woman their Trowa was showing around. Many romantic rumors would be spread this day.

Trowa sweated as Une looked on. "Mari, you know I-"

"It's all right. You can show her the trick, Trowa. Just don't even dare get any ideas of trying them out yourself, Mari." Une said. She gave her daughter the look. You know, the kind that all mothers instinctively use to terrify their children with.

Mariemaia cheered as her mother agreed. Trowa himself was looking on in disbelief but Une just nodded. Cathy laughed at the scene, enjoying seeing her brother so comfortable and happy.
Taking out a special pair of knives that Cathy had given him from his pant pockets, he proceeded to throw all five with razor sharp accuracy. They hit the target board dead on, impressing Une and Mariemaia.

"Cool. I want to do that when I'm older." Mariemaia exclaimed, to the dread of her mother.

"Over my dead body." Une whispered softly, though Trowa heard and agreed.

"Why don't I go show Mariemaia the acrobats getting reading to warm up for the show? Is that all right with you?" Cathy offered.

Seeing the pleading look in her child's eyes, Une agreed and let her be taken off by Trowa's big sister.

"Why did you let me do the trick now? You've forbidden it before." Trowa asked once they were alone.

"I trust you with her. I know you won't teach her anything dangerous. Though I'd wish she'd out grow this circus phase soon. I don't think my heart can take it." Une said.

"How about I teach her something less fatal, like playing a musical instrument?" Trowa asked, pulling her close, chest to chest.

"Anything but knife throwing!" Une said, shaking her head in dismay.

He kissed her on the lips. "I'm glad you came today to see my act."

"So am I." Une smiled up at him.

A week later, Trowa came to see his sister before she was getting ready to perform her routine. He couldn't believe how nervous he was. He was use to being so calm and not letting anything bother him. Until now.

He walked up behind her just as she was getting her costume out for the show. Sensing him, Cathy turned around and smiled. Not bothering for pleasantries, he got straight to the point.

Cathy gaped open mouthed in shock as Trowa unceremoniously pulled out a black box and opened it. It was huge! Lucky Une. "Trowa! T-That's an engagement ring, isn't it?" she gasped.

"Shh! Keep your voice down. You know how fast gossip travels around here. And yes, I plan on proposing tonight." Trowa said, snapping the ring box close.

Cathy started screaming excitedly as she jumped up to hug her brother. Trowa continued to try to calm her down as he patted her back. He saw from the corner of his eyes fellow performers stopping and staring at the display.

"Congratulations!" Cathy gushed.

"She hasn't said yes, yet." Trowa interrupted.

"You're worried aren't you? Of course she'll say yes." she reassured her brother.

"You don't know her like I do. She's unbelievably stubborn." Trowa sighed, putting away the box in his brown navy bomber jackets pocket.

Cathy asked, looking sympathetic."What would you do if she said no?"

"Then I'll keep asking her until she does. She'll marry me, count on it." he said.

A few miles away Une and Noin gather for their weekly visit.

"Achoo!" Une sneezed again. She'd been sneezing for the past few minutes. "Stupid allergies."

"You know what they say about sneezing. Means someone is talking about you." Noin joked.
They were hanging out in the kitchen, while Noin was personally demolishing an entire chocolate cake. Milliardo was out running errands and Une was there to keep her company. With her due date fast approaching, Milliardo made sure she was never alone.

"If anyone's talking about me it's you, Lu." Une remarked, giving Noin a sly wink.

"I'll have you...Oh!" Noin screeched suddenly. She dropped her fork and clutched at her middle. Her face went completely white.

"What's wrong?" Une said, anxious. She rushed over to Noin's seat.

"My water just broke. Sorry." Noin said, sheepishly. Her eyes traveled downward to the fluid seeping through her pale blue maternity dress.

"Aw shi-!" Une shouted in horror. War had never been as scary as this!

It was four hours before Une was able to track down everyone and get them to the hospital. Not waiting around for Milliardo, Une had left a hastily written note and hauled ass to the hospital. Noin had tried to reassure her friend babies took hours before being born, but her baby decided to make a liar out of her.

"Eight centimeters? That's all? #$%!!!" Noin yelled at the nurse as another contraction hit her. Une was sure her hand would never return to it natural state again as Noin squeezed down hard. Une had been so relieved when Milliardo had shown up, until the big baby had fainted. The infamous lightening count couldn't handle a little labor, so now she was designated coach. Une vowed to kill Milliardo later when he woke up.

"Maybe I'll rethink this having children thing." Une said, watching her friend continually curse.

Meanwhile in the waiting room, the others waited anxiously. Looking a little green around the collar, Relena laid her head down in Heero's lap. He stroked her hair in comfort. Wufei and Sally were sitting together reading magazines, Duo and Hilde played spades, Quatre and Dorothy watched television and Trowa just sat quietly.

"Relena, are you all right?" Hilde asked, putting down her cards, she worried over her friends ill complexion.

"She's pregnant." Heero bluntly announced.

That got everyone's attention. Soon they converged on the couple offering congratulation while Relena wanly smiled.

"Thank you. Just a little morning sickness, that's all." Relena grimaced, lying her head back down again.

"Well Heero, you better be prepared. You'll be back here in Milliardo's boat in a couple months." Duo smiled.

Heero stopped stroking Relena's hair for a second before glaring at Duo. Duo wisely shut his mouth, causing Hilde to laugh out loud.

"Aren't you worried about Une being in there, Trowa?" Quatre asked his quiet friend.

"She can handle herself and the doctors are there. I'm more afraid of the mental scaring than anything else." Trowa said back.

