Three year old Mandy didn't know much about the world. She knew just
enough to let her get by.
She knew that snails were not for eating, but grass was a gourmet meal.
She knew that her teddy bear spoke in a silent language that only she could
hear, let alone understand.
She knew that her mother was growing really big, and soon she would have a
little sister, called May.
And she knew that bits of the sky were not supposed to fall down.
"Daddy! Daddy!"
She gazed up at the sky, along with several other disbelieving neighbours,
as her father rushed out of the house to see what was the matter.
One little chubby finger raised itself to the sky.
"The sky's falling down."
Her father told one dazed neighbour to keep an eye on her, then ran inside
to call the police to see if he could find out what was going on.
The noise grew, and grew...
The noise... it was now unbearable! She felt as if her head would explode!
She fell to her knees and screamed, covering her head.
The little girl kneeled in the middle of the front yard and just watched in
innocent, panicked confusion as the pretty golden ball of sky kept