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Notes from the Authoress: hey everyone! ellie here, and it's 9:30 on Sunday night and I am posting my first wendy/peter fic ever!!! *does happy dance* I'll try and update as soon as possible, I'm counting on every two days, so read and review please!! (*huggles*

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'Let us take a peep into the future...a fair Wendy, in her nursery.the window is shut!'

'I'll open it!'

'I'm afraid the window is barred.'

'I'll call out her name!'

'She can't hear you....she has forgotten.'

'No! Wendy!'

'And what's this I see? There is someone in your place....he is called husband...'


Peter woke up with her name on his lips. He looked up from his bed and into the twisted knots of the tree, and as always, he smiled when he saw them. They were the same color as Wendy's auburn hair, which he remembered quite clearly.....how it pooled around her face when she slept, and how peaceful she looked.

Then he thought of his dream. Hook was dead, and the lost boys, Michael and John were gone, and Wendy-his Wendy-was gone.

She had left him to grow up, to become a woman, because even when he had held her in his arms as they danced among the fairies-that one achingly beautiful moment of love in bloom-he could feel it. He could feel that his Wendy was destined to grow up, to forget.

But Peter faced another dilemma. He no longer looked like the impish boy of 10 or so that he had 6 years ago. He was without a doubt much taller, with a more muscular, toned body, and his face and voice were not those of a child. He looked like he was perhaps seventeen.

He hated it. He didn't understand, and neither did Tinkerbell, who continued to grow more and more distant from Peter as he continued to change and grow. She had stayed the same demure, bitchy little faerie that she had always been, and couldn't bring herself to face the fact that Peter was growing up.

So, as he stared at the ceiling of the hideout with the silence of his own loneliness pressing deafeningly on his ears, he made a decision.

He had to go back to London. He had to see Wendy again, one last time. She would know why he was changing, why he wasn't a boy anymore. And he would get to see her face again, her pale, beautiful face....he shuddered. Ever since she had kissed him that day 6 years ago, he had been a flurry of confused feelings.

'But they can't be love, they just can't be! I don't love. I can't.' he thought to himself.

"Tink," he whispered, "Tink!"

In a flash she was by his side, an apprehensive look on her tiny features.

"Don't look at me like that, Tink, you never used to! It's the same with everyone! I'm going back to London, Tink, I'm going back so that Wendy can tell me why I'm so different. She'll know for sure, don't you think?"

Tinkerbell looked away, stifling a yawn.

"I don't know what's happened to you, Tink. I don't know what's happened to Neverland; I don't what's happened to me! I don't know anything anymore."