NOTE: My friend did this for one of her fics at livejournal so I decided to copy her. This is a 'trailer' for Silverwater, the same thing you'd see for movies. Bold print is the voice over, italics is the dialogue. Text in brackets are the camera prompts.

HARRY is sitting in a white room, looking down on his hands. A disembodied voice says, "Harry, are you ready to begin?" HARRY is silent, before saying, "Yeah, whatever." DISEMBODIED VOICE then says, "You know if you continue to act like this you're only making things difficult for yourself."

HARRY: "Do you really think I care?"
VOICE: "Do you really want to be here all day?" HARRY: "I shouldn't be here."

Camera turns to Dr. Bell

DR BELL: "What, here right now?" HARRY: "In Silverwater."

Dramatic orchestral music in background. A montage of shots continue in quick succession. The transitions are in blur motion mode

GINNY with her arms around HARRY in the Gryffindor Common Room as she plants a kiss on top of his head.

HARRY storming out of group therapy after throwing TOILET PAPER on the ground.

HARRY yelling at REGAN in Silverater Gardens.

HARRY glaring at MALFOY as he sneers at his old school foe.

HARRY running after a crying LIV, calling out her name.

HARRY and LIV under the tree talking. LIV pats him on the arm.

HARRY growling at RON as HERMIONE holds him back.

The music crescendos as the score is being dominated by kettle drums. It reaches its climax as HARRY slams MALFOY'S head through a wall. Music stops.

HARRY: through tears "I'm in the shit now, aren't I?"

Music begins again

His seventh year at Hogwarts was an absolute nightmare

HARRY: (to Dr Bell) "You want me to talk about my life? Voldemort wanted my head on a silver platter and now he's dead and I'm here! Is that good enough for you?

DR BELL: "You know just as well as I do that there is more to it than that!" HARRY: "Well, what do you know anyway?"

But he couldn't have done it all without the help of his friends

HARRY smiling with HERMIONE

HARRY and VASCO laughing together as VASCO bounces a quaffle off HARRY'S head.

HARRY hugging RON and HERMIONE and buries his face into HERMIONE'S hair.


But on top of all his troubles, the unthinkable happened.

Music stops. Camera zooms in on Ron's face as he approaches Harry.

RON: "She's gone, Harry. She died last night."


next shot

HARRY collapses to the ground screaming in anguish.

And what he did next brought him to this place.

Camera pans from Convent Gardens to a SIGN that says "Silverwater Correctional Facility for Witches and Wizards". Celestial music plays in the background.

next shot

HARRY: "A mental institution ..."

next shot

REGAN: "Well, it's about time."

Music begins again

He must come to terms with his grief

camera montage

HARRY laughing with REGAN at breakfast.

HARRY glaring at VASCO who grins goofily

DR BELL: "You didn't grieve properly when Ginny died, that's why the wounds are being opened again."

And then she came along

LIV: "Hi, I'm Liv." HARRY: "Nice to meet you Liv."

next shot. HARRY and VASCO in the corridors

VASCO: "Harry, she looks like-." HARRY: "Ginny, yeah I know."

Little did he know that Silverwater is much more chaotic than the world he had left behind.


MALFOY grabs HARRY and slams him up against the brick wall.

NARCISSA: "Very well Draco, I'll send you an owl." DRACO: "I"ll bite it's head off!"

And his journey to self discovery was a long and painful one

LIV: "I think I'm in love with you." HARRY: "How can you be in love with me? You don't even know me!" LIV: "I need to know if you feel the same way. HARRY: "I find it impossible to love you. EVery time I look at your face -

The camera fades into the next shot showing HARRY and REGAN halfway through a midnight bedroom romp

- "I see my dead girlfriend."

music fades

HARRY: whispering seductively into REGAN'S ear "I don't care anymore. Do you?"

Daniel Radcliffe ...

HARRY: "All these deaths - Sirius, my parents, Cedric - they were all because of me. I think somebody up there is punishing me by taking Ginny away from me." REGAN: "Get a GRIP you GIT!"

And Bonnie Wright playing two roles ...

GINNY: on deathbed "Mum, it hurts so much."

MOLLY sobs as BILL places WHITE SHEETS over GINNY's lifeless face.

LIV: "My parents didn't know what to do with me, so they put me here."

VO: In ...

music ends with sustained strings and crashing cymbals. The words SILVERWATER appear

Silverwater ...

DR BELL: "If you were to look into the Mirror of Erised Harry, what would you see?"

fade to black