Disclaimers: I do not own Marvel, X-men, the comics, the tv show, the trading cards, ect..I wish I did because I would be a happy woman and I would read about Warren and Gambit all day. And I would demand that Remy was placed in more comics and I would also do the same for Warren. Anyways

Jade: Ok, so this was the FIRST fan fic I ever wrote. I posted it on a message board and I am just now getting around to posting it here on fanfiction.net. The good news is it's already been written so the posts will come more quickly. The bad news is..well it's kinda acting as a filler now and then while I thin of some new chapters for my other stories. Especially Bayou Boy and River girl. I have received word that it is pretty ani-climattic which is very true so I am trying to plot some action into the story.Yeah Gambit and Rogue kicking some ass side by side. Well the reason why I really have this section is to give you a little warning on the story.it is a Romy but it is a dramatic angst and not for Rogue's usual ways either. It's really good and I promise you'lll be happy in the end so PLEASE READ AND REVIEW IT! AND DON'T KILL ME FOR SOME OF THE THINGS I DO IN THE STORY! IT'S WORTH IT!