Two hours later, Noin brought Christian Zachary Peacecraft into the world. And he was a screamer!

"He's got his father's lungs." Noin joked, exhausted. She couldn't take her eyes off her baby boy. His eyes were blue like his fathers, but his hair was black like hers and he had her features. He'd better have looked like her after all she'd been through to have him.

"Thank you, Anne. You've been such a wonderful friend. I'd love for you to be his godmother." Noin asked, as she gently rubbed his cheeks as he watched her intently.

Une's face lit up with surprise. It was a true honor. "I'd be honored, Lu. But all dirty diapers send his fathers way."

After the surprise of Noin's early labor, Trowa never had the opportunity to propose that night. It was three days later before Trowa was given another chance. Gloria had taken Mariemaia out to a movie at his request, so they'd have the house all to themselves. Once he'd explained his plans, Gloria had been more than willing to help.

"Okay, everything is in order. Dinner is done, tables set, and house is empty. All I need is for Une to get here." Trowa remarked, studying his handy work.

He'd called ahead and asked her secretary the exact time she'd left the office, so he knew she was due home any minute.

Keys jingled at the front door and Trowa just stood there waiting for her reaction.

"Hi guys, I'm-Oh-!" Une gasped at the sight in front of her. The house was completely dark except for lit candles everywhere. They darted along the hallway, leading toward the kitchen.
It was so beautiful!

Trowa smiled at her shocked reaction as he took her hand and led her into the kitchen. The table was covered in white clothe, with a lovely centerpiece of red roses mixed in with violets, her favorites. One candle provided lighting and a already cooked meal was placed for two at the table.

"Don't worry, I didn't cook it." Trowa commented.

Une laughed, a little teary eyed. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips. She put her arms around him and fiercely held on tight. He slanted his mouth heavily across hers, deepening the kiss. They finally broke it off for a breath of needed air.

"I know I've been impatient with you. Pushed you a lot, but I did it for a reason, Anne. I love you and I wanted you to love me in return. I'm asking you for forever. Will you marry me?" Trowa asked, holding her tightly.

She wasn't surprised or even scared anymore. The minute she'd stepped into the house, she'd known the day had finally arrived. After all her worrying, second guessing and analytical thoughts on how would she respond, she only had one answer.

"You're crazy, you know. But you're my kind of crazy. Yes, of course I'll marry you." Une said, feeling a few more tears rush to surface.

He let out a relieved breath that made her smile. "Good. If you'd said no, I'd have probably kidnapped you and rushed off to some Vegas chapel for a quickie gunshot wedding."

Une laughed for a bit until Trowa reached down into his pocket to pull the ring out. Her eyes widened at the size of it. But the size didn't matter as much as what the ring represented. Taking her left hand, he slid the ring on her finger with ease.

Suddenly he put his arms under her knees and lifted her up in his arms. "You'll have to forgive me, Anne, but dinners the last thing on my mind right now." Trowa said, leaving the kitchen in a hurry and heading for her bedroom.

Kicking the door open with his leg, he quickly strode in and laid her down. They quickly rid each other of clothing. Kissing softly all over her face, he finally rested at her lips, kissing deeply. Their tongues dueled for supremacy. He held her close, stroking his hands up and down her back. Trowa's hands moved around her back to caress her breasts and Une moaned into his mouth. His fingers crawled down over her ribs, teasingly, inciting a giggle.

"You're beautiful, Anne." Trowa said, bringing his hands lower. She jerked as his fingers probed her secrets. She dug her fingernails in his shoulders in response before it tangled in his thick hair. She lifted one leg over his, opening herself for his touch. He stroked her gently, maddeningly slow and she writhed beneath him. Not allowing him the upper hand, Une tentatively caressed his chest before reaching lower between them. Trowa grunted as he jerked against her. Looking into her eyes, he grabbed her legs and parted them as far as they could humanly go. He thrust forward, closing his eyes. Une dug her nails into his back while he thrust his full length within her. They rocked violently back and forth, gasping for breath, moaning in unison. Une arched her back, tossing her head side to side as she screamed with completion. He continued to push into her until he felt tension build out of control and he shouted his pleasure into the night.

Months later...

Une heaved into the toilet, silently cursing Trowa and every male in existence. They were the cause of mankind's ills! The only reason she wasn't strangling him at the moment was because he was holding her hair back from falling in the toilet.

Was something in the air? First Noin, then Relena and now me. Une moaned as her stomach took another queasy turn.

Even though she didn't feel like it now, she was ecstatic over her pregnancy. They'd foregone the long engagement for a quick marriage ceremony among friends. Their baby had been conceived on the night Trowa proposed and no one was too shocked to hear news she was pregnant. Trowa and Une couldn't exactly lie about it either, people knew how to count!

Finally finished, Trowa helped Une stand up and handed her a cup of mouth wash to rinse her mouth out. After she was done, the proud poppa picked up his ill wife and brought her back to bed, lying down along side her. The got in the spoons position, with Trowa's arm protectively around her middle.

"You still glad you met me, Anne? Hmm, maybe I shouldn't ask that while you're sick. I might not like the results." Trowa said, rubbing his cheek against her hair.

She was only a couple months along and wasn't showing yet, but nothing gave Trowa more pleasure than to caress her flat stomach knowing their child was safely inside.

She weakly laughed. "Even though I may want to kill you at the moment, I regret nothing. I love you, Trowa."

"I love you too."

They remained quiet in bed, just enjoying the time together. He nuzzled her cheek as she snuggled in close.

"The next baby, you're carrying it!" Une joked softly, eyes drifting shut.

"I'll do that." He kissed the top of her head as she drifted off to sleep.

The End...