Disclaimer : I don't own a thing so there!
Chapter 18
The following morning, I woke to hear Mark and Katie, shouting for Joc to hurry up, otherwise they'd miss the school bus. I glanced at the bedside clock, seeing it's red numbers shine 8.30. I grunted and turned over expecting to see Adam, laid by my side. The bed however was empty. I sat slowly up, rubbing the sleep from the corners of my eyes, and made my way down stairs, to where Katie and Mark were still waiting.
"Morning Jules". They both said instantaneously. They had a habit of doing that.
"Morning guys". I smiled at them, a silent laugh exiting my lips. It was uncanny really, how they both professed to be two VERY different people, yet they both without even trying, were VERY alike. "Have fun at school". I laughed, noticing that they again turned their attention to their tardy sister.
"Don't worry, we won't". They both said together. This time they laughed at each others timing, before finally Joc appeared dashing carelessly down the stairs, still stuffing textbooks in her bag.
"Hey Julie, bye Julie". She rushed passed me.
"See ya Julie". The twins said, as they rolled their eyes and followed their elder sister out the door.
After they'd gone, I headed into the kitchen to find Adam sat at the breakfast bar with the morning newspaper in front of him. It was obvious he hadn't heard me walk in, and I took great pleasure in the opportunity that lay in front of me.
"Whatcha reading"? I jumped up behind him, causing him to nearly fall backwards from the stool.
"Whoa, you certainly know how to give a man a heart attack". He chuckled, regaining himself.
"Well I gotta keep practicing for when you're a rich old man, and I want a new toy boy". I laughed, sitting myself across from him. "So, what're you up to, today"? I took a sip from his juice.
"I was planning on us going apartment shopping. I don't know how much longer I can stand staying here. I'd forgotten how much I hadn't missed the sibling rivalry". He said it with slight humor but I knew he meant every word.
"I'd have given anything for sibling rivalry growing up. By the time I was old enough to argue with Brian, he was too old to argue with me. Don't get me wrong, we had our disagreements, mainly when he was looking after me, but I'd have given anything to grow up having more siblings than just Brian". I explained. "You're lucky you know".
"Oh, I know I'm lucky, but it doesn't make me want to hang around any longer than I have to". He winked at me.
Half an hour later, we were both ready and were just driving toward the estate agents to book some appointments for some houses and get more addresses for the houses we could look at today. Just as we walked in, I noticed a couple stood by the main desk, who looked uncannily like Connie and Guy. Adam must have noticed them too, and nudged me.
"Well, well, well, great minds think alike don't we Guy". Adam said as we stepped behind them.
"Excuse me, are you inferring that me and Julie haven't got great minds"? Connie joked as she turned around. "Because I'm pretty sure, we could find a house for each of us, before you". She challenged.
"You're on Moreau". Guy challenged in return.
As soon as the words exited his mouth, I knew exactly what was going to happen. Sometimes I couldn't believe how those two managed to stay together, but then again, I suppose they kept each other going. All I knew was that their relationship would never be boring.
Both Connie and Guy, picked up the leaflets the assistant was offering, on all the houses and apartments that were in our price range and in the specific areas we had chosen. I followed Connie and Guy out, with Adam beside me, whispering that he should call me as soon as he spotted anywhere suitable, and with that, I kissed him and headed off in a separate direction with Connie.
"Connie, don't you ever get bored of arguing with Guy"? I asked my friend, as we headed to our first destination.
"Nah, not really. I mean they're never serious arguments, they're just the fun ones. They keep the spark there between us, and we always enjoy making up". She smiled mischievously.
After checking out the first few and finding a few ok, places, but none that either of us particular loved, we got back in the car, and began talking about Adam and Guy. Connie explained that she and Guy had always argued, and probably always would, but they had never really had any major arguments, perhaps because they had smaller less intense arguments more often.
"Would you, if you'd known where you were going to end up, would you change anything"? I asked curiously.
"Nope, never. I mean sure there's the odd little thing, but nothing that would have made drastic changes in my life. I am what I am because of my life's events that have molded me. I mean if I had, I might not have met you and the others, I might not even have met Guy". She answered truthfully. "Why are you wishing things were different"? She eyed me suspiciously.
"No, no, I'm perfectly happy with the way things turned out. To be honest, I'm glad I made the decisions I have. If I'd changed my life, I'd probably find myself married with 2 kids by now, well that's if my mom had anything to do with it". I laughed, as Connie pulled into the driveway, of quiet a large house.
"Are we at the right address"? She asked.
"This is 626 Lakeside view isn't it"? I asked, rechecking the address the estate agent had given me.
"Without a doubt". She answered, as we climbed out of the car and made our way to the front door.
