Summary: Something weird is going on in the feudal era. Everyone keeps spontaneously bursting into Disney songs. What the heck is going on?

Author's Note: OK friends, here's the deal. I did not write this story by myself. My sister Saffron Spice wrote this with me. So it's both of ours.

Disclaimer: We don't own Inuyasha. Yet.

"You were a whole day late! Where the heck were you?"

"Inuyasha my grandmother died!"

"Who cares? Shard hunting is more important!"

"I can't believe you would say something so cruel!"

"She was old, so you knew she was gonna keel over soon."

Kagome looked at him with such anger it made Inuyasha a bit nervous. He took a step back. He knew he had gone too far.




Inuyasha felt his necklace pull him to the ground. As he collided with the earth, he figured he would be there for a while. So while Kagome continued to unleash her string of painful words, Inuyasha felt his face digging a deeper hole in the ground every minute.

"Hmph! Serves you right you insensitive jerk! I hope you broke your neck!" Kagome stomped off to Kaede's hut.

"I didn't break my neck! YOU did!" he thought to himself. Inuyasha stayed in the ground for about an hour, thinking about what had gone wrong this time.

"Gaerhoi hfozeuir foauytreh idoae!" he grumbled.

"What was that Inuyasha?" Miroku sat down next to him silently laughing at the predicament.

Inuyasha finally pulled his face up to look at Miroku. "What do you want?" he sneered.

"I want to see you stop making such an utter fool of yourself. What you said was heartless."

"Feh. I'm no fool."

"You're right. Just a jackass." Miroku stated.

"Why you..."

"Why don't you go and apologize to Kagome?" He suggested.

"Hell no. I ain't doing nothing!"

"Fine. Be that way. You only make it harder for yourself though." Miroku walked away. Inuyasha sighed to himself. He really did have to stop doing this. He got up and walked the short distance to Kaede's house and peeked inside to see Kagome huddled in a corner, crying.

"God, I hate it when she cries." He thought. A pang of guilt had started in his heart. "Tomorrow I'll go and apologize." He muttered as he walked off to get some sleep.

Inside the hut, Kagome had brought her knees up to her chest and was hugging them protectively as she was thinking savagely "I can't stand him! Why does he always say things like that! He's a total jerk!" She felt arms wrap around her. She looked up to see Sango embracing her.

"Don't worry about it Kagome. He'll come around."

Kagome smiled softly. "I hope so."

"Ye two should get some rest, lest ye become tired during thy travels in the morn." Kaede interrupted as she stepped into her house.

"Alright Kaede." Sango said. She lied down on her mat and fell quickly asleep.

"I don't think I can sleep." Kagome mumbled miserably.

Kaede looked at her for a moment, then went to a cupboard in the back of the room and rummaged through countless jars and pouches.

"Aha!" she cried out triumphantly. She hobbled over to Kagome holding a little brown leather pouch.

"What's that Kaede?"

"Tis a remedy for sleeplessness. Here, put a pinch of this powder on thy tongue." Kagome eyed it suspiciously. She looked up to see Kaede smiling warmly at her. So she sighed, took a pinch and sprinkled it on her tongue.

And then almost spit it out.

"Ugh, 'Aede! His is oss!" She said as she stuck out her tongue with the powder dissolving on it.

"Swallow." Kaede instructed. Kagome took a big gulp.

"Ugh, Kaede. This is gross!" she repeated.

"I know, but ye shall be sleeping soon."

"But I don't feel tired." Kagome said.

"Ye will soon. I have some matters to attend to. Ye get some sleep." Kaede said. She put the pouch back.

"OK" Kagome said. She lied down on her mat next to Sango as Kaede left. Kagome looked at the ceiling for awhile.

"Ugh! I'm never gonna get to sleep this way!" she grumbled. She stood up and walked over to the cupboard. "Maybe if I take a little more, it'll help me get to sleep faster. She fumbled around until she felt the familiar pouch.

"Just one more pinch." She said. She sprinkled more on her tongue. She instantly felt extremely drowsy. She dropped the pouch and sluggishly made her way back to her mat. She stood, swaying over her mat. And fell asleep before she ever hit it. As the moon rose, Kaede returned. She smiled at Kagome glad she was finally sleeping. Then she noticed something on the floor. She walked over to it and picked up the green leather pouch.

"Oh no Kagome..." Kaede whispered. She had taken the wrong pouch.