Author's Note: sorry about the delay and here it is. But I think it is really short

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"Talking" 'Thinking' (Action) [Sound effects] Telepathic
Seed Ranma

Chapter 12

Both Ranma and Seig are glaring at each, while the others are watching with silent. Seig couldn't believe how Ranma survived his last attack. Seig knew that he is still recovering from summoning Mandou as well not full control over his new founded powers.


Ranma (Smirking): "That's for me to out and you to find out."

Seig was angered by his response, but then his smiled evilly.

Seig: "Never mind that. Since I am still recovering, I will let you 'play' my new pet, Mandou."

The two-headed dog demon roared as he began to power up. One of his heads had electric aura covering half the body, while the other had an ice aura covering the other half.

Seig: "Let me see you defeat my monster"

Seig looked at Ranma expecting to step back in fear, but he was surprised when he saw Ranma still standing with a cocky grin.

Ranma: "I have to say if you hadn't attacked me last time I wouldn't have achieved my full potential."

Seig: "You're bluffing. It is impossible for a pitiful human like would do."

Ranma didn't reply as he took his ready stance. Seig just snorted, then jumped and seems to stand in midair. The others except Ranma were surprised that Seig had the ability to fly.


Mandou roars again and begins powered up. Mandou then charged at Ranma like a yellow blue comet. The others seeing the Ranma is being attacked stepped to help Ranma, but they stopped when they heard Ranma shouting at them.

Ranma (shouting): "STAY BACK"

They didn't why Ranma stopped them, but they had faith that Ranma will be ok. Ranma smiled, then he looked at the charging monster. Just before Mandou hit Ranma, he jumped over passing the Mandou who stopped when he didn't hit anything.

Mandou looked behind to see his pray standing when he suddenly disappeared. The others including Seig were surprised when they saw Ranma just fade away.

Zell (looking for Ranma): "Where did he go? He couldn't just disappear!"

Squall: "He can because Ranma knows that technique."

Everybody looks at Squall wanting to know how.

Squall (smiles): "Ranma callst his technique, Umisuken. Ranma told me that this technique couldn't be traced, It like vanishing out of the face of the earth. Ranma uses this one back then at the garden. When he was hungry, he sneaks in the cafeteria when it's after the curfew. He also uses this one when he is sleeping in the class."

Quistis (disbelief): "Is Ranma did all that?"

Squall: "yep"

Zell (blinking): "Did you just double crossed Ranma?"

Squall (shrugs): "Hey, it is only fair because he made us think that he is dead"

Zell (nods): "Fair enough"

Mandou begins to be frustrated for not finding his prey when it felt be hit on its side. Another hit on one of its head, another on the back, back leg, front leg, the other head, stomach, rip, jaws. Seig, seeing his pet being hit out of nowhere, begins to be angry.

Seig: "Mandou, use your ice breath"

Mandou stepped back and began to power up. Then unleashed its ice breath covering ice all in front of him. When it saw a human statue trying to break free, it quick charged toward him and knocked him off.

Ranma was in mid air, flipped and landed his feet. That last attack did some real damage to him. He then concentrates on casting a spell.

Ranma (casting): "Hey, big guy. Why don't you cool of a bit? BLIZZAGA"

The spell hit Mandou dead on making it freeze on its track, but Ranma wasn't finished yet.

Ranma: "Hey, don't forget your change. SHIN MOKO TAKABISHA"

Ranma's trademark blast hit Mandou dead making it stand and fall on its back. Ranma waited for it to stand up, and he wasn't disappointed. Mandou got up and began to glow. Ranma thought that it is going to charge at him when Mandou used ice breath. Ranma jumped up in air avoiding the attack, and then landed facing the still glowing monster. Wondering why, Ranma looked around him and found out why; 5 piles of ice surrounded him. Mandou then let a lightning blast hit the ice, which made form a pentagon ray. Ranma thought only one thing.