"Surely this can't be in our price range"? I asked dubiously.
"It might be, but lets have a look around anyway"? She lead the way inside.
We walked through the front door, straight into a large foyer area. The stairs leading upstairs to the bedrooms, were on the left, curving around the edge of the house. In front of us, where 2 doors, one leading to what looked like the dining room, and the other to what looked like the kitchen. On our right was a door leading to the living room. Slightly to the left behind us, was a small bathroom that looked also to be a cloak room. Directly above us was a simple but very elegant chandelier.
"Wow". I whispered.
"If you don't go for this place, I definitely am". Connie whispered back.
"It can't be in our price range, surely". I stated, shocked.
"Hey, what are you dong here, this is one of the places where supposed to check out". A voice coming from behind us, spoke. "Whoa, this can't be anywhere near our price range". Guy said abruptly when they got closer to us.
"Good morning, are you here to view the house"? A medium built man, dressed neatly in suit and tie climbed bouncily down the stairs.
"Well"… I began.
"Yes, yes, we most certainly are". Connie butted in.
Before any of us could argue, the man, began leading us upstairs, where he showed us room after room. The more I saw of the house, the more I fell in love with it, and at each glance, I could tell Connie, too was feeling the same. At the top of the stairs was a huge landing, with 6 doors that lead to separate rooms. The man explained that most of the rooms hadn't been used in years, and by the looks of them, he was right. There were 2 bedrooms on either side of the landing that looked like master bedrooms, each with a small bathroom consisting of toilet, basin and bath/shower. The smallest of the rooms, had been used as a study. Two more of the rooms were also bedrooms, though still large were nothing compared to the two master bedrooms. In the middle of the two smaller rooms, was an en-suite bathroom, complete with shower and huge bath tub. There was a small attic, though it's only entrance was a hatch that sat in the middle of the landing ceiling.
After the upstairs, the man lead us downstairs and showed us the living room, dining room and kitchen. He also showed us the sun lounge that lead off the dining room. From the sun lounge you could see the large back garden that had obviously been very well kept. Next he pointed out the utility room that adjoined onto the kitchen. From there, he pointed out, was the entrance to the double garage, and massive basement, that looked as though it had been used as a storage room for many years. Once the man was satisfied we had seen everything the house had to offer, he lead us back to the living room, where he offered us a seat.
"Ok, so what did you think of the house"? He asked, obviously eager toward our interest.
"It's amazing". Adam answered.
"Mr"… Connie began.
"Greenwood". The man supplied.
"Mr Greenwood, why is the house going so cheap"? Connie continued.
"Well, the last owner was an old lady, well she passed away nearly 2 months ago. She has 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Her children have decided selling the house would be best, as neither could bear to live here with their memories, but didn't simply want to shut it up, because the last thing their mother would want was for the house to be empty, as her favorite times were when the house was busy". He explained.
"But surely they could get more than what they're asking"? I asked.
"Well it was at one point higher than it is now, but with few bites, they lowered the price a week ago, and you're the first to see it since". He supplied. "I'll leave you alone for a few minutes". He stood and left us.
"This is madness". Guy stated, though kept a low voice, in case Mr. Greenwood was listening.
"I hate to admit it, but I'm with Guy on this one Con". I took Guy's side.
"So what, you two don't like the house"? Adam asked, clearly on Connie's side.
"It's not that". I argued.
"It's just two big for any of us. I mean what would we do with 3 spare rooms. We'd need to keep cell phones on us 24 hours a day, just so we could find each other". Guy argued.
"Now you're over reacting Guy". Connie told him seriously. "I was thinking more along the lines, that we all moved in here. The price range is just right for each couple to pay".
"Even less if we halved it". Adam inputted.
"And we've lived together before, it's not like we don't know each other. And in a way, it'll be like it was before, just living across the hall from each other, except this time we'd have to share a kitchen, living room and dining room". Connie, was obviously all for it.
Both me and Guy looked at each other, obviously both thinking the same thing – our partners were evidently all for it. Guy shrugged, as if admitting defeat, though still waited for my decision. I couldn't decide whether he was waiting for my decision, so that he'd make his the same so that I wouldn't be the only bad guy if I declined, or whether it was so that I would be the only bad guy if I declined.
"And you two don't mind living with someone else"? I asked, looking directly at Guy.
"Nope". Connie answered positively enough for them both. "It'll be fun. We can have girly days, whilst the guys do their own thing in a different room".
"So basically like it was when we lived in separate apartments". Guy stated, laughing at Connie over excitement.
"Ok then". I agreed, as I watched Connie go and shout Mr. Greenwood back, so we could finalize things.
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