i just wrote this originally for mah own amusement. So enjoy it if you may.

Yugi wakes up one day from being comatose for two years, to find that everything that went on with the Millenium Items was actually... a dream? A very vivid dream... Completely screwing up his sense of reality. Can he adjust to his new life? Or is there something else going on here no one else knows about?

Disclaimer: Don't Own YGO. Sorry guys.




          "This is the most pointless thing we've ever done," Honda said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He stared at Yugi, who was trying to balance on the brick walls lining the pathway.

          "No, it's not," Jonouchi protested, watching Yugi with hawk eyes. He had already nearly pitched forward off the seven-foot wall onto the brick pathway beneath it twice. "The most pointless thing we've ever done was try to convince Kaiba he owned the Millennium Rod."

          "Oh yeah, that was so easy to do," Honda said, rolling his eyes. Anzu, who was sitting on the opposite wall from Yugi laughed.

          "Come on, guys," she said, trying to raise their spirits. "Kaiba has to help. He senses that he's needed, so he has to help."

          "He doesn't want to help," Jonouchi said, nodding to Honda. He immediately turned back to Yugi's small body, inching it's way across the wall. He was staring at it with a powerful gaze, as if beckoning it to make him fall. Yugi's body had changed since he solved the Millennium Puzzle; he was taller now, with stronger arms and legs. The Millennium Puzzle was swinging from it's chain, making a small clinking sound that could be heard to all of them.

          The group was standing outside of Kaiba Land, waiting for Kaiba Seto himself to leave the building. He had told them to wait for him at four, but it was well past five now. He was stalling for who knows what reasons. Yugi stopped walking, breathing hard, trying to regain his concentration.

          "This is hard to do," he said, smiling. Anzu slid over to where the wall leveled with the hard stone ground, at the top of a long set of granite steps. She walked over to the wall where Yugi was poised, as if he were a tight-rope walked five hundred feet in the air.

          "Come on, Yugi!" she said excitedly. She gently walked out onto the ledge, her arms spread. She had better balance then Yugi, being the dancer that she was. She looked at Yugi, watching him balance as well as he could. He wobbled a little, then continued. Anzu inched closer.

          "ANZU!" Yugi nearly shouted. She froze. "Don't come any closer!"

          "Okay," Anzu said, freezing where she was. Yugi smiled, never averting his eyes from the brick wall.

          "Sorry, Anzu-chan," he said slowly. "I didn't mean to scare you."

          "Oh, you didn't scare me," she said, sighing deeply. Honda was watching Jonouchi, who was watching Yugi. They were all silent for a moment, thinking of their task. The one Isis sent them on. They were just thinking about it, when...

          It was a split second. That's all. Yugi lost his footing, and the next thing they knew, he was falling all seven feet down to the hard, stone ground. Anzu reacted first, trying to grab his hand. She didn't make it, and almost fell herself. She watched as he fell, nearly in slow-motion. She was horrified.

          With a sickening crack, Yugi's head connected with the ground, just in time as his body hit the ground as well. Blood, thick, oozing blood, spurted out of his side, where he had hit the ground. The Puzzle smashed against the ground as well, breaking in half. They were amazed that his head wasn't bleeding, until they saw that he was unconscious.

          "Yugi!" Anzu cried as Jonouchi and Honda ran over to his still body. He was lying on his stomach, blood oozing around him. Roughly, Jonouchi gripped his shoulders and flipped him over, so he was now on his side. His eyes were closed and his face was covered in dirt, his lips bleeding and his body turning pale.

          "Oh God oh God oh God...." Anzu repeated like a drone, her hands over her mouth. Jonouchi turned him onto his back, shaking his roughly. His head lolled to one side.

          "Yugi! Yugi! Wake up!" Jonouchi cried. Jonouchi lowered his head to Yugi's sweat-soaked chest. It was rising and falling rapidly, and he could hear Yugi's heart beating away insanely.

          "He's still alive," Jonouchi called. Honda turned to Anzu.

          "Anzu, you need to call a doctor, fast!" Meanwhile, no one noticed the Millennium Puzzle, lying in pieces on the ground. The pieces were slowing falling out of place, landing spread out on the path. A small group of people had come running at their cries, and some had accidentally stepped on the Puzzle, breaking it more.

          Finally, the last pieces were separate, and Yugi's semi-conscious mind became dark as he slid into the dark abyss known as unconsciousness. The pieces began glowing, not that anyone noticed. And with a flash of light covering the entire earth, only a split second it took, the entire earth revolved in a different direction that day, as it's history changed for good.


So. that might not make much sense... i was getting annoyed at the lines for page markers, so i just put a very distinked line for the start and end of each chap, with spaces in between. im not gonna beg you to review; i just like to know what i can do to make it better or to just continue with it. Comment if you would like to. im not gonna be very silly during this fic much, since it's not the silliest fic in the world. So... i might one day if im hyper.... but my smiles will still hang around. ^_^
