Felicia: Don't hurt me! I know! I said I'd update my fics next.. but… well… I just couldn't help it! My Itachi muse made me do this! I swear it was all that perverts fault!

Itachi: *glares* I'm not a pervert…

Naruto: *setting on Itachi's lap wearing nothing but a pink song with a light pink bunny tail on the back and bunny ears on his head* If you aren't a pervert, why'd you dress me like this and make me set on your lap? Huh?"

Itachi: Because…

Naruto: …… Because why?

Felicia: Because he's a pervert!

Itachi: *growls*

Felicia: Well.. You are…

Itachi: I am not!

Felicia: You are too!

Itachi: I am not!

Felicia: You are too!

Itachi: I am not!

Felicia: You are too!

*the argument continues..*

Naruto: Um.. Felicia doesn't own Naruto or any of it's characters… which should be easy to tell since well.. The guy characters aren't dressed in tiny revealing outfits and put into yaoi-ish situations all the time.

Little Sasuke: *hidding under random chair* Felicia told me to warn you all that this will have incest in it and shota/yaoi since my Aniki (big brother) is a pervert and wants to do naughty things to me. *innocent look* What kind of naught things does he want to do to me anyway?

~Ages for the moment

Sasuke- 8

Itachi- 13

Chapter One: Watching the Moon and Stars

It was already very late and a little eight-year-old Sasuke was not happy. His big brother, Itachi, had promised he'd be home hours ago to show him how to throw a shuriken. Sure, his father had offered to instead, but it just wasn't the same to the little boy. The dark haired young boy loved his brother and wanted to spend time with him as much as he could. Unfortunately, the boy hardly ever got to do this, which made him very sad. He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up that his brother would spend time with him like he said he would since he also knew his brother was very busy… but he still did get his hopes up. Always he hoped his brother would keep one of his promises and spend time with him doing anything.

A sigh passed the boys lips as he looked up at the moon through his bedroom window. It was a pretty cloudy night so far, so only a few stars were visible and the moon was actually partially covered. The moon was almost full now and Sasuke could remember when he was younger and him and his big brother would watch the moon and stars sometimes. He really missed that. He thought though, maybe Itachi is somewhere looking up at the sky now too, so they are kind of looking at them together… but it wasn't the same, he knew that, not that he tried to remind himself of that fact.

The little Uchiha yawned softly and went to find a chair to set on. Once he found home, he half drug, half carried it back to the window and sat it down in front of it. He then set down on the chair and propped his elbows up on the windowsill then rested his head in his hands. The clouds started to move from in front of the moon, the boy noticed as he once again looked up at the sky.

An hour passed and the boy was still looking up at he sky. The moon was now fully visible and a few more stars shown down upon the boy who yawned softly and rubbed at his eyes. He was very tired, but he wouldn't fall asleep! Not until his big brother got home!

… It was hard to stay awake though.. He could already feel his eyes start to droop closed as he half yawned. Pushing some of his bangs out of his eyes, he decided he'd just rest his head one his hands for a little while. So, he stretched slightly then folded his arms before laying the side of his head down. He tried to keep his eyes opened.. But they eventually fell closed. A light sleep soon followed along with a dream.

The dream was of him and his brother when they were younger. Itachi was holding Sasuke on his lap as they looked up at the stars and moon one night. The little Sasuke was already tired even though it was still kind of early into the night. So, the little boy turned himself around some in his big brother's lap and snuggled against him and started to fall asleep then. Itachi looked down at his younger brother and a softly smiled crossed his face as he started to lightly pet the little one's hair.

That dream faded however when he felt someone pick him up from where he was seated on the chair. Whoever it was that picked him up felt very warm and strong. The little boy yawned slightly then blinked his eyes opened to look up at who it was that was carrying him. He smiled when he saw who it was, his big brother.

Itachi glanced down at the boy before he placed him so he was laying down on his bed then started to cover him up, but before he got that chance, the younger of the two Uchiha's practically pounced on the elder of the two and hugged him tightly around the neck while he nuzzled against the older boy's chest some.