Ranma: ' this is going to hurt'

The earth around Ranma exploded. The reaction from the combination of ice and lightning made the surrounding area explode, dust covered the area where Ranma has been. Just then a blurb came out of the dust and charged toward Mandou with a shout

Ranma: "GOD FIST"

Ranma appeared behind Mandou and snapped his finger, which made Mandou howl in pain. The armor it's wearing falls out of it. Mandou made a pain roar before hitting the ground motionless.

Seig seeing his pet dead screamed in rage and looked up in the air before laughing in a very evil way. Ranma, wondering why Seig is laughing, stayed on guard for any trick Seig might have.

Seig: "Good...GOOD. Thanks to you, Ranma Saotome, you made me find me true power. I never thought that you would be achieving this leave in fighting me, in angering me. Let me show what a real power can do."

Seig raised his right hand infront of him and begins to concentrates. His right forearm began to glow with dark violet glow before aiming and shooting a dark violet ray at Mandou. Several moments had passed before Mandou suddenly got up and began to...grow?

Ranma step back in shock in power of what Mandou emitting. He sees Mandou grows and its skin become dark. Mandou let of a roar that shook the earth. Ranma now looked at the new Mandou. This one is three times larger than before, it has dark violet skin, and it has dark violet aura rather then the blue and yellow one.

The others seeing the Ranma have some trouble ran to help Ranma. Just they about to reach him, they been pushed back. They reached and sensed some kind field.

Seig (look at the group): "Sorry, ladies and gentleman. But this is one fight that your not going to interfere. Just enjoy the show"

Meanwhile, Ranma was dodging from the wild beast, or tried at least. This new Mandou was totally different from its last form. Deciding there is no other way, he has to use his new 'weapon'.

Shadow: I think It is time

Ranma: I don't have a choice do I

Shadow (smiles): don't worry kit. I won't just disappear. I will just merge with you giving all my knowledge. We become one. A whole

Ranma: well thanks, Shadow. Thank you for everything

Shadow: Come on, kit. Show him the true power of Neko-Ken.

Ranma jumped away from Mandou and stood up.

Ranma: "Hey, Seig. I think that play time is over."

Seig: "Oh what do have with anything"

Ranma (smirking): "Here is my move"

Ranma then closes his eyes and stood. Then he opened them showing not his normal blue eyes, but golden slit eyes. Ranma then screamed not in pain, but in effort.


A pillar of blood crimson aura exploded underneath Ranma and forms a spiral around him. Suddenly, the spiral forms a shape of sabre tooth tiger and unleashed a roar, startling even Mandou. Then Ranma began to absorb it, and there was a sudden flash of red light blinding all of them. When the light is gone, they look and they didn't see Ranma anywhere. They heard Quistis gasped. They looked at her and she pointed up in they air. They looked and started in awe.

There they Ranma hovering in midair, but that wasn't what they are shocked. Ranma is totally changed. Ranma was bare chest not only showing his muscles, but also a black tattoo that covered his chest abdomen and his arms. He was wearing black pants with red lines. His gauntlet was replaced by a fingerless glove, which covered his forearm. His hair where before it was a jet black, now it possessed streaks of crimson red intermingled with it, and his hair was loose instead of ponytail. Red aura is covering hi like a quiet flame. Ranma opened his showing the golden slit eyes glaring at Mandou. Then Ranma grinned showing a pair of fangs and hovered down and landed. Now for those who watched, the female group had one thing that runs in their mind.

Quistis, Rinoa, Selphie: ' HE'S GORGEOUS'

One was totally opposite than the rest of them.

Seig (disbelief): ' How...HOW!? How is this possible? There is no way there is a puny human like him have this much power?' (out loud) " what are you?"

Shadow-Ranma: "I am the Grandmaster of Neko-Ken. The Protector. I am Shadow Ranma"


Mandou roared and dashed toward Shadow-Ranma intending to crush him. Just about to hit him, Ranma raised hi hands and stopped Mandou from hitting him. Then Ranma screamed as his aura flared made Mandou fly away crashing few feet away. Shadow-Ranma jumped in the air, gathering his aura to unleash his final attack. Ranma's fists were above him aiming up in the air.

