i do not own The Scarlet Ibis (saddest short story ever!!) and i only own the

plot...so there!


"I'LL SHOW YOU SHRIMP! I CAN BE JUST AS STRONG AS YOU!" Kuwabara shouted, stalking off in a horrible rage, Hiei smiling smugly.Yusuke chased after his friend, and Kurama looked back between him and Hiei. He sighed and went after Yusuke and Kuwabara.

Hiei smirked, and sat down upon Genkai's porch.


Said demon, nearly jumped when he heard Genkai's voice. The old woman was standing next to him, but looking at Kuwabara's retreating form. "Hiei...Have

you ever read a story called "The Scarlet Ibis." ?"

Hiei hmphed, "I do not read *human* stories."

Genkai ignored him. "Its about a brother. He is a healthy normal person. His

little brother on the other hand is weak, and they made him a coffin as soon as

he was born. Not expecting him to live."

Hiei glanced at her, curious what this old woman was getting at.

"The baby surpassed what his family, and doctors thought. He lived and not only

that, he did the impossible. He learned how to walk. His brother taught him how, but once done, he felt ashamed. He only did so because of his pride, he

did not want a crippled brother."

"Eventually, his pride became real love, and he decided to help his brother get

stronger, so that he may attend a school with normal children. The weak child

was different from most children, he was sweet gentle, and it was as if he knew

things no one else did."

"One day a Red Ibis lands in their yard, and dies. That same day the brothers

go out, and the pride filled older brother realizes, that no matter what they do, his little brother could not be helped. He would not be able to get any


"And then it began to rain."

Genkai's voice got sharper, but at the same time softer. Hiei was looking at

the woman, with a cold stare, but underneath that lay his curiosity.

"The elder brother ran, ran even when he heard his little brother begging

him not to leave him, after the elder brothers sorrow had passed, he went back

and found his brother, covered in his own blood."

"He was dead because he was born so frailly. The elder brother threw himself

over his younger brother and cried. He cried because he'd lost his Scarlet

Ibis, this unique individual."

Genkai looked at Hiei, "The brother didn't realize, that his brother had

already done an amazing act. He'd surpassed what everyone thought. But he was

pushed to far...and he died."

Hiei blinked and then glared, "I get what your saying. Your warning me that

I'll get Kuwabara killed."

Genkai walked inside.

"I never said that. People like you only state facts, Hiei. I wonder if what

you say is true?"

Hiei sat in silence thinking over Genkai's twisted Knowledge. He snorted, and


~~~~next mission~~~

"DAM*!" Yusuke screamed, as the demon once again knocked him and his friends

off their feet. Exhausted, the 4 Rekai began to shakily stand up. Kuwabara glared at the demon, and walked sluggishly towards the demon.

"Kuwabara!" Kurama called, sinking to his knees.

"GET BACK HERE!" Yusuke cried with alarm.

Kuwabara growled, "Only one more hit and hes dead!"

Kuwabara powered up, and Hiei got up, his injured legs bleeding faster. When he

found his feet, he heard Kuwabara's voice flutter through his head.

Just watch Hiei! I can prove to you I'm strong!

Hiei felt cold shivers run through him, and he yelled, "YOU FOOL! I ALREADY

KNOW YOUR STRONG!" With shock, Kurama and Yusuke looked over at Hiei, who had

a rather distressed look on his face.

Kuwabara roared, and a big orange wave of energy cut right though the demon.

"All right! Go Kuwabara!" Yusuke cheered, and Kurama smiled.

Hiei was the only one starring wide eyed with alarm.

The demon blew up, and it's ashes spread with the wind. Kuwabara stood there,

his body no longer trembling. He stood there, his body slumped, and arms

hanging awkwardly.

That was when the others noticed what Hiei knew.

Kuwabara fell back blood pouring from his mouth. He fell down, his eyes wide

open. Blood stained his neck and front of his shirt, and his body seemed rather

small and frail.

Yusuke gave out a cry, half scream half sob, and flung himself on Kuwabara,

body racked with sobs. He was shaking him, his body over his friends. He swore

at the corpse, and punched his chest, before collapsing atop him, holding his

head to his neck, the ever flowing blood staining his jacket. Kurama fell in

shock. He was making confused sounds. As if he did not know what was going on.

Hiei had not said anything. He stood starring at the human. And he no longer

saw the world around them.He saw rain coming down, and Kuwabara on the ground, dead. He saw himself starring over him, rain pelting them both.

And Hiei was gone.


Genkai rose from her meditation and slid open her door.

Covered in blood, and soaked to the bone from the rain that had started, stood

Hiei. A tear gem fell off his face, and he whispered very softly, as if his

voice would break the sky.

"I would like to read "The Scarlet Ibis" now...."