The older Uchiha couldn't help but smile at the way his younger brother was actually. He seemed very cute and innocent when he acted like this and Itachi actually enjoyed it when his brother was like this. After he wrapped his arms around his younger brother, Itachi murmured, "You know it's past your bedtime.. You should be fast asleep by now."

Sasuke looked up at him with a cute little pout on his face before he said in a bit of a sleepy voice, "I was waiting for you though Aniki! You promised you'd be home a long time ago and teach me how to throw shurikens like you do!"

Sighing softly, Itachi softly said, "Now Sasuke, I did tell you I'd probably be late.."

"I know, but-" Sasuke started, but he was quickly interrupted by his brother.

"No buts." The elder of the two said. "You should get to sleep now, little brother." Once Itachi said this, his younger brother pouted cutely at him and clung onto him slightly.

Shaking his head slightly, Sasuke said, "I want to spend time with you though!"

Itachi sighed. "Sasuke-" He began, but this time he was the one who was interrupted.

"Please Aniki?" The little boy asked. "You always use to spend so much time with me! I know you're busy and all.. But we're still brothers and we should get to spend more time with each other!" He nodded after saying this to help make his point.

The elder of the two once again sighed. How could he say no to his little brother now? He was so cute and innocent looking. So, giving in, he said, "Okay, if you promise to go to bed soon, we can go up to the roof like we use to and look up at the stars."

Sasuke's eyes lit up. "Really? We can? Yay! I love you so much Aniki!" The boy squealed before hugging his big brother tightly.

Smiling slightly, Itachi picked his brother up off of the bed and held him up to his chest with his arms under his legs. "Try to be quiet now, we don't need to wake up our parents." He warned before walking out of the younger brothers room with his little brother snuggled up closely to his chest.

A few minutes later, the two brothers were up on the roof. The younger of the two was setting between the older one's legs with his back leaned against the other's chest.

Itachi glanced down at his brother who seemed very content. He smiled slightly before frowning when he noticed the boy shiver some. The older Uchiha should have known to have Sasuke put on something with long sleeves since it was a pretty cold night, but he didn't even think about it until that moment. Oh well though, he decided, he could help keep his little brother warm.

Sasuke felt his older brothers arms wrap around him loosely and he blinked slightly before smiling. Tilting his head back, he looked up at his brother and smiled at him widely before saying, "Thank you Aniki! I was getting kind of cold!"

Returning the smile slightly, Itachi tightened his arms around his little brother just slightly. He then redirected his attention back up to the sky.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that he noticed that his little brother had fallen asleep. He smiled slightly as he glanced down at him before he once again scooped him up. This time, he cradled the small boy to his chest and he got down from the roof.

The little Uchiha was once again back in his room. As Itachi placed him down on the bed, he gave a small whine at the loose of his brothers arms around him, but the soon wrapped himself around a near by pillow. Itachi couldn't help but smile as he looked down at his little brother before he covered him up with his blanket.

Itachi stayed in his younger brothers room, standing next to his bed for awhile as he watched his little brother sleep peacefully. This was always one of the things the teenaged Uchiha loved to do. His little brother was so innocent and beautiful look as he slept, though Itachi always thought he brother was beautiful, he just tried to ignore those thoughts since he was afraid of where they might lead. He knew very well that he could easily start to develop feelings he definitely should for the young boy, that's one of the reasons he hadn't been spending as much time with him as he used to. Even if Itachi decided to be open with his feelings, Sasuke was still much to young to even understand what the feelings Itachi was starting to feel, but trying not to feel, were.

The young teenager didn't leave his brother's bedside until he noticed the suns light start to come in through his brother's bedroom window. After he went over to the window and closed the curtains of the window, he then took one more look at his brother before he left the room and headed to his own to try and get some sleep.

Felicia: Okay, this was suppose to just be a random one-shot fluffy moment before Itachi and Sasuke.. But it kind of got out of hand and now, it's going to be at least two chapters (probably more) long! So, make sure you let me know what you think about this by reviewing! Oh, and if you want me to hurry up and update another of my fics, mention that in the review if you want and it might help me get into the updating mood some.

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~written on 1/13/04