Title: Another World, Another Time (Tentative title)


Author: RoLofan28

Email: [email protected]

Rating: Right now R.

Content: Nothing bad in this chapter.

Distribution: Ask first.

Characters: Read and find out

Genre: A little bit of everything (Movieverse, Comicverse and Cartoon verse).

Disclaimer: I do not own X-men. X-men are owned by Marvel. I'm simply using them for fanfic.

Summary: I'm basing this around the some parts of the "One Man's Worth" episodes in X-men the Animated Series. The characters however, will be the movieverse characters. I may bring in someone from comicverse, but let's just pretend that they were in the movie too okay? Cool.

Feedback: That would be nice. =)

'Dammit...it's the same thing day in and day out. We fight for our lives, we win the day, but more and more keep coming back.....will this shit never end?' he thought as he slashed at the main core of the machinery programmed to attack he and his comrades.

The now frayed wires and broken plasma screens crackled with electricity and seemed to set off a chain reaction of small explosions.

This was his cue to "abandon ship" as it were.

He did so and made it only a few feet before the robotic monstrosity collapsed and exploded sended chunks and shards of debri flying in every direction.

He smirked.

That smirk turned into a dark frown when he saw more approaching. He wasn't surprised, just pissed off.

He was also glad they weren't sentinels. However, given the chance, they could be just as dangerous.

A shadow passed overhead and he smiled when he saw his wife expertly dodge an array of firepower while taking two of the robots out of the battle.

He groaned when a sentinel seemed to appear out of nowhere and set it's cold, enotionless eyes on his wife.

'Guess I spoke to soon' he thought as he ran over.

"BEHIND YOU!" he shouted.

She turned around to find herself face to face with the enormous hand of the mutant killer. A large hole in the middle of it's hand was at level with her midsection. First it began to blink and then glow a bright red color.

She quickly flew upwards and avoided being hit.

"HALT MUTANT!" the sentinel shouted as it's red eyes began to glow.

It followed her movements as she flew around, hitting it with jolts of lightning while trying not to get hit herself.

This left the sentinel open to an attack.

An attack from adimantium claws.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" he growled as he launched himself at the mechanical monster.

He drove his claws deep into the sentinels leg and literally began to tear it apart bit by bit.

The sentinel instantly sensed the attack and turned his attention from the flying woman to the man slashing it apart.

"WOLVERINE! WATCH OUT!" she cried.

He jumped out of the way just as the sentinel's hand had reached down to grab him. He rolled and landed next to the other leg and went to work on that one.

"Goddess! Hear your child's hearfelt cry! Bring me lightning! Give me the strength to destroy the evil which threatens the lives of my family and my own!" she yelled with her head to the sky and her arms outstretched as she floated in the air.

Dark clouds began to roll in as lightning flashed and the thunder roared.

"Lightning! Come forth! I command it! Give me the power to fight!"

The weather obeyed her very command. The electricity began to strike her, but it did not harm no harm. In fact, she seemed to absorb it into her very being in order to command its use directly.

Her eyes white and her body glowing with the natural energy of the earth, she truly looked like a goddess.

A goddess that was not to be trifled with.

Clasping her hands above her head, she brought them down in a striking motion and watched with unadulterated glee as the sentinel sizzled and tried to ward of the attack.

In it's efforts to fight back, the sentinel---by accident---managed to slap Logan away and send him flying. He landed in a heap yards away.


The sentinel exploded. Her attack had been powerful enough. More than enough actually.

Distracted with her husband's predicamt, she had no time to get herself clear. The explosion hit her, knocking her out cold. Without her winds to hold her in the air, she suffered the same fate as Logan. She landed in a heap a few yards away, in the opposite direction, from the smoking rubble that had once been a mighty killing machine.

He grunted and groaned as he placed his hand to his head.

"Damn..what hit me?"

It all came back to him quickly and he sprang up ready for action. He was relieved to find that the sentinel was nothing more than ash.

'Nice job' he thought as he looked up into the air expecting to find her ready fro another battle.

She wasn't there.

"Where the hell is she?"

Logan looked around. His eyes widened when he finally spotted her.




He shot up with his arms in front of him.

Breathing heavily and frozen in this position, he looked around wildly.

Logan sighed with relief.

"It was just a dream.....a damn vivid one though."

He sniffed the air a few times.....just to be safe. The last thing he and everyone else needed was a sneak attack, especially from the sentinels.

Not smelling anything out of the ordinary, he pulled the covers away from his body, turned and planted his feet on the floor.

He glanced at his clock. The bright red numbers showed him that it was 3:47am. Sighing, Logan put his head in his hands.

There was no immediate danger, but that dream had been so real. He was beginning to question his mental stability.

'Fighting all those machines....Sentinels....things I'd never seen before. The world was so dark and violent....' Two things he tried to stay away from, but no matter what always seemed to find him. 'Storm fighting those things----Storm!----oh god, is she okay?! No, she has to be...it wasn't real...it was just a stupid dream----she's fine-----' he told himself as he layed back down. He closed his eyes and tried to clam himself with deep breaths.

"Dammit!" he cursed to himself as he hopped out of bed in nothing but a pair of boxers and all but ran to the attic loft.

He quietly crept into the room, experimentally sniffing as he went along. The only scents he could pick up were the plants in Ororo's room and the sent of the woman herself: Vanilla Shampoo and sandlewood.

He came upon her form and looked her over. She seemed fine, just simply resting peacefully...and nakedly, though she was covered by her sheet. Logan knew her long enough to know that much. He also tried to fight the sudden tightening in his groin at the thought.

Logan bent to one knee and reached out to Ororo. He softly ran his hand through her long white tresses. He couldn't believe how soft her hair was. Yes, he had oftened wondered, but she was the untouchable goddess. You don't just walk up to a goddess and say "hey, can I touch your hair?"

Ororo stirred, only slightly, but it was enough to snap Logan out of his trance. He reluctantly pulled his hand away and quickly stood up. He cursed himself as the tightening in his groin did not cease, but in fact seemed to increase.

'Aw man....I better get outta here, the last thing 'Ro needs to wake up to is me standing over her with tented shorts. She catches me touchin' her and she'll fry me. Then she'll blow me into the next state.....mmmmm blow me.....Dammit! Move man move!'

Logan quickly, and quietly moved towards the door, but froze when he heard a voice.

"Logan? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me darlin'. Go back ta bed."

"What are you doing here?" she asked sitting up. Her sheet falling at her waist revealing her chest.

Logan silently cursed himself. He couldn't tell her about what he'd been dreaming about. Or what he had just been thinking about doing to her...or having her do to him.

'Come on man. Think. Think!!'


"I uh....I thought I heard somethin'. I was just checkin' on ya darlin'."

"Oh....ok. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah..." he began as he turned to look at her, but instantly turned back when he saw her topless form.

This move did not go unnoticed by Ororo. She found this odd, seeing as how he had seen her completely nude before whenever she would shower outside or swim in the mansion's pool.

"Everything's fine. My mind must be playin tricks on me......I'm headin' back ta bed. G'night darlin'."

"Goodnight old friend...."


*Let me know what you think. Positive/Negative feedback welcomed. If giving negative feedback, please be constructive and not rude. I'm very sensitive. lol. Also, if you have a better idea for a title, then please feel free to throw it out there and let me know. Thanks*