Hi hi! This is an (VERY) loose adaptation of the story of Eros and Psyche. I've taken quite a few liberties with this story, mostly because I've read probably about 3-5 different versions of the original story. This is my first attempt at writing a romance drama. I'm sorry if some scenes seem too over the top. ^^; Anyway, is a modern day version of the story and takes place at an "undisclosed" location. Umm it's kinda like Greece I guess. I usually like to research locations before I write about them, but I was a little lazy on that this time.
Well that's it. I would greatly appreciate reviews! I hope you enjoy this story! J
Act 1: Eros
"Ugh!" Aphrodite screamed as she threw the magazine down on the table. "That mortal beat me! This is unbelievable! How can I be placed second to this girl? I should strike them all down!" With a grunt, Aphrodite flung her flaming red hair away from her face as she took a sip of her drink.
Eros and Anteros exchanged a glance. They were used to their mother's tantrums. The three met daily to have lunch together at Skye Cafe. It had been Aphrodite's idea. She has been spending much of her time becoming one of Earth's most prominent models, and she felt her job was taking away time from her sons. Eros and Anteros hadn't minded that much; they spent their time wreaking havoc on innocent lovers and the scorned. However, they could not object to Aphrodite's idea of meeting for lunch, especially with her quick attitude.
Eros glanced down at the magazine. On the cover was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Her face was turned away from the camera as if something wonderful had caught the attention of her crystal blue eyes and made a warm smile cross her face. Her thick, wavy brown hair circled around her face. The girl's skin was so flawless that Eros briefly wondered if the photo had been altered in some way. The more her stared at the beauty, the quicker the idea disappeared.
Eros knew there was something about the girl. He knew the happy expression on her face was not a photo farce. Her eyes told her she was an intelligent woman, yet her smile told him she was a kind creature who liked to have fun. The photo was cropped just below her bare shoulder blades. Eros couldn't help but wonder if there was a beautiful body to match that beautiful face. He finally tore his eyes away from the girl to read to the lines printed at the bottom right corner of the magazine: "Psyche, The Most Beautiful Woman." I have to agree there, he thought. Eros looked over at Aphrodite who had finally calmed down. She was now focused on getting the attention of Demeter who was sitting two tables away. He knew his mother would be very upset if she knew what he was thinking.
Of course Eros thought his mother was beautiful as well. Her green eyes were mesmerizing. She could attract the attention of any man with a smile or a frown. Unlike the lovely Psyche, Aphrodite's immortality would allow her to look like a voluptuous woman in her late-twenties forever.
Eros and Anteros would have the appearance of young men for all eternity. The God of Love had inherited his mother's red hair and green eyes. The God of Scorned Love easily passed as Eros' twin, except he had jet black hair and stormy gray eyes.
Aphrodite suddenly slammed her glass down on the table, startling Eros out of his reverie. "I know what to do!" she said. She reached over and placed a gentle pale hand on Eros' shoulder.
"Eros my son," Aphrodite said. "I need you to do me a favor."
Eros looked back at his mother suspiciously. "What is it mother?" he asked.
Aphrodite glared at the magazine. "That Psyche woman needs to know her place. I want to humiliate her in the worst way."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to make sure that no man will want to marry her. Then seek out a grotesque looking man, and make that mortal girl fall deeply in love with him. Once people see her with such an ugly beast of a man, certainly her popularity will diminish and I will be on top again!"
Eros couldn't believe his ears. Did his mother really want this precious flower to fall in love with an ugly man?
"Isn't that a little harsh mother?" Anteros asked.
Aphrodite glared at her son. "Do not question me," she snapped. "It is just a little lesson. Besides, neither you nor Eros can talk. You boys can be just as cruel. Anteros, I know all about the little impotence punishment you put on that teen mortal boy."
A laughed escaped Anteros' lips. "He deserved it," he reasoned. "I was just doing my job. Perhaps if the boy had let go of his hateful attitude toward love, things would've turn out differently. I think that was one of my best jobs."
Eros shook his head with a smile. Though he and Anteros had their share of followers and haters, Eros was the one that confused people the most. One minute he was a kind God who brought love into the lives of lonely mortals; the next minute he was a cruel God who enjoyed watching the heartbreak of others. Eros was also said to have used his good looks and golden arrows to attract naïve virgin mortal females. No one knew exactly how many women Eros had seduced; he had lost count himself.
"I want you to have this done as soon as possible Eros," Aphrodite said as she stood up from their table. "I have to get ready for a photo shoot. I will see you boys later." Aphrodite made her way out the café, several pairs of eyes watching her slow strut.
Eros ran a hand through his hair. "Why is she putting me in this?" he said. "She's the one who holds a grudge against this girl."
Anteros smirked. "Your eyes were glued to that cover," he said. He grabbed the magazine from the table and flipped through the pages. "There's an interview of Psyche in here."
Eros leaned forward. "What does it say?" he said eagerly.
"'Despite having the beauty to top the Goddess Aphrodite, the young maiden Psyche is every man's dream. She enjoys cooking and reading, but also has an affinity for dance clubs.'"
Anteros put the magazine back on the table. Eros quickly seized it, looking for the article of Psyche.
"So what do you plan to do?" asked Anteros. "There's no way you can defy mother."
Eros was too busy looking at the magazine to answer. Annoyed, Anteros snatched the magazine back from him. "I asked you what are you going to do?"
Eros took a deep breath. "I don't know," he replied. "But no matter what, Psyche will be mine."
-Does it sound interesting so far? If so, then please continue!
-Random note: Anteros is the God of Slight Love. He's the opposite of love, and punishes those who don't return the love others or just scorns love in general. (Anteros = Anti-Eros). There are different versions as to how Anteros came to be. In one story, Eros was terribly lonely, and Aphrodite gave him, Anteros as a playmate. In another story, Aphrodite wasn't happy that Eros had the form of a little boy, and was told that he would grow if she had Anteros. Aphrodite had Anteros, and Eros quickly grew into a young man.