Shadow-Ranma: "DEMON FURY WAVE"

Shadow-Ranma aim at Mandou with a huge red rays the covered most of its body. Mandou roared in pain, but soon it fade away as the attack vaporised it. Seig shocked in disbelief at the enormous power emitting from Ranma. Then his clutches his fist in rage. He decided it is time to leave, so he did.

Shadow-Ranma saw Seig escape, but didn't give a thought. He was too weak to follow Seig. Shadow-Ranma hovered slowly toward the ground, as soon he touched he transformed back and collapsed on the ground. The just before he went unconscious, he heard his friends calling him.


Ranma groaned as he began to wake. He began to feel hi surroundings. The first thing seems to come to his mind was his back is in pain; it was like he is on metal ground. Scratch that, he is on a metal ground and it's shaking. The next thing he noticed it was the sound; it was like his on train. Opening his eyes he saw blurbs, blinking trying focus. When his vision is clear, he saw Squall, Rinoa, and Quistis infront of him with their backs facing him talking about something.

Ranma (moaning): "Where am I?"

As soon as he said the word he found himself in embrace that worth that of an Amazon. He looked down and saw Quistis hugging so tight that he couldn't breath.

Squall (seeing that Ranma couldn't breath): " Instructor, I think Ranma can't breath"

Quistis (confused): "Huh?" (looking at Ranma whose face turns blue. She let go) " Oh I sorry"

Ranma (panting): "That's....pant....ok. No....harm done, but why did you hugged me?"

Quistis looked at him, and then got a serious face. Ranma, wondering why she looked so serious, was about to ask when she slapped him in his left cheek.

Ranma (rubbing his cheek): "OW, WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?"



Then Quistis surprised Ranma by giving him a long sweet kiss. After breaking the kiss, Ranma just stood there in shock. After few had passed before Ranma gained his wits.

Ranma (looking at Quistis, who smiling at him): "and that was for what, if may ask?"

Quistis gave ranma a gentel hug and whispered to his ear.

Quistis: "That's for saving me. Thank you and welcome back."

Ranma (smiled and returned the hug): "glad to be back"

Quistis: "oh and one more thing"

Ranma: "what's that?"


Ranma (shocked and the glared at Squall): "TRAITOR"

Squall (shrugged) : "That's for dieing on me."


Ranma: "YES "

Quistis: "good"

Then she noticed something about Ranma and she kept staring. Ranma noticed Quistis staring at him. Confused he asked her.

Ranma: "Um Quistis, why are you looking at me like that?"

Quistis kept staring then she got the look that said I found it.

Quistis: "You're eyes, it looked different."

Ranma: "what?!"

Squall and Rinoa heard what Quistis said and looked at Ranma's eyes.

Squall: "Wild"

Rinoa: "it look so cool"

Quistis just nodded, but then she blushed

Quistis: ' wow he look good enough to eat'

Ranma: "what it looks like?"

Rinoa (handing him a mirror): "Here!"

Ranma look at his eyes from the mirror and stared at shock. His eyes still had usual blue, but it also had a golden colour that surrounds the pupils, which no longer round but slits.

Ranma: "Wow, this makes me look like a badass."

Then remembered about the others and looked around. Seeing no one, Ranma asked Squall.

Ranma: "Hey Squall, Where are we and where is Selphie, Zell, and Irvine?"

Squall: "Well...."


Ranma: "So let me get this straight. After my battle, you heard that the Galbadian forces are going to launch a missile attack on the garden. So you divided into two teams; one will try to abort the attack, and the other will go to warn the garden. And now we are on the train that will takes us to Balamb.

Then they heard the announcing that they arrived at Balamb.

Ranma: "And now we are going to Balamb, right?"

All three nodded.

Ranma (sigh): "come on, if we hurry we will make it before that attack."

Quistis: "Hey Ranma you didn't tell us about what you did when you fight Seig?"

Ranma: "I'll tell you after we save everybody."

All three nodded and they are on their way

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Plz review. And this is the profile on Shadow-Ranma

Name: Shadow-Ranma

Specialty: Neko-Ken, Chaos, and all the powers of the GF that Ranma has.

Attacks: Sabre Claw, Demon Fury Wave, Neko-Ken: Shin Moko Takabisha

More to come...