A/N: Hi everybody, this might be the last chapter but I'm not quite sure
yet...give me some suggestions!!!
Please review!!!!

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Chapter 8:

The whole night I've been trying to figure out how to tell him, to tell him
I'm pregnant.
I should have told him before he came to my room earlier this night, but I
didn't and I was weak.
Weak, that's all what I am when I'm around him.
But now I have to tell him, he's here now and I have to tell him

"Aren't you freezing to death out here?"
"No I'm fine, look I need to talk to you"
"Let me guess, this was a mistake, you love Dean, you're not going to leave
him, it wasn't your fault"
"I'm pregnant"

It just came out, I didn't mean to tell it this way.
I could see by the look on his face he was hurt.
And then he said it, congratulations, like it's the best thing in the
But it's not, it's far from best.
I don't want to lose him, not again and my tears start to fall down my
cheek and he just wipes them away, like he always does.

And now we've come to the point we avoid each other.
When I see him I look the other way and I'm pretty sure he does the same
when he sees me.
It doesn't matter anymore, it's over, we're over.
The thing we may have had is over.
Today the town is on some kind of excursion and I told my mom I was sick.
I just need to talk to him before it's too late, before he's leaving again.

I see him standing in the diner and I know he's about to close up but I
find my way to the diner pretty fast and I walk in before he closes up.
He talks to me like I'm a stranger, like there's nothing between us, and
then he takes my hand, he closes up and lead me up the stairs.
My common sense screamed no but my heart screamed louder and I followed it.
I let him take me upstairs and for the last time we make love.
My hands adore him through all darkness aim, they will lay him out in the
moonlight and show him how I always will feel.

"I love you Jess, always"

He just smiles at me and I don't need words to know how he feels.
Finally I feel his walls slowly tearing down, I move my head to meet his
eyes, I can't go the distance that will come.
His watery eyes got me floating and my weak heart is swimming with
Then I fall into a peaceful sleep knowing that will be the last time I'll
see him.

Waking up the next morning I found what I feared, he's gone.
This time I do have to move on, I have an unborn child, Dean and myself to
think of.
We belong together now, we're bonded forever.
I have to get away from this apartment, an apartment where so many memories
When I'm done getting myself dressed, Luke walks in.

"Rory....What are you doing here?"
"Oh uhmmm, I...I..."
"It's okay, I won't tell"
"He's gone Luke, he's really gone"
"I know"

And for the first time it hits me that I really lost him and I break down
but Luke's here to comfort me and he gently puts an arm around me, very
careful afraid he might break me, but he can't cause I'm already broken.

"He... he told me there was something going on, he never told me what it
was about."
"It's nothing, I'm fine, he's fine, we're fine, everbody's fine"
"You look the same as he did yesterday and he didn't look fine"
"It's okay Luke really, look I have to go home and I have to talk to Dean,
so I'd better be going"
"Bye Luke"
"Bye..oh and Rory, whatever it is that was going on between you two, you
have to know he cared"
"I know, so did I"

When I came home my mom wasn't there, she wasn't there when I needed her,
but Dean's coming over and now is the time to tell him.
I'm afraid of his reaction because I know it won't be any good.
When he finally comes I just say the words knowing we will get into a
When he's done yelling at me I just leave and I need to get some peace in
It's not Dean's yelling that made me cry, once again it was this other guy
that didn't belong in my life, never did and never will.
As I sit there watching the sun go down, I realize I made it one day
without him, but that's not true, he was with me, in my mind and in my


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