10 Minutes To Spare

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: ^_^!!! If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh then it would have to be the end of the world…and I highly doubt dat the world would end just so I could own Yu-Gi-Oh…so until dat happens or I become ruler of the world then I guess I just don't own Yu-Gi-OH…

Rose: ^_____^ People like my story!!!!

Hiei: Yes…we know already…

Kurama: I think the whole block knows it…

Rose: Oh shut up you two…

Kurama & Hiei: Shutting up…

Rose: ^^ On with the story!!!!!! (")!!!!!

Kurama: ^_^ (")!!!!

Hiei: X___________________________________X''''' GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

Rose: ^^ (")…(")…( " )!!!!

Kurama: ^^



~~~~~~~~~~~~Regular POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



~Come on Kura…it was just a joke…~

~Yeah…a childish one…you're acting like a child today Ryou…~

~It was not a childish joke…and I am not acting like a child…~

~YES YOU ARE!!! I'm not talking to you anymore…~



~Now who's being the child?~


Ryou was now enjoying himself within the laughter as Jou continued to go breathless every now and then. Anzu tried to keep from laughing on the fact that she was afraid Bakura would kill her if she did, but that didn't keep her from crying. The immense hilarity of the current situation was just that funny.

Yugi walked into the front of the Game Shop while the trio was laughing their heads off and a very pissed Bakura continued to give death glares at the bunch.

"What happened here?" Yugi got out as he tried not to step on Jou.

"HA…Ryou…haha…said…haha…" Jou couldn't even finish his sentence. Not for the laughter…well that was part of it...but also because he couldn't breathe.

"Anzu?" Yugi looked in her direction.

"Something that Ryou said about Bakura." She muffled a laugh as she tried to continue her straight face.

"I guess it was one of those 'you just had to be there to get it' sort of things right?" Yugi stared in Ryou's direction now as he practically saw the teen having a spazzing attack just from laughing. (a/n: This is a totally random thought…did ya know dat 'spaz' and 'spazzing' isn't in the dictionary? Just a random thought…)

"I don't see what's so funny…" Bakura huffed.

"Anyway…that was Malik…he can't make it here so he said he'd meet us at the amusement park." Yugi glanced down at Jou again. "Could ya get off the floor Jou…it looks wrong…"

"Okay…" Jou stood up and brushed himself off. "I just can't believe dat Ryou would say such a mean thing…I think you've been hanging out with Bakura too much…"

"I guess I have." Ryou chuckled.

~'I guess I have'?~

~I thought you weren't talking to me?~

~…shut up…~

Bakura glared at everyone in the room. "…If I have to…I'll kill you all… starting with the shrimp." He mumbled in a loud tone.

"Shut up Bakura. You know we're just joking." Anzu walked over to Bakura and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me if you want to live." Bakura eyed her hand.

"I'm starting to think Ryou was right…I think Bakura IS on his period…" Jou stood up and found an angry Bakura glaring at him. "What?"

 "I don't remember why I came here anyway…it's just a waste of my time." Bakura slowly headed toward the door.

~Kura…come back here now!~

~Why should I?~

~Get back here now or…I won't play with you tonight!~

~…Okay…you win…I won't leave…~

~Good…I knew you'd see it my way.~

~…shut up…~

"Bakura, you're acting like such a baby today." Anzu quickly stated.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bakura's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A baby….A BABY!?!?!?!?! I AM NOT ACTING LIKE A BABY!!!!!

"Yeah Bakura…quit acting like a baby before I go get you a bottle." Jou better watch his back tonight, he might have a little accident…

"You have a bottle? So I guess you're the only baby here." HA! Now how does it feel to be called a baby?

They're staring at me…what?

"What?" They keep looking at me like that and I just might have to hurt somebody…

"J…Just go stand over there and don't touch anything." Yugi's pissed…uh-oh…

"Fine…" It's not like I actually had a choice in the matter or anything…if I didn't listen to him he'd pull off that whole 'psycho-midget' thing he does when he's pissed off.

"Can we just go?" Oh look, Jou is whining…so babyish…and they telling me I'm acting like a baby. I am NOT a baby!!!!

"Fine, let me just grab my coat." Yugi's going to the closet…I wonder if he can even reach his coat. Oh…a stool…that's how he does it…or maybe that's how he does it when Yami isn't around. "Come on, let's go."

I might as well listen to the little twerp.

"Are you coming Bakura?" I look up and see Ryou looking at me with a concerned look on his face…damn it!!! Must I wait until tonight?

"Yeah, yeah…I'm coming." I trudge off to the door, following the rest of them…this is going to be a hell of a day…


Rose: ^_^ I finished!!!!

Kurama: And it took you long than you thought!

Rose: -_-….

Hiei: Don't blame her…blame her friends…they force her to go to story after story...

Rose: -_-'….

Kurama: Yeah…they do presser her…making her jump from story to story…

Rose: -__-''………

Hiei: …it's a wonder she hasn't-

Rose: SNAPPED?!??!?!?!

Hiei & Kurama: O___O'''''''

Rose: O_O…sorry about dat…I'm just a little…snappy right now…

Kurama: ^^' Oh…okay….

Hiei: O_O''' …again…you scare me…

Rose: ^^!!! I want to say something to the reviewers before I leave…

Hiei & Kurama: We know…

Kurama & Hiei & Rose: HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!

Rose: Hey guys? Do you think ff.net would upload the story to where 'Happy Mardi Gras' was in the colors I put it in?

Kurama: If you're asking whether or not ff.net can upload color…I haven't the slightest clue…

Hiei: O_O…why do you ask that now?

Rose: I dunno…anyway if it doesn't upload in color…the happy Mardi Gras thing was suppose to be in color…^^ purple, green, and gold…^^

Hiei & Kurama: Please leave a review!