A/N: This is my first fic (well, that I've ever had the guts to post, that is), so please be kind. All reviews are welcomed, though.


Disclaimer: I do not own "Trigun" in any way. But if I did, I could die a happy person.


Desert Sands

By: Batbabe


The sun was becoming a definite problem.

/Man, I'm going to sweat to death before I get back to town./ Vash was sure that he had already at least 5 quarts of sweat and he hadn't even been walking that long. But that was probably due to the fact that he was still injured and carrying a man his size on his shoulder. His brother certainly wasn't a light weight, despite his lanky appearance.

It was all worth it, though. Vash finally had his brother back, or at least he hoped he did. Maybe with the help and support of his sibling, Knives could learn to not be so hateful of humans, maybe even like them. Vash had so many plans for his new life with his brother, but he still had his doubts as to how well Knives could adjust to a life among humans. But his worries wouldn't matter much unless he got back to civilization. Knives needed medical attention soon, and Vash wasn't in much better shape. He could still feel his shoulder bleeding through the bandage.

/Hope it's not much farther./ As much as he denied it, Vash was actually looking forward to seeing the Insurance girls again too. He had always tried to push them away, to not let them get too close, but they clung to him like no one he had ever met. And for that, he was grateful. It gave him a warm feeling to know that he had people to go back to, that cared about him. Even the short girl, though she had a tendency to yell at him all the time for nothing at all. He smiled just thinking about it. Strange as it was, he found that he missed her yelling. It was home, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

The crunching of his steps quickened towards his destination.


Meryl didn't know how much more of this she could take. Vash had been gone for over a week, and there was no sign of his return. Meryl had told Milly that Vash would be back, that she was sure of it. But as the days dragged on, she lost some of her confidence. She couldn't bare to think that he might be dead, but she also couldn't stand the thought that he would choose not to come back to her.

Us. Not me, us. Meryl had to keep reminding herself that Vash didn't have feelings for her, other than friendship. Not that she had any romantic feelings for him, either. He was just a broom-headed idiot that had a strange obsession for donuts. He was just her assignment, her job. Nothing more.

Besides, she needed to be there for Milly right now. Meryl couldn't imagine what Milly must have been going through. To lose the first man that you've ever really loved and then to find out you're pregnant.... Meryl didn't know if she would be able to deal with that kind of heartbreak, but Milly was still her cheerful self. Though sometimes, when she didn't think Meryl could see, a sad look would come over her.

Meryl turned away from the window that she always seemed to find herself gazing out of, and went in the kitchen to start dinner. Milly would be back soon. Anything to get her mind off Vash for a while.


Milly sat down on a bench under a nearby tree to get away from the beating sun. She didn't normally get very tired working (she always seemed to have a lot of energy), but today was a definite exception. The sun just zapped the energy from her today. She supposed that it might be natural, considering the condition that she was in. Eventually she'd have to quit her job altogether, but she wasn't looking forward to that day. She loved her job. It gave her a chance to get out doors and be active all day, and she liked interacting with her coworkers too. She didn't like the thought of soon being stuck in the house all day, waiting for the baby to be born. She also didn't look forward to being alone all day with just her thoughts to keep her company.

Milly frowned. She'd avoided dwelling too much on everything that had happened to her in the past couple of months. Sometimes it just seemed too painful.

She also didn't want to put the burden of being the only provider on Meryl, she didn't like not being able to help out. Meryl had enough to worry about as it was. Mr. Vash still hadn't come back and, although she would never admit it, Meryl was getting more distressed with each passing day. And, so was Milly. When even Mr. Vash wasn't sure whether or not he was going to come back, how could either of the girls? Milly hoped he came back soon, she couldn't stand the thought of losing anyone else.

She got to her feet and started back over towards the digging site. She could still get some work in before quitting time and that brought a smile to her face. She'd think about her problems later, now she'd concentrate on her work.
